View Full Version : Popcorn & a cat

11-05-2001, 03:54 PM
Okay, I'm eating popcorn and Mysty is kinda warching me and kinda not. I drop a piece and she looks at it, sniffs it and licks it. I take it away from her but she licks her lips and looks at me like: uhh..hello...that was MINE. Is popcorn okay for cats? :D just wondering. Anways she seems to like it, and I'm not gonna let her have it again, but like I said, can cats eat popcorn?

11-05-2001, 04:11 PM
I don't believe there's anything inherently bad or harmful in popcorn itself. Although, I would think that, as with humans, the little corn bits can stick in their teeth or may be a little hard to swallow and they might "choke" or gag on a small piece! I would go the unbuttered, unsalted route if at all! Actually, mine love to bat the pieces around like balls and usually just lick the salt or flavor off!! :D

11-07-2001, 11:22 AM
My Abby (rainbow bridge) ate popcorn as if it were going out of style. She never had any problems chewing or digesting it. Abby preferred the stuff with butter and salt :D

Former User
11-07-2001, 12:36 PM
Casper likes popcorn too, with salt. We oly give him ONE piece though, otherwise he won't leave us alone...Before he eats it, he has to punch it couple of times on the floor, play some popcorn 'hockey'. After a little while, it's done, and he can eat it :rolleyes:

:D Now all this talk about popcorns made me want them...GOOD thing we have them, definitely going to make some later :D :p

11-07-2001, 01:07 PM
Although it's pretty hard to resist, I really try to maintain a cat food, no people food diet for my cats. However, once in a great, great while I'll give them a spoonful of Gerbers baby food as a real treat. But this usually happens on a special occasion like Thanksgiving or something. I tried giving them a little piece of chicken and one of the cats got a nasty case of the runs from it - so it seems they're much healthier with just their favorite Whiska meal :)

11-07-2001, 01:17 PM
I do the same thing-no people food. The only thing I give them is tuna when I open a can, and Danny doesn't even like it. I also heard that people food is not good for them, plus I want to discourage begging.
I'm never tempted to give them scraps, but I have caught my friends doing it. :rolleyes:

11-08-2001, 02:49 PM
I KNOW it's bad to feed Noah people food, but I'm guilty!!! :(

I just gave Noah a piece of white cheddar popcorn and he was so cute. He ate tiny pieces at a time and savored every bite! He only got one piece (I DO actually try not to feed him people food).

He loves all the food we eat, but when I tell him "no" he actually listens. Now...if only he will listen when I say "No! Don't scratch the couch", "No! Stop attacking mommy's hair while she's sleeping!" and "No! Stop trying to climb up the screen door!" :rolleyes:

11-08-2001, 07:12 PM
Sorry folks but I have to admit to something here. I don't know who's crazier (crazyier) :confused:, my mother or my cats - past and present - CHEESE POPCORN MAKES THEM ALL NUTS :D I have to cut them all off or they all will get ooozie when they ALL will knock off the bag I dare to bring home.
laurie :D