View Full Version : I'm so ticked off.

07-30-2004, 01:58 PM
:mad: :mad: :mad:
My dad just got off with the lady who adopted Kiara out to us (at the Humane Society.)

When we were filling out the application. The lady told us at the end of the month that Kiara was due for some more shots, and to bring her in because they were going to give them to her.

Well, we've been calling to make an appointment to do so and finally we were able to get through. Now the lady is denying that she said this, and is saying Kiara doesn't even need these shots.

My dad or I would never say anything unless we sincerely meant it. We wouldn't make crap up especially involving our dogs.

It's not even the fact that it involves money it's that SHE told us that we were supposed to come back and have them done for free. It even says on her papers that she needs them by today (7/30) If she would have just told us "you need to take her to the vet and have it done by 7/30" Fine... but it's the fact that she said that they'd give the shots to her.

My dad is on the phone right now with whoever is in charge and supposedly they're going to make us an appointment to have them done for free.

It just pisses me off so much that she'd deny it. My dad and I were both standing there and listened to every word she said.

I guess we have an appointment at 2 o'clock Monday to get the shots at the HS. It really makes me sort of hesitant because what if they just bring her back and don't even give her the shots? What if they'd just saying that to get us off their backs?

:( :mad: :mad:

07-30-2004, 02:12 PM
whew...i thought you were gonna say she is demanding Kiara back!! Now THAT would be a reason to be ticked off!!!

Samantha Puppy
07-30-2004, 02:16 PM
Can't you tell them that you would like to be present while the shots are administered?

I'd be pissed too, but like bizdevguy I thought you were going to say she was demanding Kiara back... Of all the things that could possibly go "wrong" this is minor, so just take a few deep breaths and calm down. It'll be okay. :)

07-30-2004, 02:18 PM
I know this is minor but it makes me mad that she tried to deny iy. I hate liars, and I hate people who say one thing but then say another.

I wouldn't even be able to see to type a post because i'd be bawling my eyes out if we had to take her back.

07-30-2004, 02:29 PM
You scared me there for a sec kay! (i thought too that they wanted kiara back)

But, still that sucks. I hate it when people act that way...

Samantha Puppy
07-30-2004, 02:31 PM
Originally posted by Kfamr
I know this is minor but it makes me mad that she tried to deny iy. I hate liars, and I hate people who say one thing but then say another.I know, I do too. I'm not saying you shouldn't be mad at all - I would be too. But just try and calm down and know that in the grand scheme of life, this is a minor thing that you have to deal with and it'll be over in a couple days and then this woman will be out of your life and you don't have to worry with her lies anymore. :)

I wouldn't even be able to see to type a post because i'd be bawling my eyes out if we had to take her back. Yeah... tell me about it. I still cry when I think about Lila... and then I made the mistake of going to the rescue's website and there she was, listed... a dog without a home, because of me. :(

At any rate, just go give Kiara a hug and you'll feel better.

07-30-2004, 02:49 PM
Wow ya scared me too! When you take her for shots why would you not be with her? I'd make sure I was! Or is it possible just to go to your vet and steer clear of them? That's one reason I'm not sure my dog next dog will come from the shelter.You sign a paper that if you don't do right they'll come take the dog back!Like with Mandy when I had to call them and tell them I wasn't getting Mandy fixed I thought wow what if they don't agree with my decision?( I'm sure the vets would back me up) But ha over my dead body they'd take her back:eek: Luckily they were really cool about it and sorry I got a sick dog.

Aspen and Misty
07-30-2004, 02:51 PM
Ask to stay with her. Demand to say with her. When they go to take her say "O I'll walk her" and walk back with them. Tell them Kiara doesn't like to be with out you and so you want to be there.

Thats what I would do,

07-30-2004, 02:59 PM
I agree with the other, insist on staying with her when they give her the shots.

07-30-2004, 04:21 PM
They did that to us with Dusty. I saw that he had a hanging dew claw and I mentioned it. They told me that his vet was covered for 30 days and to bring him back the following week for their vet to look at it. When I brought him back, they denied it.

07-30-2004, 05:22 PM
That purely sucks, why do people do that? (Lie) I'm sorry Kay, I hope it all works out best for you guys.

07-30-2004, 06:22 PM
As I have learned a long time ago Have it in writting. T too get pissed at that kind of thing. I have also carried a tape recorder and tell them I have it and I will be taping the converstaion. You have to also record telling them your doing it. Saved my butt many times.