View Full Version : Hot Stone Massage

07-27-2004, 11:32 AM
Oh heaven!! Has anyone here ever gotten a hot stone massage?? Bella and myself went and got hot stone massages yesterday. **swoons** Heaven! A religious experience! My back has never felt so good. The heat from the stones feels so good! I would recommend this as a great day of pampering for anyone who has back problems, or is stressed. You'll thank me! ;)

07-27-2004, 12:37 PM
I have never heard of this. What do they do??? Actually place hot stones on you or do you lay on the stones??? Tell us all about it!!:) I LOVE pampering!!

07-27-2004, 12:44 PM
My SIL had one when she was in Mexico last year. Said it was one of the best experiences of her life.

07-27-2004, 02:14 PM
Here's a few paragraphs about what Hot Stone is. It's like a deep tissue massage with acupressure.

"This therapy is becoming widely known for its deeply relaxing benefits. It employs a technique that uses smooth, heated basalt stones which are placed on specific acupressure points on the body to melt away knots, tension and stress. It can be applied as a relaxation technique using hot essential oils. The hot stone experience relieves pain, promotes harmony, balance and peace."

"Stone massage is a unique connection we experience with nature, offering a sense of profoundness and sacredness that we too often forget. It's a deep healing and unique moment that enhances our awareness and brings us closer to our true essence. It is the perfect treatment that is as enjoyable and healing for the client as it is for the practitioner.

Stone massage involves the application of water-heated basalt stones of varying sizes to key points on the body, giving a deep massage and creating sensations of comfort and warmth. The direct heat relaxes muscles, allowing manipulation of a greater intensity than with regular massage."

07-29-2004, 06:53 AM
i love massage but have never had the one you speak of.....i will be on the lookout tho! thanks for the info!!

07-29-2004, 06:55 AM
I had one in an Italian spa in the week after NY eve. I looooovvvved it:D

07-29-2004, 08:07 AM
Sounds like heaven! I could sure use one right now:D