View Full Version : yikes! poor poor Happy!

07-31-2004, 11:16 PM
ok basicly at flyball tonight we were stupid, see while are club has been training flyball for years this is the first time we have raised the jumps slowley, and tonight we raised happy from 12s to 13s but stupidly instead of pracising her a couple times on that, we raced her against another dog and she hit the box really hard head on instead of turning like she should, and she completly twisted up her one toe on her front foot, she is off of activity for several weeks now and her toe is possabley broken, and its a long weekend the soonest we can get her to the vet is tuesday, so we have to be REALLY carefull that is does not get infected, we have it wrapped up right now, but that dog has REALLY high pain tolerence, I mean she just layed their with a big grin on her face wondering why we were making her lay down and were holding her paw! I mean most dogs would be screaming in pain, she still wanted to run!:rolleyes: oh bot on aside to that on our way to flyball the key got jammed in the door, then just now as I started typing this the shower knob broke like right off cold water started flying out, at high pressure(I am babysitting here) so I had to get brittnay to call anyone who could help while I attempted to keep the water in the tub until her uncle came and turned off the water to the whole house.....:eek: oh boy, bad night....

08-01-2004, 08:13 AM
Sending many good thoughts that
Happy will heal soon.


08-01-2004, 01:24 PM
ok update, thankfully is was only her nail and not her toe, but her nail was twisted up really bad, my mom was able to get the nail out last night, then bandaged up her foot, but Happer pulled off the bandage last night, but as far as we can tell right now she is just fine we just gotta watch that it does not start bleeding again. my mom said Happy was such a little sweetie about it last night, they muzzled her just in case, but she did not try anything she was a very good girl about getting her nail pulled like that :) anyway she is going to get lots of vit C to help her heal faster, and to help make sure her foot does not get infected. But Happy is alright :D

08-01-2004, 01:46 PM
That is good news. :)

08-03-2004, 05:31 PM
awww poor baby, her foot strated to bleed again today, she was licking it so much. so her foot was bandaged up, now to sell her the merits of leaving it on...:rolleyes:

08-04-2004, 03:08 PM
Just caught up on the perils of Happy!!! Oh, poor baby! What a brave pupper she was, letting your mom take care of that nail! What a night for you too! I'm so glad to hear that Happer's doing good!:) Hugs to you sweetie! Heal quickly:)

08-08-2004, 01:28 PM
Feel Better soon, Happy! Good Luck!

Toller 42
08-08-2004, 01:33 PM
poor Happy:( i hope she's better soon, my dog's brother ripped off his whole dewclaw last night.

08-10-2004, 08:37 AM
Oh dear,,, bad day all round,,,, relax,, tomorrow is another day!!!!