View Full Version : Pretty Big News

07-31-2004, 03:41 PM
Ok so I've decided that my job isn't quite what I was hoping it was. lol I have also decided, in the past couple days, that I am going to go back to school. Which means that I must move back home, closer to school, and also no rent/electric/cable bills lol! Anywho, that also means I had to sweet talk mom into Claire and Rebel being inside dogs there at her house, that was my main reason for moving out in the first place because Claire had to live with Shannon my bf and Rebel had to stay outside. (Which I find just plain wrong) She said yes, but they'd have to stay in my two rooms which frankly is almost as big as this apartment. haha :) I'll be hopefully going back to my old job a couple days a week while in school. I'm really glad about the whole thing because the dogs will be back in the country, with a yard to run in, and best of all, I will get my Niki back! :D I am very excited and happy to go back to college, I hope to go for Internet Technologies or something along those lines. Well, I just had to share that news, it's big news to me and I'm very happy about it. It's going to be alot of work all at once because as alot of you probably know school starts very soon. Mine would start on the 19th of Aug and that's not very far off. :( In that time, I have to get out of my lease, move back home, get the dogs settled (Poor things, I feel bad to move them again, but it'll be better for them and me), tell them at work that I've got to leave, and get all the school stuff straightend out. Whew! Well, thanks for reading all that you guys, I really hope that it works out for me and my babies. I'll be so glad when it's all done and over. :D

Thanks again everyone,

07-31-2004, 03:43 PM
Wow! I'm excited for you! :D

07-31-2004, 03:56 PM
Thanks Ashley!

07-31-2004, 03:57 PM
Good for you and you get your Niki back! Best of Luck!

07-31-2004, 04:14 PM
:D Thanks, hopefully by the end of two weeks from now, I'll be all done with this stuff, I am just really hoping that my job will let me go ahead and leave before 2 weeks so I can get this stuff done you know

07-31-2004, 04:26 PM
Good luck! I think you're very smart to go back to school. Now your dogs will have more company maybe? I'm glad your mom agreed to let them stay inside. I'm sure they'll be happy wherever you are.

07-31-2004, 04:34 PM
Thanks! Yeah, my mom only works from 8-11 and then 5-7 every day, but I'll be off every weekend, I only plan to work about 3 days a week and even then only till 6pm. :D

07-31-2004, 04:55 PM
Wow! Good Luck. :D

07-31-2004, 05:21 PM
I think you are making a great decision. Although I like my job, I really regret not finishing college. The older you get, the harder it is to go back. Good luck!

07-31-2004, 05:36 PM
Excellent news, all around. Talk to your current boss ASAP - the more notice you give, the easier it will be for them to cut you some slack, hours-wise. Just don't say anything bad about your job, leave that part out of the coversation! ;)

07-31-2004, 09:57 PM
I think this is great news and I'm so happy for you. You sound really excited. I'm wishing you all the best.

Robin :)

08-01-2004, 11:53 AM
Thanks everyone! Karen, thanks so much for the advice, I really hope they'll cute me off the hours some, b/c I have so much to do, lol. I'm sceduled to work every day this week, literally mon thru sun and maybe even that next mon. too!! I don't know what I'll do, I've got to talk to so many people and when I get off work it's too late, ah!

08-02-2004, 03:45 PM
Ok so I'm now officially a college student! :D YaY! I have only got to go back and get books on the 9th, and fill out the FASFA, that's it. :D Start school on the 19th.

I have also, talked to my apartment people, set the shutoff dates for my electric and cable. :D

I do however have to pay approx. 2,000.00 to my apartment in order to move out! It's ridiculous!!! I'll work through it though, somehow, going back to school is worth it to me. I am now faced with quiting my job, I don't have enough time to give 2 weeks notice only enough time to give them until this Fri, I have got to start moving out this weekend. I really hope that they don't go on and on about it, there's nothing they or I can do. Anyway, I just have to work up my nerve, I hate going up and talking to my boss about stuff, just as everyone else in the world feels I think. :D Wish me luck! lol

08-02-2004, 03:55 PM
That's great news! Congrats and good luck!