View Full Version : How did you name your dog?

07-27-2004, 06:13 PM
Yes, we've had these threads before, but there's alot of new members and such... so here we go again. :p

All three of mine were named from The Lion King.

Simba was our first dog... Then came Nala.

Kiara was going to be either Kiara or Sarabi, But since Kiara is Simba & Nala's daughter in The Lion King 2, I chose it.

07-27-2004, 06:17 PM
I don't have dogs now but was raised with a poodle and chihuahuas. My parents gave the chihuahuas Mexican names - Pepe' and two different Pedros. Our poodle was Pierre - French of course. When I was newly married, we had a black lab that was named Ebony - for obvious reasons:D

07-27-2004, 06:19 PM
Lauren suggested that we name Kiara, Ebony. :p

07-27-2004, 06:24 PM
I didn't name Max. He came from the shelter pre-named and I didn't have the heart to change the name! I kind of wanted to name him Diesel.

I wanted to name Jake "Lance" but my husband and kids thought that was a dumb name, so we all threw some names around until we found one which we all lliked. It fit him well.

My husband named Toby after a character on a movie.

07-27-2004, 06:31 PM
Molly-- After I found her, and we decided that we were going to keep her, we were trying to come up with different names that we all liked. I suggested Molly, and my mom liked it too, so it just stuck.

Annie-- She already had her name when I got her, and I was going to change it to Andie, since it was kinda similiar, but she knew her name well, and it fits her, so I'm glad I didn't change it.

Bailee-- When I was naming Bailee, we went through several different names.... a few of them were Maggie, Cassie, Sammi (or Sam), Greta, and of course Bailee. We finally decided that Bailee fit her the best. :)

Felony-- I just like the name, and I wanted a unique name for him that you don't hear too often. It doesn't really fit him all that well, but I usually just call him Felly.. :p

07-27-2004, 06:38 PM
Molly's was pretty much picked out when we got her..as soon as my family and I saw her, we thought "She looks like a Molly." We also thought a cute nickname for her would be "Molly the Collie". :o

Daisy was either going to be Mandy, Brandy, or Daisy. You obviously know which one we picked. :)

07-27-2004, 06:40 PM
-Happy was Happers litter name, it suited her so I kept it.

-Misty is short for "mistletoe mischief" because I got her for christmas and she is very very mischievious lol her name was upposed to be "mistletoe christmas" but as soon as she was in the van christmas was very quickley replaced with mischeif lol

-Perky, I really dont know, it jsut suits her, at the shelter her name was biscuit we hated it and it did not suit her one single bit, so then it was changed to Roxy because of her speckles, and she is short(my parents had a friend named Roxy who was really really short lol) we kept that for a few days, but it did not suit her so we changed it to Perky.

-Ripley, well he came with the name "Roscoe" but it did not suit him for 1, and for another he hated it, ran full speed the opposite direction if you called him Roscoe, and we had been watching Ripleys believe it or not the night we got him lol so he became "Ripleys believe it or not we got another dog" lol and now that I think about it his name also fits with "the talented Mr. Ripley" because Ripley is an escape artist, he is Talented lol I cant think of a better name that suits that dog.

-Blair, again, his litter name, we kept it because its an inside joke lol basicly my mom used to have a boyfriend named Blair, and my mom was given a dog named..Blair.. right after my mom and dad seperated, so its a little joke, his Reg'd name is "Weskys My Boyfriend Blair"

07-27-2004, 06:44 PM
We just picked names we liked. I've always liked the name Lacey, but didn't really think it fit her until I'd called her that thousands of times. Mandy we were throwing around names the night we got her and Candy came up and then Mandy and we liked it and I think she looks like a Mandy!

07-27-2004, 06:49 PM
When we got Katie she first was going to be Kate, but then we decided on Katie.

When I saw Elvis, I just new he was an Elvis, you know? My dad liked the name, but it took my mom awhile to like it. she does now!

07-27-2004, 06:58 PM
Kai was named after a camp leader I had a teeny crush on. I just got back from a camping/rock climbing trip with the Mini school program at my school. One of our leaders' names was Kai-tech. I thought Kai sounded nice and I've always had a thing for uncommon names so I picked that. It was between Kai, Blaze (the white blaze on his head), Chip (as in, chocolate chip) and Zeke.

Kaedyn was Milo when we adopted him. He didn't respond to it at all so I wanted to change it since I didn't like the name. I was just putting random words together in my head one night. It went from Cajun to Kaydin. Then I just fiddled with the spelling.

07-27-2004, 07:03 PM
Mickey was pretty much the only name that all of us agreed on. When we saw pictures of him on the breeders' site, we decided to go with the name since it just seemed to suit him. He even has the black-tipped ears that can resemble Mickey Mouse. ;)

07-27-2004, 07:06 PM
Madison was named after the mermaid in the movie "Splash".

McMurphy was named after the fiesty irish nurse in the TV series, "China Beach".

Whizzer of Oz was named after the movie, "Wizard of Oz", as a connection to my two lil' Toto Dogs.

Gulliver was named after "Gulliver's Travels", to connect him to Oz. Sort of a travel theme. It's amazing how many young people have never heard of Gulliver's Travels. I get tons of blank stares.


07-27-2004, 07:21 PM
I've always liked names that are a little more unusual. I'm also very interested in the Indian culture and there are so many beautiful names that I fell in love with the name Priya. It means "beloved" or "love".

07-27-2004, 07:28 PM
I wanted to name Major Simba or Jessie. (or Shadow, but not really)

He was originally "Snoopy" (the little kids named him) but then when we got him he was Shadow. I thought the name was ok, but everyone called him Major. I think some of them were doing that just to annoy me. I really didn't like the name. I guess the reason is he is a 'major' change, and we farm. Our name thing is Major Farms. I guess he's a major cutie too!

07-27-2004, 07:30 PM
If I remember correctly I was having hard time coming up with something. I was going to call her Frosty at first and my husband hated that name. One night a commerical for Disney World came on the tv and I had been wanting to go so I picked Disney.

I think that is how but my memory really stinks.

07-27-2004, 07:39 PM
Daphne was named after Daphne on Frasier, because we liked the name.

Cocoa came with her name, and she was 2, so we didn't want to change it. If we got to name her she'd be "Muffin."

07-27-2004, 07:42 PM
Lucee was such a little devil dog when we found her, chewing things up, rolling in anything and everything, etc., that we thought lucee-fur(aka lucifer) was appropriate, lucee for short....
Ashlee was asher when we got her, we changed it to ashlee, but we still call her asher sometimes.....
Nina was already nina when she came from the humane society..... we started calling her nina beana, now she gets called bean quite a bit, and also ninny:D ........tom

07-27-2004, 07:46 PM
Well Merlin's name does come with a story. I got him at 10 weeks and we were house breaking him in the biggest snow i have ever seen. Being a puppy who had been in a garage , we took him out side every 2 hours so as not to have an acceident. My son(my tactful) said that dog sure whizzes a lot.so he became the wizard. My daughter had just watched disneys King arthur (cartoon) started calling him Merlin . It stuck,so I had to make his AKC reg name sound dignified. So he is Montanas mystical merlin. Named just cuz he pees a lot.
Lady came with her name. Ebony was to be Blackie but I (as always ) said it needed to be more excotic, so Ebony. Plus she was so little and black but huge eyes and the song Ebony eye came on and Ben thought it was "cool"
Winky was named after the kids(5&6at the time) were hooked on Disneys Escape to witch mountain. The cats name was Winky .
I have no clue as to why or how Moose got the name the kids cave him It some norse God I guess. mostflices I called him mostly fleas when he came the first time . Now hes just moose couse hes so big.(16lbs)

07-27-2004, 08:25 PM
Meeka was named after Meeko from Pochahontas.... but she is a girl... so we decided on Meek-a

and rodney is from doctor doolittle. "Rodney! Whats happenin?!?":D

07-27-2004, 08:33 PM
I changed Chloe's name from the one she came with, Fauna, which totally didn't suit her! I always liked the name chloe, so there we go.

We debated over Charlie's name for quite a while. We were thinking about Hercules, but ended up with Charlie Brown.

Arthur was a toss up between Arthur and Hector. I told Bella she could choose, so we went with Arthur. (and named one of the kittens Hector).

Anna, well I think most of you already know how that came to be, but for those who don't... She came to us as Roxxy. I didn't like the name and it didn't fit with the rest of our brood. So we figured Roxxy - Roxanna - Anna. Anna and Arthur sound better together anyhoo.

Toller 42
07-27-2004, 08:33 PM
Echo got her name because when she was a puppy we used to talk to her all the time and she would always howl and bark at us so she was like an echo.

Tango got her name beause she was a really hyper, fun puppy and still is, we just thought Tango suited her really well and I used to know a really happy dog who I loved and her name was Tango so thats how she got her name.

the other 2 came with their names.

07-27-2004, 09:31 PM
Sadie just seemed to fit her, so that's what we named her. It was also a name we liked. Kay, I love the name Ebony, it's so pretty!;)

07-27-2004, 10:28 PM
It was my choice to name her Jesse. after my friend, Jessica. But it was my mom who made up her AKC registered name; Jessica James Bond. :D

07-27-2004, 10:35 PM
We already had a major food theme, so we went through food names till we found one we liked.

07-27-2004, 10:37 PM
Wiggles's name went from alot of things, but we decided to just name her personality wise, she wiggled ALOT, so thats pretty self-explanitory.

Piddle's name was actually MICKEY, and my mom kept calling him Piddle because he kept peeing on the floor :o and it sounded really cute and he started responging to it and it stuck!

Jasper's name was a toss up between Sampson and Jasper, I liked Jasper better for him because it seemed to go with his personality, the high-energy thing, and also with Sampson, I only like the WHOLE name, I didn't like the idea of the Sam, Sammy nicknames.

07-27-2004, 10:40 PM
When we got Kito from the breeders, his papers came with him. His dad's name was Yuko's St. Elmo's Fire, and his mom's name was Featherstone Nikita. We liked the name Nikita, but decided to shorten it and make it sound masculine, so that's how that happened.

Abbey came to us through Nittany Beagle Rescue. When we went to see her, she had just a day or two before been transported from a shelter in Ohio, along with 2 littermates. They had been called A, B, and C. At the rescue they named them Abbey, Baxter, and I don't remember the C name. She seemed to know it, and we liked it, so we kept it.

When I picked Riley up from that woman in the SPCA parking lot, she told me his name was Dominic. She also told me he was a purebred lab, and 6 months old, both of which weren't true, but.....
He didn't even look at me when I said the name, so we tried to think of something else. He was "the little one" for a while. Finally I searched through the dogs of the days from the past year or so, and came down to 2 names. I posted a poll here on PT, and everyone picked Riley.

We got Jada from the SPCA, and they had no information on her. Someone had left her overnight, so they didn't have a name or anything, and our SPCA doesn't bother with stuff like that.
Since she was an anniversary present for my husband, I let him pick her name, and Jada was what he came up with.

07-27-2004, 10:47 PM
Dusty was Ajax when I got him. The name Dusty was just a random decision.

Roxy was ChaCha, her name was random also.

Sarah, Jaden named. He had a girl in his kindergarten class named Sarah. I think he had a crush on her. :D

07-28-2004, 07:39 AM
My horrible ex had a female shepherd named Duchess so I thought it would be cute to have more royalty in the family and that's how Duke got his name.

07-28-2004, 07:41 AM
When we got Bitsy she was so small that Bitsy just fit. Of corse she's still small- 6lbs.

Charlie came with the name "shorty", we hated that name and had to change it. We wanted to pick something that sounded kind of simular and we liked the name Charlie. It fits him so well.

Buster came with his name and altho I wouldn't have picked that name, it really fits him to a tee. He is a buster.

Samantha Puppy
07-28-2004, 07:46 AM
We first called Samantha Lady, but it didn't fit. So my husband and I each concocted a list of names we liked and Samantha was the only one on both of them. :)

07-28-2004, 07:56 AM
Sierra was Kira when we got her, and my hubby changed it to Sierra (I think because that's the truck he wants!!!:o )

Buddy was Barry when we got him, and I didn't like it, so I just started calling him Buddy while I was trying to come up with a name, and it just stuck!!! :D

Talking about kids naming animals... that's why my in-laws had/have cats named Butch and Spikey!!!

07-28-2004, 08:26 AM
Angus-named after Angus Young from AC/DC (my husbands idea;))

Roxey-from the song by Sting "Roxanne"

Huney-since we found her we had no idea of her name so I started saying come here honey, and she did. So the name stuck and I just made the spelling different.

Canis Amicus
07-28-2004, 09:18 AM
I like doggie names for dogs: Oto, Rex, Fido, Fidelis, etc. I also like Max, Jerry, Bob, Kael.

Rex was named Gigolo by his first owner. The second kept that name.
I changed to Rex. Sometimes I call him Rex Tremendus.


4 Dog Mother
07-28-2004, 09:33 AM
Jack is Jack because he came with the name. And he is Jack.

Snoopy is still Snoopy because he is! I thought about changing it but he came to Snoopy and he is very, very snoopy!

Taggert was the name the rescue group gave him. We tried other names - almost renamed him Simon but my sister said since I had had a dog named Simon I wasn't allowed to use it again (?) so since nothing else seemed to fit, he stayed Taggert.

Dazzi was named by the man who gave her to me. The only thing he wanted in exchange for her was for me to keep the name he gave her - and the spelling. He never told me why but we respected his wishes.

Oreo was adopted when she was 5 weeks old because it was December and she was an accident between a pure bred beagle and poodle. She lived on a farm and was left to run loose. Her sibling had already died getting stuck in a field tile. Amy was about 12 or 13 at the time with Rob being 11, Christy 7. There was a real debate on the way home about what to name her. I thought Misty was nice or Mitsy since all four paws were white. Carl came up with Oreo because she was divided in half by a white stripe down her chest - just like an oreo cookie. It was the only name everyone agreed on.:D

07-28-2004, 12:22 PM
My shih tsu/poodle mix waddled like a bear cub when he was little. So I called him Bear. Later he became Ted E. Bear.

Scruffy was named by the lady who brought him to the rescue. It suits him perfectly.

Samson was brought to the rescue with a female dog. The rescue named them Samson & Delilah. Delilah got adopted right away. I said I'd foster Samson until his health improved or he died. That was 4 years ago:D

Bella was a stray that was hanging around a house in the country, caring for her second set of pups. When she didn't get adopted at the rescue, I took her home. She is such a pretty girl, I named her Bella (Spanish for pretty) and Mae for her country origins.


07-28-2004, 06:08 PM
Ginger- was pretty much named for the color of her fur, she looked like a Ginger.

Reggie- was named after one of charcters from the cartoon Rocket Power.:p My daughter Kaitlynn use to watch it some.

Aspen and Misty
07-28-2004, 06:11 PM
Nova - She is yellow like a star and just looks like a Nova

Connor - Came named from my sister, I think it's a REALLY stupid name!!!

Ashley :)

ps: If I could go back I would re-name Nova Princess and Call Connor Prince, they BOTH look and act like them!

07-28-2004, 06:13 PM
Casey was already named when I adopted her from the shelter...she was an owner surrender. I figured she was going through enough in her life she could keep her name and it fits her. Hopefully everything else in her life is better for her:)

07-28-2004, 08:23 PM
Snowy was named Snowy because her fur was white and the day we got her the snow had just melted!


07-28-2004, 10:52 PM
Tuffy was named after a Bennie Baby dog. I let a friends daughter name him.

Mooch got her name sense she likes to mooch food off people.

Odie got his name after the Garfield cartoon. He was getting picked on by the cats just like Odie in Garfield.

Cannillia, Rocky and Brandy had their names when we got them.

07-29-2004, 09:56 AM
Simba's is pretty obvious lol. He's a Rhodesian Ridgeback, which are known for hunting lions. Therefore Simba only seems necessary for a name. lol

07-29-2004, 10:25 AM
He came with the name Lefty, and it fit, so it stayed. :)

07-29-2004, 11:28 AM
Penny got all different names for the first few days as she was born on December 25th we wanted somthing Christmassy, we thought Tinsel, Holly, Misty (Mistletoe) but none suited her then Mum was saying she was as tiny as a penny coin so Penny it was.

Clover was named after the little black Poodle in the VC Andrews books Flowers in the attic series. Her registered name is "Four Legged Clover"

Theodore was named after a Police officer in our local newspaper, there was a story about a senior sargent Theodore (Something??) i mtntioned the name and it was perfect.

Mum named Elvis after you know who ;) I didnt and still dont like the name :( Grrr. I wanted to call him one of the following names Astro, AJ (Astro Junior), Turbo, TJ (Turbo Junoir), Zippy, Flash, Zephyr, Buddy. I still call Elvis AJ as a nick name and he seems to know it. :)

I am sending off Elvies registration forms in the next month (Associate register only so we can compete in Agility and Obedience) i am thinking of what name to use, i wanted it to be "Flyin Elvis the king" ,anyone got any better ideas???

07-29-2004, 01:43 PM
Gosh we had such a hard time naming both of the pups.

Katie's name has always stuck with me because that is the first name that my son was going to call our RB Chloe. I wanted a stronger name for Katie and I tried others but I was just stuck on Katie. So to give it a stronger punch, her full name is Lady Katherine Lee.

Tori was so hard to name. I posted here on pet talk about it. We just could not agree on a name. I don't know why we had such a hard time. I finally saw the name Tori on a website that Anna had posted in that thread and mentioned it and everyone at home seemed to like it. Sooo....we had to give her a full name also and her name is Lady Victoria Rose. I love that name!

Robin :)

07-29-2004, 02:29 PM
Anna, that's funny how Buddy and Huney got their names the same way!!!

07-29-2004, 02:53 PM
Dale was named after Dale Earnhart Jr. (my hubby's fave NASCAR driver) :) He has Dale Earnhart toys, leashes, collars...you name it :) And it fits him :)


Dandylion , i just thought sounded pretty and I liked Dandy for short.

Guinness was adopted near St. Patty's day, and he is black (and Guinness is a dark colored, irish beer)...

07-30-2004, 02:29 AM
i was gonna start the exact same thread... i always wondered about a lot of the PT dogs, especially Di's doggies. MacSeshy is one of my favorites :D

Gonzo had already been named when we got him from his breeder at 5 months, and he had gotten used to the name. i'm pretty sure he was named after his daddy, Fozzy, after the muppet lol. i *hated* the name Gonzo and tried changing it, first to Archie for a couple months, then to Rocco for a long time... but my family would always call him Gonzo and he responds to it well, so i just gave in. he is also registered under Gonzo and his flyball people know him that way. ive gotten used to it, and i guess it suits him cos he can be pretty insane sometimes! -g-

09-20-2005, 09:04 PM
I named my mastiff Sampson because my sister named her basset Delilah and the names just fit.



09-20-2005, 09:08 PM
Jane from a drama women in a show
Maggie from a dog in a great old show
Ella: Entellegent Loving Lovely Ant-licker
Ann: Anti-lover Naughty Not horror

LOL. That's my dogs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:D

09-20-2005, 09:55 PM
This thread makes me sad. I mean reading it from the beginning and reliving dogs that are gone. :(

09-20-2005, 10:39 PM
Cody got his name because when I read that Kathy Lee Griffith name her son Cody, I thought that sounded like a good name for a dog.
Our Logan from PT was one of the first people I met and started a friendship with and I admired all she does, so I always said my next dog, in her honor, would be named "Logan". It fits her too..she's just as wonderful, smart and sweet.

09-20-2005, 10:46 PM
We had a Disney theme going for awhile with my parents pets, but they all passed on. :(

But our more current pets... I don't like "pet pet" names, I like thinking of my pets as family members, not just pets, so I give them "human" names. Hence Jamie, Charlie, Molly, Nicole, Allie, etc.

09-20-2005, 11:22 PM
Mackenzie- who knows, I guess we just liked the name... =P

Muffin- Once we decided to adopt her and she wasn't responding to the name "Lolly", we were just calling out random names to her... and when we shouted, "Muffin," she immediately turned and ran to us.

Zeus- I wanted a name that would match his I'm-tough-even-though-I'm-the-littlest-dog-in-the-family attitude. =P (He's the alpha of our dogs... hah)

09-21-2005, 10:04 AM
I've done one of these before :p

Jillian is because my ex and I wanted another J name, when we lived in germany with our last dal Joyce. the way the J is pronounced in german made it funny and something to talk about at the bar, most people meeting Joyce the first time though it was "Yeorge?.... Ggeorge?...." since Jillian's is my favorite bar in america, I named Jillian - Jillian. ((promise shes not an alocholic doggie, just a hoggie doggie, and a wee bit psycho))

Frankie was already named by his last owners, but it does match him very well.

09-21-2005, 10:40 AM
I just love this thread, no matter how many times it goes around.

Maggy was named after a player on the Chicago White Sox, Magglio Ordonez aka Mags. She was very good at catching pop flies with her ball at a very young age, around 9-10 weeks. My hubby's cousin saw her catch the ball once and said "she's as good as Mags!" Hence Maggy.

09-21-2005, 01:16 PM
I named Bella Bella because she was sooo beautiful

Omar was named after Omar Epps haha

The two dogs I have now....

Chico was named Chico just because I always wanted a dog named chico hehe

I named Guapo Guapo because he was soooo cute when he was a pup and I knew he was going to grow up to be very handsome (Guapo means handsome in spanish):D :D

09-21-2005, 02:09 PM
Rocoe came with his name. We kept it because hubby and I really like it and are both Dukes of Hazzard fans :D He slready really knew his name too, so I probably wouldn't have changed it anyway.

Suki Wingy
09-21-2005, 04:14 PM
from the other thread:
Niño's (pronounced Neenyo) "name" was Nino. (pronounced Neeno) We suspect that at the shelter they were asking the previous owners (an eldery hispanic lady and her adult daughter) what his name was and they thought they were asking them what gender, so they replied "little boy". I liked the name but changed it to Niño.
Clark is a "super dog" and Layla was named Lady at first. My mom had a golden named Lady before, so I wanted to change it to Delylah, and she said it was too long, so I said I would call her Dilly for short, my mom didn't like it so she suggested Liela, which I absolutly hate as a name, but I loved Layla. My stepdad used to sing her the song.

Buddy Blaze Lover
09-21-2005, 04:40 PM
Well, I always liked the name Blaze, and "Blaze" was named for that reason mostly, but also because he has a blaze on his face, and is a blaze of energy!!:D:D

09-21-2005, 04:55 PM
Tasha: I loved the name and I had planned, if I adopted a little girl, to name her Tasha if I thought the name would fit. When I found my little girl at the pound, I knew she was my Tasha! :D.

Tommy: Was named when we got him, but we left the name as he knew it and it seemed to fit him. The neighbor who helped convince his first family to give him up says the son told him he was named after the movie Tommy Boy (with Chris Farley).

09-21-2005, 05:23 PM
I actually chose Bijou's name before we got Bijou! We were so excited to begin the process of adopting from a rescue or shelter and first sought an adorable beagle named Sully, but he found a home before we could meet him. We then pursued one of three black lab/coonhound mix siblings named Maggie, Ellie and Pearl, but realized that those sweet, teeny pups would grow to be much more than we could easily manage (they estimated the pups would grow to be 80 lbs of black lab/coonhound). By that time, we were feeling so emotionally involved with adopting that we couldn't wait to find "the right one" -- the next day, we found our little collie girl on Petfinder located 2-1/2 hours away at a rescue organization in a city I'd never even heard of! She was the only tri in a litter of sables and the last pup to be adopted from the litter. I had had her name in my head for weeks (I had wanted a feminine name and something that gave a nod to our French heritage), and so when I finally saw her little picture on Petfinder and then went to meet her and adopt her, I just knew that she was our Bijou. She'd never, ever been named, and she was already about 14 weeks when we met her! That seemed a little sad to me, but she'd been waiting for us to find her, I think. I'm so grateful we discovered our pretty little gem.

09-21-2005, 05:35 PM
Gracie was so wobbly on her little puppy legs that she earned her name.

Beanie's name was picked out from a list of names we thought suited him.

Houston's name was the only large texas city name that i liked. his breeder wanted texas names because the sire's name was Texas.

Ginger's Mom
09-21-2005, 07:33 PM
Ginger's name was actually going to be Daisy. After we left the shelter, and on the four hour drive home I was thinking well maybe Crystal, so I kept switching between Daisy and Crystal. Before going home I stopped at PetsMart to pick up a crate. So, I put my puppy in the cart and we were walking around PetsMart, and of course people were coming up asking the puppy's name and I was telling them it was probably going to be Daisy or Crystal. Well, one of the times I was telling people that, Ginger looked up at me, and at that exact moment the name Ginger popped into my head. It was almost like she looked up and said it. So, as my nephew's wife says, if she picked the name Ginger there really isn't any need to think about it anymore. :)

09-21-2005, 08:05 PM
Timber-- He has alot of wolf in him, and reminded me of a timber wolf. Also he has a T marking on his nose and I call that a "T" for Timber.:rolleyes: :)

Angel-- I named her after the tan dog on the move "lady & the tramp 2".

Patch-- He was already named from the musher I got him from.

Grizzly--(Timber's & Angel's pup) When he was born he was really dark, and he look like a little grizzly bear, so that is what I named him.

Arctic--(Timber's & Angel's pup) He is all white so I thought Arctic would fit him well. Also his dad (Timber) is my "timber wolf", and Arctic is my "arctic wolf". ;) :p

Cowboy Rex-- I was just going to call him Rex, but Aussies always make me think of western/horse kind of dogs:) . So I thought of Cowboy and added Rex with it.

Meeko-- He is named from the raccoon on the movie "Pocahontas".

09-22-2005, 08:31 AM
Originally posted by KBlaix
When we got Bitsy she was so small that Bitsy just fit. Of corse she's still small- 6lbs.

Charlie came with the name "shorty", we hated that name and had to change it. We wanted to pick something that sounded kind of simular and we liked the name Charlie. It fits him so well.

Buster came with his name and altho I wouldn't have picked that name, it really fits him to a tee. He is a buster.

My first post in this thread was just a few days before I got Nacey. Nacey came with her name and we liked the name because it's so different. It fits her too. My friend wanted me to change her name to Lacey, but Lacey doesn't fit her at all.

We found Nova on Thanksgiving day, which of corse is in November. We gave her a name in remembrance of the day we found her. We never expected to keep her. We posted signs and when her owner finally called us a month later they didn't want her. We then decided to foster her until we found her a good home. We ended up falling in love with her and keeping her and had we given it more thought in the begining we probably would have chosen a different name. Nova really does fit her though.

09-22-2005, 09:20 PM
I recall that my mother named Sadie.

09-22-2005, 10:48 PM
alex the wonder dog is a bit complicated...alex means protector, when i hung the beware of dog on my newly bought fence, a close friend laughed, since she knows alex would give up everything in my house to a burgler for a dog cookie. the wonder dog part is from my sure belief that his first vet was on the way to killing alex by mismanaging his epilepsy. the "wonder and glory" of it is that he's survived that bad vet, and my stupidity to be a well loved 9 year old . with a great vet.
angel duke was named bert when i picked him up (his companion was ernie...yeah i know:rolleyes: ). duke had a lot of shoulder action, kind of a rolling gait like john wayne, a favorite actor,when he walked, hence the name duke