View Full Version : I cannot wait until my son goes back to school!

07-27-2004, 01:42 PM
Enough! Argh!

I'm about to go nuts. I'm not used to being a stay at home mom...either I need to get back to work, or Jaden needs to get back to school.

Yesterday, he cut the straps off of his brand new back pack because he "didn't need them". (It was one of those back packs that also has a handle and wheels.)

Today, he asked for his nicest button up shirt. So, I thought he was playing dress up. I got out his nice silk dress shirt and gave it to him. What does he do? He cut all of the buttons off of the shirt and glued new buttons on it from his craft set.

OMG! I'm going to go nuts. And I'm discipling him for this stuff, but these are really just lame things kids do. He wasn't bad on purpose. I need a break!

07-27-2004, 03:01 PM
Oh, I forgot a detail. Before he got involved in the "Let's fix up my shirt craft", he was using my lipstick as glue for his other crafts. I told him to put it away, and he went and got vaseline instead to use. So, I finally found some glue...and then he glued his shirt up. :eek:

Samantha Puppy
07-27-2004, 03:08 PM
I'm sorry... but since it's not my kid... HAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHA!! Gotta love 'em!

Sorry you're so stressed over it, but as an outsider it's just too funny... sorry.

07-27-2004, 04:06 PM
lol, it's funny how we wait and wait for summer, then when it comes we get so bored we do crazy things.....yesterday, i had the bright idea to cut this bracelet open and get the glitter out of it (it was one of those that has the water and glitter in it) so, i got the water and glitter out fine and in a bowl, so i put it outside to dry...and when all the water evaporated i decided to play iwht the glitter. what i didn't know was that it was the kind of glitter that sticks to anything and everything and when you try to wipe it off it seems to multiply and get all over what you were tryign to wipe your hands on. and so my mom came home to a house full of glitter. (she never did appreciate my glitter obsession) so don't feel bad, we all do crazy things...and no, it won't end soon. lol. where did he get the idea that lipstick works as glue? does it?

07-27-2004, 04:18 PM

I can comisserate! Just wait a few more years - when he's teenager! At least he's doing SOMETHING! I'm tired of seeing kids sitting around the house all day, taking looong naps wherever and whenever they want. Then ask them to walk to the mailbox? Ooooh, you'd think it was 6 miles away instead of on the corner of your street. :rolleyes:

I'm counting the days for school to start!

07-27-2004, 04:40 PM
Originally posted by catnapper

I'm tired of seeing kids sitting around the house all day, taking looong naps wherever and whenever they want. Then ask them to walk to the mailbox? Ooooh, you'd think it was 6 miles away instead of on the corner of your street. :rolleyes:

umm....how do you know me?? ;)

07-27-2004, 05:00 PM
Yeah, my husband was laughing too when he got home from work. He took Jaden and bought him a model airplane.

And no, lipstick does not make a good adhesive. lol.