View Full Version : Grrr....Peeing on the floor!!!

08-01-2004, 08:37 AM
The vet told me that ONLY with the highest dose of Predizone(2 pills twice a day) that Jasper may pee inside because he won't be able to hold it.

He has been off that dose for 4 days, and he seems to have made a habbit of peeing on the floor :mad: I am so mad

This morning when he woke up, he *JUST* jumped off the bed, and I mean *JUST* maybe 10 seconds, and he was peeing on the floor, and he just stood there staring at me and kept doing it :mad:

AND that's not even the only time, yesterday he peed inside 4 times!!!!

I called the vet and she said that this dose shouldn't make him THAT bad, he seems like he thinks its FINE, or like all his potty training is commin undone.

Could it be because I didn't say anything to him when he peed on the floor the first time(on the high dose) because I thought he basically couldn't help it...

Gahhhh, HELP!

08-01-2004, 10:02 AM
Boy do I know what you are dealing with. My Blaze peed in his kennel overnite. We have had several accidents on the floor, even though he was only on 1 pred a day. Just took him to the vet again yesterday because the hot spot was worse. They gave us a antibiodic and more pred.
Now I have to give him a bath and clean the kennel. We have been trying to take him out every hour.
I think it takes a little while for the side effects of pred. to wear off.
Good Luck;)

08-01-2004, 10:08 AM
Sorry to hear that sweet Jasper is having a peeing problem:(

I totally understand because Angus is also on Prednizone and his dribbling has turned into a little more than dribbling:o

I would definately let your vet know what's going on, maybe they have him on too high of a dose.

08-01-2004, 12:54 PM
Predinose is powerful stuff. It's quite possible that the higher dose is still affecting Jasper. Pred stays in their system a long time and even the lower dose is still going to make him ravenously thristy.

My Sleet used to take Pred for her allergies. I found she had to go outside at least every 3 hours or she would have accidents. Sleet is a dog who regularly goes up to 16 hours without asking to go out. Sleet takes a different steriod now as I couldn't stand some of the other side effects of pred. It doesn't work quite as well, but she doesn't turn into a demon dog on it and the itching still stops.

08-01-2004, 01:45 PM
Oh dear,
Sorry to hear that Jasper is peeing in the house.
I hope it will stop soon.
Poor jasper, and poor you.

08-01-2004, 10:34 PM
Thanks for listening to my rant everyone :p

I have been putting him outside every hour, and haven't had any problems yet since this morning.

08-02-2004, 08:41 AM
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v43/anna66/Smileys/wooo.gif That's great to hear Robyn!