View Full Version : Any Pet Talk Related Dreams?

07-24-2004, 11:25 PM
Have any of you ever had and PT related dreams? I have EXTREMELY weird dreams, so I have some of everything.

Last night I had a dream I met Kay and I went to her house. Simba was there...I think but he wasn't really in the dream. I was playing with Nala and hugged her, I remember she was being very good. Kiara was there also I believe, and Kay took some pictures of me and her (Kiara). I couldn't stay long though...I think maybe 10 minutes.

In June I believe, I had a dream there was this sheltie, and I looked at the collar and started taking him back to the house. It was winter....don't know why. Binka_nugget opened the door and I remember saying something like "Hey! I know you from Pet Talk! I never knew you lived so close to me!" And then I gave her her dog back, I think it was Kaedyn but it might have been Kai. What happened (I believe) was somebody was walking the dog and the leash broke...so they went home and Kaedyn (I think) was just there lol. And I think that's basicaly it haha.

07-24-2004, 11:50 PM

I never have dreams about meeting people from PT, but I have dreams about posting on PT sometimes...

my dreams are boring I guess. :p

07-24-2004, 11:58 PM
It wasn't about PT, but I had a dream that I was at school, and outside there was this picnic table, and every day after school I would go out to this picnic table and there was a plastic tupperware bowl on the table. I would open it and there would be a puppy inside (?), and I would play with him for a while, but then I'd have to put him back in his tupperware bowl. After a few days of that, these people took the puppy because they said he wasn't being treated fairly ( :p ) and so I had to steal him back, but the next day the puppy wasn't in the tupperware bowl anymore, instead there was a sandwich in a plastic bag. So I took out the bag and dumped out the sandwich to see if the puppy was in it... ? And of course, he wasn't, so my sister took me to this auction place by my house and this man was selling a puppy so I went and tricked my sister into buying it by taping the puppy to the bottom of this wooden plate... (weird dreams... god.) So my sister bought the plate, and the auctioneer guy goes, "Do you want the puppy on the bottom, too?" And my sisters like, "Sure." But then I realized the puppy was a stuffed animal.

I don't have weird dreams, do I? LMAO.

07-25-2004, 12:03 AM
Lmao that is a really funny dream! I love dreams! :D

07-25-2004, 12:05 AM
Ha... lmao... I have the stupidest dreams... like ALL the time.

07-25-2004, 12:05 AM
I haven't had any PT related dream either. But I've been having these dreams once in awhile about Maggie. it's weird, because in my dream I can't pet her and hold her, and know how they felt before.

07-25-2004, 12:25 AM
I've seen lots of wierd PT dreams. On my first PT dream, I met Johanna (Cataholic) at the gym or something. There were a whole bunch of PT'ers there, and she was teaching us all these different weight exercises. Isn't that wierd? That was quite awhile back.........probably around 9 months - a year ago.

I've had lots of other dreams with Johanna in them. She was at my house most of the other times, and one time I was at her's. Then I saw two with Julie (GoldenRetrLuver) in them........one where both she and Johanna were at my house, and one where I bumped into her at Petco. The dream in which both Johanna and Julie were at my house was quite interesting. It started with them coming over and the three of us eating pizza for lunch. Then later, we all had our own laptops, and were sitting and surfing PT together, and posting on threads, having fun.

I remember seeing Logan and her daughter, Helen, in one of my dreams. It was kind of strange too. Logan and Helen were outside my house, knocking at our door. I ran downstairs to see who it was, and saw them when I looked out the peep hole. I was shocked, thinking how on earth they found my house when they had no idea where I lived, but at the same time, I was so happy to see them outside my door. It took me awhile to get over the shock, and when I finally got over it, I opened the door and saw that they were leaving. I guess they thought I wasn't at home. I ran after them, calling and telling them to come back, but I was too late, and they had already gone. Then I woke up.

I also saw this STRANGE dream once, months ago. I was going to the beach after sunset. It was dark. As I approached the shore, I spotted several familiar looking dogs. Then I saw several PT girls walking next to them. I started to walk towards them to say *hi*, but they looked like dark shadows, and I suddenly got scared and decided not to greet them. I turned back and left, and while I was leaving, I woke up. Wierd. I never figured out who those PT girls were, but I knew they were PT'ers, and for some very strange reason, I was scared of them in my dream, and didn't want to approach them. That was the only odd/frightening PT-related dream I've had. The rest were all happy and fun. I see the wierdest dreams, but I must admit, I enjoy PT dreams. :p I've seen at least 10-15 dreams with PT'ers in them, and several where I was at home, just surfing PT alone. Can you tell I think about PT too much? :p

07-25-2004, 12:47 AM
Not really PT related, but pet related. When I was pregnant with my son, I had the same dream everynight that I gave birth to a cat. And now, I'm pregnant with my second child, and that stupid dream is back!

07-25-2004, 01:30 AM
Originally posted by Tonya
Not really PT related, but pet related. When I was pregnant with my son, I had the same dream everynight that I gave birth to a cat. And now, I'm pregnant with my second child, and that stupid dream is back!

That has to mean something! Very strange.

07-25-2004, 08:53 AM
Tonya- I also give birth to kittens in my dreams! I did it long ago when I was pregnant and now, my first grand-daughter is due any day - and I dreamt it again a few weeks ago:eek: :D

If I ever figure it out - I will let you know!! You do the same OK?:D

07-25-2004, 09:59 AM
Originally posted by Tonya
Not really PT related, but pet related. When I was pregnant with my son, I had the same dream everynight that I gave birth to a cat. And now, I'm pregnant with my second child, and that stupid dream is back!

This wasn't when my mom was pregnant, but when my sister was pregnant with Gavin, my MOM had dreams that Jenny had the baby and it was a puppy. :) :p

Last night I had 2 different dreams... The first one was that I was in this room with like 8-10 people. The teacher would give one kid a knife, and then turn out the lights. That person would like swing the knife around or something, and try to hit someone... It was kinda scary in a way, but in this dream, I got hit in the stomach... So I woke up and I kept my legs UNDER the blanket... :p

Crap... now I forgot my second dream... oh well.

I had this one dream once, about my ex... He was at my house and we wanted to walk to my friends house, so we began walking, and we were at the corner of her block and we stopped and kissed for a really long time... lol... then we kept going and got to her house. My friend, my boyfriend, and my friends boyfriend and I sat outside her house in this camper and talked and laughed, blah blah blah. Then her and I went inside to got make lunch, and my boyfriend wanted to follow us in and I said, "No boys allowed!" and started hysterically laughing... so I went back inside and we made spaghettios and I kept spilling them... :D:p

Now I remember my last dream... lmao... next post if I'm not boring anyone!

07-25-2004, 10:04 AM
The dream I had after the knife one was really weird...

I was sitting in math class next to this kid. Some of the rooms in our school can open, and 3 rooms can make one huge room. So this boy and I were the only ones in one of the rooms, but it was one big room. So I was paying attention, and this kid goes, "I really like you." I started laughing, and he goes, "No really, will you go out with me?" and I laughed even harder. I said, "Umm... I don't know." So we left class, and this guy kept asking me. I got to gym class, and we were in the showers part, but none of the water was on.. :p and my friend Anne and I were standing there and I was telling her what happened with this kid, and then he came in. I gave him this poster I made and told him I was going to lunch, and then I woke up. :D :p

07-25-2004, 05:58 PM
I had this dream where we where selling our house and we heard a knock on the door and I opened it and there was Kay, Simba, Nala, and Kiara. Kay steps foreward and says "Hi, I saw you're 'For Sale' sign and thought I'd stop by, I'm moving here and am still looking for a house." So my parents showed her around while I played with the Muttlies. It was really weird. :eek: :eek: :eek:

07-26-2004, 08:32 PM

07-27-2004, 10:23 AM
My dreams are always very weird LOL. No Pet Talk related ones though...I think one had 2 PT'ers in it but I forgot who. Right now, almost all of my dreams are school related. I guess its because I keep thinking about high school and everything:p I don't think I've had any dreams for awhile now, but I can't remember the others that well.

08-01-2005, 02:41 AM
Wow, I searched for this thread to post my dream last night and I can't believe it's a year old!

Anyway, I feel absolutely terrible that I can't place your name...mystery woman...but I guess my mind went blank. ANYWAY. The girl who owns Skye...I believe, the grey puppy, you were in my dream last night!

It was rather odd. (What kind of dream isn't???) Anyway, you came to my house and were really excited to see me and I think we were long time friends and this was our first time meeting.

I think our doggehs got along quite well too!

08-01-2005, 11:38 AM
This is a very weird dream for a guy. In my dream I found out that I was pregnant!! So I went on pt to general for advice! Weird, huh?

finn's mom
08-01-2005, 11:52 AM
Originally posted by MariaM
Wow, I searched for this thread to post my dream last night and I can't believe it's a year old!

Anyway, I feel absolutely terrible that I can't place your name...mystery woman...but I guess my mind went blank. ANYWAY. The girl who owns Skye...I believe, the grey puppy, you were in my dream last night!

It was rather odd. (What kind of dream isn't???) Anyway, you came to my house and were really excited to see me and I think we were long time friends and this was our first time meeting.

I think our doggehs got along quite well too!

:) That's Judy, shutterbug0303. Dreams are cool. I have never had dreams about Pet talk. At least, not that I can remember. I did have a dream last night about those poor dogs in San Antonio that were drowned. :(

08-01-2005, 07:00 PM
I've had one REALLY bizzarre PT dream a long time ago....

I was supposedly going to a pet expo with Zeus. But when I got there, it turns out it was an agility competition. Erica was there with Gonzo and Rhiannon was there with Elvis. haha. After watching Elvis do flyball, I looked over and saw that Kay was there with Kiara. all of a sudden, the whole place floods. Kiara is stuck in a bathroom stall, and Kay is giving her all these commands to help her get out. Kiara is listening to every single one of them. So Kiara jumps over the stall door and Kay catches her. Erica, Rhiannon and I are cheering for them. All of the sudden, I'm back at home and Amber (CamCampup) is there with Bennie, and Bennie won't stop flying around my room. Once Bennie finally lands, I go out onto my balcony and see that Kiara is swimming in our pool holding a sign that says "We ♥ Robin". Weird, huh?...

08-01-2005, 07:02 PM
Megan's stuffed animal dream reminded me of some I've had... hahaha... :rolleyes:

Stuffed Animal Dream 1: My mom and I were in a music store and there were a lot of cats in cages. I had originally come there to get a tuba case.. (?? I play the clarinet!) but I begged and begged my mom to get a cat. She FINALLY said yes, and I walked out of the store with it wrapped in a blanket. By the time I had gone up to my friend to tell her that I got a cat, I realized that it was a stuffed animal. :o

Another one was when I was at Pony club and there were some miniature horses in the turnout, but we had to take our horses back to their stalls before we could go look at them. My friend was leading a white one around, and she wanted it because she said it looked like her horse. So I went down and picked out a buckskin. By the time I had led it up to the barn aisle, it was a blue roan. (??) I walked it down the barn aisle to ask my mom if we could buy it. When I asked her she said, "what horse?" and I looked down and realized I was holding a stuffed animal. I remember that I was dissapointed because I wouldn't get to see it grow up. (uhh, wow. haha.)

08-02-2005, 01:26 AM
Those are great Devon. I love dreams so much.

08-02-2005, 02:46 AM
Originally posted by david p
This is a very weird dream for a guy. In my dream I found out that I was pregnant!! So I went on pt to general for advice! Weird, huh?

That's what happens when you're always on a site where MOST of the members are women, and a lot of them are getting pregnant at that. :p Too much female influence? He he he! Funny dream!

Buddy Blaze Lover
08-02-2005, 01:07 PM
Well, I do remember in several dreams where I was doing something with Blaze or animals, and the thought came to me, "I gotta take pictures so I can post them on PT!!":p That's as close to PT dreams as I've ever gotten, lol!:rolleyes: ;)