View Full Version : How Luna has helped me with the new website! :) (pics)

07-30-2004, 05:26 PM
I wrote an article for www.catmom.de about cats and milk, and since I always added little pictures related to the subject I'm writing about, I needed a photo of a cat drinking milk.

Luna agreed to be my model: :)
(she got cat milk, of course)



In the second picture you can see very well how she is licking up the milk with her tongue! Isn't that cute? :)


07-30-2004, 06:50 PM
Oh what a beautiful model you make Luna.
Kirsten, your pictures always amaze me the way you capture action shots.

07-30-2004, 07:39 PM
That picture is purrfect!!! I would send that in to Whiskas!!:D

By the way - I did not even know Whiskas made a cat milk. Do you buy this in a pet store - and is it refrigerated?? I would love to get some for my kids.

07-31-2004, 09:20 AM
I ahve bought the Whiska Milk,for Cats too,but In Canada,they are in the Tetra Boxes! I would rather have the plastic container,as they wouldnt spill so easily!

07-31-2004, 12:41 PM
What wonderful pictures of Luna sipping her milk. :) I agree you should send it to Whiskas. Luna is such a cute model.

Now, we're talking about cats drinking .... I heard that they lick it up backwards to how humans would do it. I've sat and watched Fister while drinking water, but his movements are too quick for me to see if this is true. - Oh, I could go and watch a video of him drinking, on slow!! :D

07-31-2004, 12:53 PM
Yum Yum Luna!! I bet you'd volunteer to be meowmies model anytime!:rolleyes:

07-31-2004, 02:30 PM
Debbie, you can buy this milk in almost every supermarket here. As long as you haven't opened the bottle, you can store it outside the fridge, but after opening, I'm keeping it cool.

Gary, here in Germany, the Whiskas cat milk also came in tetra-pack for many years, these little bottles are new.

Randi, I agree, it would be interesting to see them drinking in slow motion. They seem to have an amazing technique. :)


07-31-2004, 02:50 PM
That second one turned out so cute!

07-31-2004, 03:33 PM
How adorable!!!
I buy the little boxed cat milk, catsip or something like that for my guys.