View Full Version : Cubby wanting belly rubs? It can't be the same cat!

07-24-2004, 11:00 PM
This morning while hubby went to work, I was petting Cubby and all of the sudden he rolled over on his back, and was belly up. I got to pet his BELLY. :D Every now and then, he will lay on his back in my arms and let me but never on the floor like he was today. I only got 2 or 3 strokes out of him before he bit me. :( Hopefully he will keep that up.

Someone must have taken the real Cubby and gave me a very good look alike. I took a nap today and he was right there next to me all day. When hubby came in to wake me up Cubby jumped on my back to keep me in bed. He was purrrrrring like crazy. I just love it when Cubby is like this, but of course come tomorrow he will start bitting again. :rolleyes: :(

Oh and sorry I didn't get any pictures, I was to excited that he let me give him belly rubs to get the camera out. :D :p

07-25-2004, 08:08 AM
Awww... Cubby is mellowing out! I hope he continues to let you pet him and continues to cuddle.

Just deliver pictures next time! :p :D :)

07-25-2004, 08:29 AM
Good BOY Cubby!:D You know. my Dylan is just now starting to let us pet his belly too - not often - and he also bites when we do - but at least I figure it is progress:D Some cats sure take a long time to make little steps, don't they???

07-25-2004, 08:51 AM
Yes they do. I can handle the baby steps and all but 3 years go by and he is just now turning over? Oh well, I guess I have to go at HIS pace. ;)

But he did sleep with all night again last night. Every time I moved he was right there to let me know he wasn't happy with me moving around. :rolleyes:

07-25-2004, 07:06 PM
Great news that he's coming around. I think cats have thier own timing with trusting us hoomans.

I'm glad he allowed belly rubs, that's a big trust issue with kitties. :)

07-25-2004, 07:49 PM
Belly rubs, YIPPEE!!!! Good boy, Cubby!:D

07-26-2004, 09:19 AM
It just that Cubby,has realised how much you love him,and how much that he can trust you,to expose his Tummy! That is True Cat Love!

07-26-2004, 09:56 AM
Here's to hoping that being able to rub his belly is a permanent change.:)

Cats definately have there own timing when it comes to trusting us. Actually cats have there own timing for everything.:D

07-26-2004, 12:53 PM
I think someone has this on their siggy block

"If a cat doesn't wanna, he aint gonna!"

That is soooo the truth when it comes to kittes. I'm awfully lucky when it comes to Remus. He is a bellyrub addict! Only lets me, his paw paw and his uncle bellyrub him though. Anyone else he just gives the death stare to *I got a GREAT pic of the death stare, Will put it up this afternoon!*

Its great to hear of someone just being patient with thier kitty. So many people give up too easily.

07-26-2004, 01:22 PM
He hasn't rolled over for me since I posted this. He must know that I enjoyed giving him belly rubs and now wont let me. :(

Its great to hear of someone just being patient with thier kitty. So many people give up too easily.
I can't give up on him. He is my furry child. :D I looooove him to much. Even though he is a bit odd. But heck so am I or at least everyone at work tells me I am.

My manager gave me a better raise because of Cubby. I always ask if I can bring him in to help me work, and that he will be happy being paid with food. :D They always tell me no for some reason. :rolleyes:

07-26-2004, 01:37 PM
Awww, that is a big step forward! :D I'm sure now he knows how nice it feels, he'll continue rolling over for you - perhaps not every day, but still ... :)

It took about 3 years before Fister let us rub his tummy, now he wants it all the time - SO cute!! :)

07-26-2004, 03:49 PM
Dylan has been with us since December and just recently rolled over for belly rubs - and has only done so about 3 or 4 times - his terms only:rolleyes: But, that is OK - he has years and years ahead of him as he just turned two years old in June:D