View Full Version : Comdey in action

07-28-2004, 04:46 PM
I felt like Laura Petrie running after Rob today... you know, the lovely couple from the Dick Van Dyke Show?

My husband and I were rushing to finish his term paper for a summer course he took. It HAD to be in the mail by 4:00 today or it would be late. So we rushed like mad fools to get it done. I shoved everything into the folder and handed it off to hubby who then took it to the post office.

A few minutes later, I was talking to a client on the phone. I started straightening the desk up while talking and noticed something terribly wrong: We spelled his name wrong on the cover sheet! How dumb is that? I hung up on my client (well, I asked her if I could call her back) and then I grabbed my cell phone and dialed hubby. My daughter answered it from the livingroom. Curses!

I fix the typo and hit print... it took FOREVER to spit it out! Then I race downstairs to the car. TRAFFIC!!!! I went the wrong way down TWO one-way streets... this is more important than safe driving, darn it! :o I get to the corner and see hubby's car at the curb in front of the post office. I'm sitting at a red light. I make an illegal turn on red, go into opposing traffic (which there was none by the grace of God) and fly into the parking lot. I barely have the car in park when I threw the door open.

Forget the sidewalk, I dash up a HUGE hill - panting all the way in my backless slip-on slippers (which I shall never ever do again in my life) and I run into the post office just as hubby is handing the package to the postal clerk. I shout WAIT! While I gasp for breath and have a dozen people looking at me like I've lost my marbles... but I made it!!!! YIPPIE! We switched the paper, sealed the package up and sent it on its way! Ta Da!!!

So now everyone sing with me the theme song da na da na na da na, da na da na na da na.... :D

Cinder & Smoke
07-28-2004, 05:09 PM
*NICE* Work!! :D

I wuz on the edge of the seat reading That Tail!


07-28-2004, 09:52 PM
Hahaha! I wish I was there!