View Full Version : To the kitties: Your top 5 of most disgusting things in a cat's life!

10-06-2001, 11:27 AM
Hi, here's Luna speaking! :) Well, guess we're all lucky felines here who are deeply loved by our human mommies and daddies, but even though they love and adore us, they let some very disgusting things happen in our cat lives.

My top 5 definitely are:

1. the vet
2. the vaccum cleaner
3. getting claws trimmed
4. getting teeth brushed
5. mom's water pistol when I'm killing her plants

My life would be so much easier without this... :)
What's YOUR top 5?

Hugs and purrs,

Luna ,,,^..^,,,

Former User
10-06-2001, 11:52 AM
1.) word 'NO' yelled out loud everyday
2.) vacuum cleaner
3.) vacuum cleaner
4.) the vet
5.) the water pistol that comes out of nowhere when where hanging on the curtains...

we really hate vacuum cleaner, that's why it's there twice! Vet isn't so bad, but that's because nothing bad has happened to us there (yet).

10-06-2001, 05:30 PM
There is no question vacuum cleaners are the most awful invention....what comes in a close second is the power mower! Pots, pans etc. which make loud clangs and bangs after one carefully knocks them on the kitchen floor are dreadful. Wynkie does not like the buzzer on the dryer (drier?), especially when shes snoozing on top of it while it's nice and warm. Very truly yours, Peregrin Took, the Thane(aka Pippin) o/b/o self, Eowyn (Wynkie) and Legolas (Lil Guy)

4 feline house
10-06-2001, 10:12 PM
Landlord's leaf blower
Vacuum cleaner
Vacuum cleaner attachments, until thoroughly killed by several fast-action, claws-extended swats
Vet (Peaches says Ouch! That's where she was this morning!)
Garbage truck every Tuesday and Friday

10-06-2001, 11:16 PM
1.Vacum cleaners (Hiss)
3.being herded by the dog (Sheltie-Teddy)
4.Cat fights
5.Hyper humans

We still love them though!

10-07-2001, 08:01 AM
Trevor and Andy put their heads together and came up with these things they hate:
1 - Having to live with dog slobber on our beautiful fur from the pup licking us!!! :eek:
2 - People knocking at the front door and scaring us so we have to go hide for a while!
3 - Being told to get off the kitchen table!
4 - This low fat food our mom is buying and getting less kitty treats!
5 - Being hollered at when we "clean" items off the top of the dresser. :D

10-07-2001, 09:27 AM
Ritzy's pet peeves
1. Anything that makes my tail do this

10-07-2001, 09:47 AM
2. Bugs on the ceiling I can't reach
http://wsphotofews.excite.com/031/cZ/Wq/uj/4p78253.jpg http://wsphotofews.excite.com/036/z1/hd/Se/kU70491.jpg
3. Trips to the vet (help me hide!)
4. That !@#$ vaccuum cleaner
5. Human perfume & after shave

[ October 07, 2001: Message edited by: tuxluvr ]

10-07-2001, 11:45 AM
tuxluvr, I forgot about "the old puffed tail!" :D :D (Great pictures by the way!)Yep, that's a condition that my kitties don't like to be in either. It definitely means that something in their world is not to their liking. The last time my kitties were "puffed" was the day they realized we had invited a DOG to live with us. :D

[ October 07, 2001: Message edited by: Pam ]

10-07-2001, 12:29 PM
Max's list of "'scust me" things:

1. Vet
2. Vet
3. Vet (do we note a theme, here?)
4. Dogs bigger than me (not an easy fete
- Mh) - definate tail busher!
5. Mom - when she cuts my "fingers"
(claws), gives me meds/vitamins,
flea-bug med, or when she squishes
me because she can't resist me -
otherwise, she's not so bad.

10-07-2001, 06:50 PM
The girls hate:
1. The Vacuum Monster
2. The evil Pet Carrier
3. The Vet (who had to pull Cat out of my
Hair at the last Visit)
4. Trash Bags
5. Strangers knocking on the Door or ringing
the Doorbell.

The Boy hates:
1. Being touched
2. Being picked up
3. Having Hugs and Kisses forced on him
4. The Neighbor's Dog
5. Thunder and Lightning

10-08-2001, 05:43 AM
Oh yes, I agree, dogs are more than awful, especially the big ones! And "no" is a terrible word, it always comes when I'm having fun!
And bugs on the ceiling... more than annoying! I've even learned walking the top of the door but I can't reach them though!


10-08-2001, 07:01 AM
1. The door bell
2. My six year old grand daughter
3. Another cat outside
4. Company in general

2 of my 4 cats love to chase the vacuum
yes, even when its running, but run like hell when the door bell rings - go figure. :rolleyes:

10-08-2001, 10:58 AM
My cats all dislike different things except from the vacuum cleaner :D

1. Her mom having to go to work 5 days a week
2. The pet carrier especially when we have to force her into it
3. Having her paws touched and her nails trimmed
4.The vacuum cleaner
5 Her new younger brother (I think it's cats in general she has a problem with - except from 1 of her cousins)

There are good reasons behind point 2 and 3, poor thing

1. Fireworks (she is terrified of them, even whjen they are on TV)
2. Removals which occur sometimes in our apartment block (she only hisses when she sees removal vans :confused: )
3. The fences we had to put around house plants
4. The vacuum cleaner
5. Not getting her own way (like not being able to jump on the table when she feels like it)

It's too early to say what the young one dislikes, I've only had him for a few days ;)

[ October 08, 2001: Message edited by: Gio ]

10-08-2001, 12:39 PM

Me too! I am sorry about the loss of so many people so close to where you are.

Here are Noah's Dislikes:
1. The vacuum cleaner
2. Moving trucks that steal mommy and daddy's parking spot up front. (They make lots of noise)
3. The wind when I am outside checking the mail with mommmy
4. Daddy ignoring me at 3:00 am when I want to snuggle. (That's OK, mommy will wake up and cuddle! :D )
5. Being stuck inside when mommy and daddy talk with the neighbors. "I can hear you and I want to come out too!" :mad:

10-08-2001, 02:19 PM
Here are Thelma & Weezie's dislikes:

1. The pet carrier (otherwise known as "The Big Blue Instrument of Torture"
2. The vet, but only when he gives us shots
3. The vacuum cleaner
4. The brush (only for Thelma)
5. Laxatone
6. B-A-T-H

[ October 08, 2001: Message edited by: catwoman ]

10-08-2001, 02:46 PM
Mir is terrified of popcorn popping in the microwave. She isn't afraid of much else, but that sends her hiding for quite a while. Otie is afraid of everything, except his food bowl. :D

10-08-2001, 07:52 PM
The 5 most disgusting things in my life are ...
1)vacume cleaners
2)cat food(i like prime cut meat)
3)mommys music
4)hair brushes
5)scarey movies

10-08-2001, 08:17 PM
Lily isn't scared of anything, not even the vacuum. I have vacuumed in her tail all the way up to her hiney without her so much as flinching! :eek:

Meeshe is completely opposite and afraid of more things than I can count; even his reflection in the closet mirror doors! :D

10-08-2001, 11:06 PM
Avajoy, ROFL about Lily. Just thinking about it made Weezie's tail puff. :eek:

10-09-2001, 06:45 AM
Thanks for the condolences. It was a really horrible disaster. Why on earth they let little Cessnas take off near to much bigger plane is beyond me. It was a bit worrying since 2 people I work with were supposed to land at that airport so before more precise news were released we were worried sick. I've been on that plane before myself, things like this make you realise how easy it is to be here one moment and disappear the next.

Avajoy, my Gigio (rainbow bridge) was not afraid of the vacuum at all. Once I passed the vacuum lightly on him when he was sleeping, I thought he would jum, he didn't even open his eyes, after e few seconds he just rolled on his other side as if to say: Can you do this side for me now mom?"


10-09-2001, 06:53 AM
Avajoy, Gio, my Bo is absolutely unafraid of the vacuum, probably because her previous owner used to clean her room with a handheld one (Dust Buster).
Bo's 5 top dislikes....
1. Being left alone while her humans are at work.
2. Being displaced from her favorite chair when I want to sit down.
3. Perfume/cologne and hand lotion.
4. Being handled too roughly (my dad likes to play rough and Bo hisses at him when he tries to play with her).
5. Sudden loud noises (dropped dishes, the coffee grinder, etc.)

10-10-2001, 10:43 AM
2-When Momma can't be still while we are trying to get some beauty rest.
3-Not being allowed on the kitchen counters. :mad:
4-Not getting scraps. :mad: :mad:
5-When Momma turns the Turbo-Scratcher upside-down in the middle of the night because we are being too loud with it. :mad: :mad: :mad: !!!!