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07-28-2004, 04:57 PM
I've been achin' for some new pictures of your Collie boys, as well as that cutie, Murph! When do we get to see new pictures? :D How's Gully doing in Puppy Class?

07-28-2004, 05:00 PM
Yes! I want some cute scruffy Murph pictures please! :D

07-28-2004, 05:22 PM
Mmmhmm! I need my Collie fix!

07-28-2004, 05:26 PM
hola Goldenretrluver!

I've gotten so into these music videos, I haven't been thinking in picture terms lately. I'll have to see about taking some pics in the next day or two, so y'all can see how big Gully's gotten. He weighed in at 35lbs at the vet last Saturday. He's getting so lovey dovey too. He comes and throws his paw out at me, then gives nose nudges and kisses.

He's doing really great in the puppy class. Just 2 more to go. The trainer was telling us Saturday, that the only thing we really need to work on is "Stay". He's exactly like Oz at this age, where that one's concerned. He wants to be doing something. He's got the best "Come" in the class. The other dogs meander to their owners. Gully comes to me like he was shot out of a cannon. :) He's got such enthusiasm. That's much more important to me right now then "Stay". He'll get there on that one, so I'm not too worried about it.

He's so funny, she was working each of the dogs. She told Gully to Sit and Stay. He did it, but he barked at her 2 times, to let her know what he thought about it. That Gully, he's such an opinionated lil' guy. :)


07-28-2004, 05:33 PM
I've seen your posts with the videos, but Windows Movie Maker isn't working on my computer, so I'll have to have my dad take a look at it soon. I'd love to see them!

Wow, Gully's 35 pounds already? How old is he? He's gonna be one big boy. Molly's about 70 pounds; quite big for a female Collie, but she really doesn't look it, weight wise. She's as tall as a horse, so I'm guessing that's where all the weight goes. ;)

Glad to hear he's doing well in class! I'll be looking forward to those pictures! :D

07-28-2004, 05:50 PM
Yeh I think Gully's going to be bigger than Oz. Oz weighed in at 65lbs a couple of weeks ago at the vet. I think he's on the small size for a male. There was another male Smoothie at agility a few weeks ago and Oz was noticably smaller in height/weight than the other Collie. So yeh for a female, Molly is definitely on the bigger side.
