View Full Version : My mom's friend has a ghost in her house!

07-29-2004, 06:44 PM
My mom's friend emailed my mom last night, and this is what she had to say:

They have the spirit of a four year old girl in their house. Evidently she has gravitated to Giacomo (her husband), Lindsey (her daughter), and Lindsey's daughter Sophia. Sophia, who's at least 2-3 years old says she has a playmate named Ca Ca. Giacomo has seen this girl he says four times. The little girl is named Cathy and was killed in a car wreck back in the early 50's. There have been many unexplained occurrances.

Freaky! And it's 54 years later... WOW! :eek:

The little girl is probably lost, and she can't find her way to the light & needs help. Both of her parents are dead, so, she is alone. She emailed us because we had a ghost lady to send three ghosts in MY HOUSE away!

I've never seen a spirit/ghost.. but I've definitely felt their prescence around me.. and that was 2 years ago..

Aspen and Misty
07-29-2004, 07:49 PM
:eek: :eek: :eek:

i totally beleave in ghost!! How scary! Is she freindly? :eek:


07-29-2004, 08:07 PM
:eek: Eeeeeekkk...I'm terrified of ghosts!:eek: How freaky!

07-29-2004, 08:29 PM
Wowsers, that's one of those things that would freak me totally, lol. I say I don't believe in them but sometimes you just can't explain things....

07-29-2004, 08:38 PM
Gosh, that would break my heart to have a 4 year old girl as a ghost in my house! I'd feel soooo bad for the little lost spirit. I hope someone helps her find her way "home" soon.

07-29-2004, 08:52 PM
She is a friendly ghost.. she is only 4 years old..

She plays with my friend's daughter's little girl.. and she talks to the ghost all the time.. Wow..

I don't know why she is there..

07-29-2004, 09:53 PM
thats like my cousin, she used to play with the little 'boy' who lived afew apartments down. :eek:

we also have a toddler lil' girl around our neighborhood. she was hit on the train tracks that are only 50 feet from my house. i guess shes afraid to go home, her parents might be mad at her for playin on the tracks. the funny thing is she takes shape as my little sister at her (ghost) age. :rolleyes: i even had a talk/encounter with her. :rolleyes: :)

Desert Arabian
07-29-2004, 10:49 PM
CountryWolf, wow, that is creepy! :eek:

Our house is haunted by my dad's parents. We currently live in their house. Right after my grandparents passed away, weird stuff happened, weird noises, weird movement, etc. You just feel weird in general like some one is starring at you, but you can't see them. When I am laying in my bed @ night reading, trying to fall asleep, the pewter dishes in our living room will chink together, like someone hit them. Weird commotion is going on in the basement. It's not the cats, the pewter is up too high, and they sleep with my parents at night. We have wood floors, the boards will start to creek like someone is walking on them. For about a week last year, it sounded like someone was pacing back and fourth next to my bed. I was so terrified, I made my mom lay in bed with me one night so she could hear it. I couldn't fall asleep until 3 o'clock or so, I was so scared. Stuff in the basement will get knocked over onto the ground, making lound noises- again it is not the cats, because right away I look for them, and I find them upstairs sleeping. One night I was laying on the couch with Sammy and I kept hearing various odd noises, like taping on the wall. I didn't think much of it. Sammy was laying in front of me, bathing himself, all of a sudden Sammy got HUGE eyes and starred up at the celing- and FROZE. I have never seen him freeze like that. All of a sudden his head turns really fast, like he was following something moving. He did this for about 10 minutes, I thought he was going to get dizzy. Then he froze again and stared into the corner. It was not a bug, I searched high and low, no bug. The expression on Sammy's face, the look in his eyes, sent a chill down my spine- I have NEVER seen him act like that. I know it was either my grandma or my grandpa. OH- three months after my grandma passed away, I woke up in the middle of the night, to find my grandma floating in the corner with a bright light around her. I blinked my eyes and she was gone. I rolled over and faced the wall, and I could hear my floor start to creek a little bit, and it felt like someone was starring at me.

I fully believe my house is haunted, no wait, I KNOW my house is haunted.

I hate it. I hate it so much. I get so scared, it is so creepy and scarry. Thank God we are moving eventually.

07-29-2004, 10:56 PM
Wow, thats scary! :eek:

I belive in ghostes because when I was 3 I had a encounter with one. When I was born my mom's mom passed away, and I never knew what she looked like when I was 3. One day my mom comes up to check on me, and she heard me talking to someone, when I was playing with my toys. She asked who I was talking to, and I go Grandma. My moms like well what does she look like? And I said She has dark hair. Which is exactly right. And I never knew what she looked like before. Hmmmmm....

07-29-2004, 11:25 PM
I dont believ in ghosts but there are definatly some strange things that happen and can be scary, for example, at my friends house, buttons have been heard being pressed on their microwave when nobody is their, their TV turns on and off by itself sometimes during the night, and when U was over we heard a shatter but nothing was their and nothing fell... also when I was sitting on the floor watcing a movue at my house a few months ago, all of a sudden I felt this ice cold draft, but it came from the wall, and stayed in the one area, all of a sudden I got goosebumps and was freezing, when I got up and moved just a few feet over it was warm and nrmal agian, but if I stepped back into that spot it was cold and gave me goosebumps.. :eek:

07-30-2004, 04:43 PM
Originally posted by cali
I dont believ in ghosts but there are definatly some strange things that happen and can be scary, for example, at my friends house, buttons have been heard being pressed on their microwave when nobody is their, their TV turns on and off by itself sometimes during the night, and when U was over we heard a shatter but nothing was their and nothing fell... also when I was sitting on the floor watcing a movue at my house a few months ago, all of a sudden I felt this ice cold draft, but it came from the wall, and stayed in the one area, all of a sudden I got goosebumps and was freezing, when I got up and moved just a few feet over it was warm and nrmal agian, but if I stepped back into that spot it was cold and gave me goosebumps.. :eek:

Ya definitely have a ghost in the house..

07-30-2004, 06:40 PM
Creepy... At least she's friendly.

I believe in ghosts too. I know they exist. I've never seen one either - but me, my mom, and my sister all knew there was one in our old apartment.

07-30-2004, 11:17 PM
I believe in ghosts, I have seen them, and I have heard from people. That story kinda related to the movie "The Others"

Hey, I spent 15 minutes searching what movie that was, I forgot the what was it called. :D

07-31-2004, 03:26 PM
Originally posted by Jazzy
I believe in ghosts, I have seen them, and I have heard from people. That story kinda related to the movie "The Others"

Hey, I spent 15 minutes searching what movie that was, I forgot the what was it called. :D

Sixth Sense? With Bruce Willis in it?