View Full Version : Petco Party in the Park! TONS of doggie pics!!! Plus a video of Freckles playing. :)

07-25-2004, 10:45 PM
Well today was the Petco Party in the Park, in honor of the Baren Foundation, a non profit animal welfare agency that helps low income pet owners pay for emergency vet care. My work was there so I decided to drop by, and wanted to as it is a great opportunity to get Freckles out and socialized, both with people and other dogs. :) She met TONS of dogs. Pretty much every breed imaginable was there LOL. I couldn't take too many photos, as my memory card doesn't hold too many, but I did get a few awfully cute ones. Freckles had a blast!!! At first she was a little timid as the big dogs (mainly the police shephards) scared her, but she came out of her shell in just a few minutes. She met tons of other dogs, and even found a new playmate! :D

There were tons of things going on. The Ferret people were there with adoptions, as well as Greenhill, and the Exotic Bird Rescue. There was a big kids jumpy thing and Dylan went in there and had a ball. He was scared at first but after the bigger kids got out he decided to have a go, and boy did he ever have FUN! Freckles got pretty dirty at the park. There was a kiddie pool set out she was playing in, as well as some misters set up for both people and their pets. The Oregon Duck's mascot was there and I wanted to get a picture of Freckles with him sooooooooo bad, but he ran away LOL. I got to see Mike Belloti (sp?), the Oregon football coach too, which was really neat as I am a big DUCKS fan.

OOOOH AND, Freckles and I are going to be on television tonight!!! KVAL was there filming and the one lady really loved Freckles so decided to film us with the two bassett hounds. I am going to tape it, and if I can, use my digi cam to film the tv when we are on, so that I can show you guys. Isn't that cool? :D Anyways, what else? Hrmm, there were so many puppies there. I sure wish I could have taken more photos. But I guess you just gotta enjoy these:


Freckles and the fireman. The Eugene Firemen were there with their truck and Freckles LOVED this man. I take it the feeling was mutual. ;)


Dylan got to sit inside too. He loves big trucks.

They had the Eugene Police Department there with their dogs as well and they were so well trained and absolutely beautiful. Unfortunately I got no photos. They had face painting as well. Dylan was a little leary of getting his face painted so he opted for a painted hand instead. :p He got a pretty butterfly. He likes butterflies very much.

The painting. Don't mind my nasty looking foot. :o

More coming........

07-25-2004, 10:52 PM
Everyone was coming up to Freckles, telling her how beautiful she was. :D Around every corner there was always someone new to ooh and aww over her, and she enjoyed every minute of it. Here is a photo of her and another doggie owner. He has a Rhody mix, as you can see the fur down the back. He looks like he was gripping her face LOL, but he was just a scratchin. It was a hot day, and you can see the drool under the dogs chin, hehe.


There was a beautiful Shiba Anu (no not, Inu, ANU) there and he was so friendly. I couldn't resist taking his photo. It was the first time I have heard of his breed. I guess they are one step up from Inu's.


There was a lady there with her Bassetts, the ones we were filmed with. She had one tagging around in a wagon. It was the cutest thing, so of course I HAD to take a photo. Look at this darling boy!!! :D


07-25-2004, 11:01 PM
Freckles met a little boy puppy there. He is a lab/border mix and oh did they have fun together. I swear they would have played together all day if we had given them the chance. LOL. :p We are meeting together next Sunday, at Greenhill's Bark in the Park, to raise money for the shelter. It's going to be so much bigger than this weekend was so we should have a blast there, and then Freckles and him can play again. :D He is such a cutie. Here is when they first met.


She was scared at first, as sometimes she can be a little timid, but give her a few minutes and then she gets all worked up and hyper and will play for hours, hehe. After the event ended we stayed at the park for a little while and took a look at the ducks and geese. Then we went over to Dan's moms to go swimming since today was a hot day. Nothing compared to yesterday but still a VERY hot day. I ACTUALLY got a little tan, whoo hoo! I NEVER get tans LOL. Freckles loves the pool and loves to go swimming. Here is a picture of her doggie pattling.

We picked some yummy plums from the tree in the backyard too. WOW are they delicous! Unfortunately Freckles ate a ton of rocks while out and about today and when we got home she regurgitated them onto the living room floor.
:( :rolleyes: Why does she eat rocks? The neighbors puppies do too, and I noticed a few other pups eating them too. Is she going to stop doing this? Is there any way I can stop her from eating them except to watch her 24/7 each time she is outside? :confused:

After we all went swimming Dylan and Mason watched Home Alone in the bedroom. Here are some updated pictures of Dylan. :) He got a haircut yesterday, though you can hardly tell, hehe.

Being silly

Aww, isn't he cute? :D


The video is coming next.

Toller 42
07-25-2004, 11:27 PM
Those are great pics but we need more of Freckles!

07-25-2004, 11:29 PM
The two pups met up again later on at the mister and decided to have some fun in the sun! :D Here is the video. Wish it could have been longer though. Phooey.

Hope you enjoyed the photos!!!

07-26-2004, 09:27 AM
aww!!! Looks like you guys had allot of fun! Great pictures and I love the video!!:D

07-26-2004, 09:34 AM
Great pictures! Looks like you had lots of fun! Dylan is so adorable :D

Also, Jasper also eats rocks :rolleyes: I usually tell him "no" he'll stop for a bit, but I have to keep doing it, but he usually only does this when we go for a walk in a trail way, not when he just goes outside to do his business, so I'm always there to stop him.

I'm not sure if it's something they grow out of or not, sorry, not much help I know :o

07-26-2004, 09:52 AM
Oh what a fun day, i am glad everyone had a good time and little Freckles got out and about to socialise. :)

The photos are great and the video so cute.

As for the eating of rocks i realy dont know :confused: , hopefully she will grow out of it.

Thankyou so much for sharing your day with us.

07-26-2004, 10:32 AM
Great Pictures!!! Sure looks like everyone had fun!

07-26-2004, 11:11 AM
Wonderful pics! Freckles is as adorable as ever and I just love that basset hound.


07-26-2004, 12:08 PM
Thanks everyone. :D I am so happy you enjoyed the photos!

07-26-2004, 03:33 PM
Bump. :)

07-26-2004, 03:36 PM
Awww.. Freckles is one of my favorite PT dogs. She's adorable, and she's going to grow up to be one gorgeous girl. :D What a sweetie pie.

Loved all the pictures! I guess Dylan's haircut doesn't look too bad. ;)

07-26-2004, 03:41 PM
Ya, they didn't get to do much LOL. I wanted them to trim the top but they really didn't get a chance. Though it looks so much better than it did, as they did manage to trim the sides and the back. He actually looks like a little boy now, not a mop head. :p