View Full Version : Farruska?

12-11-2001, 02:27 PM
I've either overlooked it or our friend Farruska hasn't posted in awhile.

Farruska ~ Hope everything is ok!

Former User
12-11-2001, 02:30 PM
Yeah, I've noticed the same :(

Edwina's Secretary
12-11-2001, 05:10 PM
and Giglio from Italy??? :confused: Are we losing some of the European connection?

4 feline house
12-11-2001, 06:02 PM
Fasrruska hasn't been on since 11/02, and Gio hasn't been on since 10/19. I've been especially worried about Gio's absence since her parents were so ill.

Maybe I'll email this page to them....

12-11-2001, 10:10 PM
That is right, have not heard from Farruska lately.....
Also, it's been a LONG time, but what about Ben (ben-e-gas)??? He was always on here when I first joined Pet Talk, but not for a long time. Has it already been addressed- did I miss something?

4 feline house
12-11-2001, 11:02 PM
Yes, Ben's absence has been noted a couple of times since his last post in July. Several of us emailed him but got error messages. I recently went on his website but there's been nothing new since last March. I even put his and his pet's names in Google but only got Pet Talk pages. He seems to have disappeared off the face of the earth.

12-12-2001, 07:03 AM
Thanks for your concern everyone and a special thanks to Leah for emailing me the link to this topic. I haven't been to the board in ages, I lurked once or twice that's all.

Leah is right, one of the reasons for my absence is due to the problems I've been having at home, my father did take a turn for the worse about 7 weeks ago and was hospitalized yet again, now he's home but during the first few weeks at home the problems were far from over since he couldn't do anything by himself. Even if his condition is still critical (his age does not help) it has stabilised, he is much better and can now move around the house with one of those "frame" things. For a while my life was a complete chaos and I hardly had time to think. Luckily I have my 3 angels to keep us sane. I don't know how what we would have done without them.

Besides that, at work they have piled 7 of us (with 2 PCs each, printers, fax machines etc) in a tiny room (the room was used by 3 people before) until our new premises are ready, and this does not my Pet Talk visits easy, some people here already think that there's something slightly wrong with me, I wonder what would they think if they read some of my posts!

I promise though, I won't disappear again, I missed Pet Talk far too much. And in January I'm definetly going to buy a PC (and a scanner...)

Once again, thanks for your concern

[ December 12, 2001: Message edited by: Gio ]

12-12-2001, 11:11 AM
Glad to hear from you again Gio . Sounds like the fun my hubby had when his old job had a building water link. 4 agents to a cube. He finally admitted he was not an office guy, went back to construction. I have had you in prayers all along Keep up the smile and you'll get though .

12-12-2001, 11:25 AM
Glad to hear from you, Gio. Tell your dad we are keeping him in our thoughts and prayers.
Hugs to you, your family and the kitties!! :)

12-12-2001, 12:04 PM
To: Farruska & Gio - so glad you're still around :) :)

12-12-2001, 12:09 PM
{{{Farruska}}} and {{{Gio}}},

Cyber-hugs coming at ya. Will hold you in our prayers during these turbulent times.

{{{Leah}}} -- thanks for making a point to keep in touch. You are a very special woman.

Cougie Wechsler
12-12-2001, 01:30 PM
I am so glad you two are back! We really love your posts and yes, we will keep both you in our prayers during difficult times! Farruska, the new black kitten we found looks alot like Farrusko. She is so cute as I am sure Farrusko is! :) Glad you are back