View Full Version : RIP sweet Samantha

07-25-2004, 07:20 PM
I just got home from my 2 week music seminar, and Samantha was put down on Friday the 16th. My mom called me and asked me if it was okay if they did it while a I was away. At first, I said no, but then I realized how much she was suffering. I just wanted to say good bye. I don't remember life without her, she was 17 when she died and we got her when I was 16 months old. I can't stop crying. I know it was her time to go, but it just would have been easier if I got to hug her one last time. Nikki watched them bury her and my mom said that she seemed sad. Poor Samantha. I love you old girl, and I know you are happier where you are now.

07-25-2004, 08:47 PM
I'm so sorry about Samantha. I know it is hard when they are in pain because you want to do what is best for them but it is so hard to let them go. I'm sure you made the right decision even though it hurts and I know you will miss her very much.

Rest in Peace sweet Samantha. Now you are free of pain and can run and play hard at RB.


07-25-2004, 10:19 PM
So sorry to hear about Samantha. How fortunate you had her and she had you for so long. RIP Samantha at the Rainbow Bridge.

07-26-2004, 12:38 PM
RIP Samantha. :(

07-26-2004, 12:57 PM
She is now free of pain, and watching over you!!

RIP Samantha!!

07-26-2004, 04:32 PM
Rest in peace, sweet Samantha.

What a long, glorious time you had here on earth with a family who obviously loved you so much.

I'm so sorry for your loss. You'll see her again.

07-27-2004, 04:08 AM
I am sorry for your loss :(

Playhard at the bridge Samantha.

07-27-2004, 05:35 AM
I am so sorry about Samantha. RIP girl :(

07-27-2004, 06:23 AM
Oh Erika, I'm so sorry. :( I'm glad you have Nikki to help you get through this loss.


07-27-2004, 07:00 AM
I think no matter how long we have with them, it's never enough. I know you'll miss Samantha but she's no longer suffering and will be waiting at the RB for you.

07-27-2004, 02:17 PM
Thank you all for your comforting words. I am still getting used to not having her around, but I am happy that she is cancer and arthritis free at the RB.

07-27-2004, 06:06 PM
Sending oodles of hugs your way.

Samatha is in a happy place looking over you.


07-27-2004, 10:52 PM
I'm so sorry to hear of your loss:(

R.I.P. Sweet Samantha

07-28-2004, 03:45 PM
I am so very very sorry for your great loss of Samantha. I know how hard it is. She will live on in your heart forever. Hugs.

07-28-2004, 04:09 PM
I'm so sorry for Samatha's passing. Take comfort in the sweet memories that you have.

07-30-2004, 07:13 PM
Sleep easy wee one..

08-06-2004, 07:16 PM
I'm so, so sorry, Erika:(:(:( What a beautiful girl your Samantha was. And I know the pain is especially deep, having shared her love and friendship since you were just a baby. I have no doubt, her love and life will live on in your heart and memories and for sure, this beautiful soul is looking down upon you from the Rainbow Bridge, right now, sending you her love, comforting you. She was a beautiful doggie, simply beautiful. I hope with time your heart will begin to heal and the pain, replaced with precious memories until that day you are reunited. Love, Sandra

08-07-2004, 09:54 AM
Your Pets In Heaven
by Ken D. Conover

"For all of the times that you have stooped and touched my head, fed me my favorite treat and returned the love that I so unconditionally gave to you. For the care that you gave to me so unselfishly. For all of the things I am grateful and thankful.
I ask that you not grieve for the loss, but rejoice in the fact that we lived, loved and touched each others lives. My life was fuller because you were there, not as a master/owner, but as my FRIEND.
Today I am as I was in my youth. The grass is always green, butterflies flit among the flowers and the Sun shines gently down upon all of God's creatures. I can run, jump, play and do all of the things that I did in my youth. There is no sickness, no aching joints and no regrets and no aging.
We await the arrival of our lifelong companions and know that togetherness is forever.
You live in our hearts as we do in yours. Companions such as you are so rare and unique.
Don't hold the love that you have within yourself. Give it to another like me and then I will live forever. For love never really dies, and you are loved and missed as surely as we are."

Your Pets In Heaven

Save trip to the Bridge, sweet Samantha