View Full Version : I Don't Like The Sound Of This :-( RE:Woodpile Gang

07-26-2004, 07:40 AM
December • 2001


I did a quick search after scouring my brain, and going by other symptoms the kittens are exhibiting...ulcers in mouths etc. Here's what I came up with so far.......

New outbreaks of a novel, highly virulent strain of feline calicivirus (FCV) have been reported in the northeastern United States. Kittens and adult cats that are infected show signs of subcutaneous swelling and edema of the face, pinnae and/or distal extremities; and ulceration and necrosis of skin in affected areas in more chronic cases. Other less consistent signs include rhinitis and conjunctivitis of variable severity, anorexia and death.

This outbreak shares features of the 1998-1999 epizootic of FCV in cats in California. Mortality in the California outbreak was reported to be 33-50% in field study cats. Multiple cases arose from cat-to-cat and fomite transmission after introduction of an affected cat into shelters, clinics or catteries. The preferred disinfectant is a 1:32 dilution of sodium hypochlorite (household bleach). Currently available FCV vaccines appear minimally effective in preventing disease by this novel, virulent isolate.

07-26-2004, 07:54 AM
Is there a test for this? I hope that this isn't the case!!:( Many prayers coming your way!

07-26-2004, 08:49 AM
The Found Csats are praying that none,of The Woodpile Cats,have this terrible disesae!

07-26-2004, 12:30 PM
Prayers on the way for the Woodpile gang! Keep us updated.

07-26-2004, 12:38 PM
OMG how horrible!!! Prayers on the way that this is not what these babies have and if it is they will pull through it. I almost hate to ask this question but have any others been near these babies? I wonder how come the mother doesn't have it.
I know you have to be terrified for all your cats as well as these poor babies! PLEASE keep us updated!

07-26-2004, 12:58 PM
Oh Jan noooooo. I'm sorry to say but this does not sound good at all.
I hope and pray that you got these babies to the vets in time and they pull through and especially that none of your own cats have come in contact with it.
Oh Jan, my heart is aching for you. You must be a basket case right now. I know I would be.
I wish I had some encouraging words for you.

Also, wouldn't the vet had known this could be FCV by their symptoms or do they have to be tested for it?

07-26-2004, 01:12 PM
oh NO!!! This sounds awful:( Will be waiting to hear what you find out Jan. I do hope it is something else!!((((((QSA)))))

carla and mike
07-26-2004, 03:56 PM
This does NOT look good Jan.
This sounds horrible.I'll bet there may be more from the highlands
at risk if that's where they came from.How's the Mom?

07-26-2004, 09:26 PM
Originally posted by catcrazylady
OMG how horrible!!! Prayers on the way that this is not what these babies have and if it is they will pull through it. I almost hate to ask this question but have any others been near these babies? I wonder how come the mother doesn't have it.
I know you have to be terrified for all your cats as well as these poor babies! PLEASE keep us updated!

Lisa, They haven't been in any direct contact with others as I have to keep them caged until I'm sure they're healthy, and social enough for adoption. They're covered with sheets all around now, and elevated up from the floor crowd. The baby girl Emily is the worst off health wise now, and can't stnd up due to the extreme edema in her legs. :( :( :( Emerson who I thought had the broken leg is holding his own, and looking better, so I can only hope the rest pull through this without infecting others. My skin is getting lily white from the bleaching. :rolleyes: Mama cat has no symptoms whatsoever.

07-27-2004, 07:07 AM
How truly awful. Prayers coming your way.