View Full Version : Huge cockroach story!!!

07-24-2004, 10:44 PM
Since folks are telling bug stories, I will tell *mine*. A couple weeks ago, I was about to take a shower and turned on the water to heat up. Stripped off my clothes. Took off my glasses and started to step in. *huge* bug in the stall!:eek: I hollered for hubby and ran down the hall buck naked!:eek: Suddenly remembered I had houseguests:o (my dear son and Sirrahved) so I quickly grabbed a robe while hubby fought the huge BUG with the toilet plunger and then ran to get Devon and Jason so they could see this bug!!http://www.click-smilies.de/sammlung0304/sprachlos/speechless-smiley-003.gif
When I saw them they were looking like this:http://www.click-smilies.de/sammlung0304/lachen/laughing-smiley-003.gifhttp://www.click-smilies.de/sammlung0304/lachen/laughing-smiley-015.gif and doubled over speechless and laughing hysterically!!
By the time we got to the bathroom, they told us the bug was plastic and THEY put it there! *I* was not happy! The plastic bug had also been flushed down the toilet!!! Bad bug!!!
But when I think of how close they came to seeing a wild naked woman, and how I spared them a heart attack and lifelong trauma, I am very happy!http://img56.photobucket.com/albums/v170/sirrahbed/1.gif
The End:p

07-24-2004, 10:56 PM
I'm not sure which is more frightening....
Your buck nakedness or a cockroach!

:p :p :p :p :p

07-24-2004, 10:59 PM
Originally posted by Kfamr
I'm not sure which is more frightening....
Your buck nakedness or a cockroach!

:p :p :p :p :p
Trust me - the sight of me wildly running naked would have scarred them for life!!:eek: :D Serves them right for playing this trick on me! They know I am TERRIFIED of bugs!!:eek: :eek: :eek:

leslie flenner
07-24-2004, 11:04 PM
you raised a jokester eh?
NOT funny! cockroaches are disgusting; you poor, poor woman! I just finished cleaning an apt, (well throwing away nearly all the belongings of a client) that was completely cockroach infested. My co-worker, Maria, much braver than myself, took on the food cupboards, and was pulling out cereal boxes with roaches running out of them. She was also lucky enough to pull books out of a book case and discover a nest there. She screamed for me to toss her the spray- but as she sprayed, I screamed for her to stop as it was making them run frantically up the living room wall (and I just didn't want to see it). It took 3 days of work to get everything out of there. Making me itch just remembering my horrible week!

07-24-2004, 11:13 PM
Yes I raised a jokester and he married his match!:rolleyes: Thankfully, in 12 years I have yet to see acockroach in Ohio but I sure remember them from college in Texas and especially Louisiana!!! OMEGOSH! They were so big you could HEAR them walking in the cupboards!! If you flicked on a light at night - they would scurry! *shudder* They also FLEW!!! We had an exterminator each and every month so I rarely saw them after that but I KNEW they were there. I still cringe to think of those awful things! YUCK!!! I was ready to just attack those bratty kids of mine for doing that! In fact, I think I *did* pound on Devon a bit:o BRATS!!!

07-24-2004, 11:23 PM
What a brat! I would have had a heartattack!

We've got both a rat and cockroach problem here, and we have monthly bug (and rat) service. :( We live behind a shopping center who has their garbage and recycle bins against our back fence. It's a neverending supply. That's one of my biggest reasons for wanting out of the house. I can't wait until we sell it!

leslie flenner
07-24-2004, 11:36 PM
he is moving into a group home for obvious reasons! I have been referring to the unit as "Satan's Den". On Friday, my supervisor and I went in and took out the last few belongings, the exterminators had been there the day before to bomb and of course had shut the windows so we were inhaling the stuff and it was hot and humid. And I did see a lively small cockroach on the kitchen counter- my friend told me today it takes about 5 bombs to kill a serious infestation- the program he's moving into is going to be seriously pissed at us!

07-24-2004, 11:39 PM
Oh Debbie, I truly feel for you. I had years of pranks pulled on me in the past from the kids who were enticed by the hubby.
No matter how much I screamed, cried and faked heart attacks, they still did it at least once a month.
Thank goodness they have FINALLY grown up and I have been prank free for quite a few years now.
Poor you.

http://www.click-smilies.de/sammlung0304/sehrgrosse/large-smiley-052.gif'S FOR YOU

07-24-2004, 11:39 PM
Oh my Gosh, Leslie...I just read your story. I would die!

I should at least be thankful that I've never seen a cockroach inside my house. They're just always outside on the porch, trying to get in. But they die quickly, because our bug guy has some type of poison sprayed all around the perimeter of our house.

leslie flenner
07-24-2004, 11:51 PM
aren't they pretty big? my grandma is in LA and i've never seen one at her place, but i imagine it might be like in FL.? I wasn't dying but I was jumping around and screaming alot and so was Maria. Our agency gives us movie tickets for going above and beyond (we're the only ones who do!) but I think we need to up the cost to pedicures and manicures because a movie is $8.50 here and we have done more than that even including our hourly pay!! I still have 4 movie passes to use from previous "above and beyonds" to use. And they still "owe" us from a major job last Aug! Where I was gagging from the multitude of baby flies coming out of the sink while Maria cleared a kitchen sink of dirty dishes...

07-24-2004, 11:55 PM
The ones that I see around my house are the the width of my thumb and about 3/4 the length of my thumb. I don't think cockroaches are real common where I live though. I think they're just mainly in the ghettos and at the lucky people who live behind shopping center's houses. :D

07-24-2004, 11:56 PM
I would of had a heartattack I would get even 2 feet away from it I would be a mile away and I need to tell a story that happened yesterday!

Ok well i was on Pet Talk of course last night I was just typing I didn't even notice a little scorpion which are very dangerous was there! I still didn't notice when it was like right in front of me but oon the wall. I screamed to my dad and told him there was a scorpion and he told me to get his eyebrow picker which he doesn't hopefully not! So I gave it to him and he grabed the Scopion by the stomach. i went to my mom who was folding clothes and Chiquis was with her I told her mom my dad is going to show you something but don't even touch I don't think you would want to touch it:p. She just started screaming not usual her to scream like that. So then my dad put it in the sinkand let it go it just started running histerically my mom started to scream again. Then my mom stopped screaming and my dad killed and put it in the dumpster.

07-24-2004, 11:56 PM
Which, BTW, you'd think I wouldn't have a rat problem with all my pets. I even have stray cats I feed from the shopping center. My pets are slacking!

07-24-2004, 11:58 PM
We don't have scorpians here, Alma...but when we were camping in May, my son Jaden and his friend came up to us with a huge live scorpian. They were all proud...and us adults were like "AHHH! PUT THAT DOWN!" Jaden was all mad at us because we threw it in the fire.

07-24-2004, 11:59 PM
The big ones are scary but not posiones like little one i used to the big ones but not touching it though ewwwwww:eek:

07-25-2004, 12:02 AM
OMG!!! That is hysterical! Hah! I would never play a prank like that on my mom. ;) He he he!!!

Leslie, I don't think we have cockroaches in CA.......not many. I was born here and grew up here and have never seen a single one. We don't have humid weather at all. Those creatures normally live in humid places areas. Just another reason why I hate humidity. :p

07-25-2004, 12:06 AM
Yeah, Popcorn...I never saw a cockroach until I bought this house. (Wish I'd noticed that problem BEFORE I bought this house.)

leslie flenner
07-25-2004, 12:09 AM
On gross stories! Scorpions! How do they get in the house? If you ignore them, will they leave you alone? Or what about catching and putting outside? Do they have nests of eggs in the walls (ewww!)?
Roaches that size tonya? NO. Guess I can't live in CA !!! That's just too fat and long and disgusting. as far as rats go- I never see them- I see rat traps all around the city (btw I took the week off since i work a block and a half away from democratic convention and want to live- so I'll be on pettalk more than I should!). Seen rats when I worked in lynn, the size of small dogs, walking down the sidewalk with no fear....

07-25-2004, 12:10 AM
Originally posted by Tonya
Yeah, Popcorn...I never saw a cockroach until I bought this house. (Wish I'd noticed that problem BEFORE I bought this house.)

I've always thought Modesto was a wierd city. :p

He he he! A friend of mine used to live in Modesto, and she told me about the wierd creatures that would come on their house. Frogs and toads and snakes and rats. Ever since she told me that, I've had a thing against Modesto. :p:o

07-25-2004, 12:13 AM
Haha. Well this used to be an agricultural city, so there are alot of toads and snakes in areas where they are just building houses...As well as coyotes. It is really sad. The coyotes wind up eating housepets because they're ran out of their homes with nothing to eat. Modesto isn't to bad though...It has a bad rap.

07-25-2004, 12:17 AM
I haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaate cockroaches!!! I am scared to death when I see them. Got some bad experiences with them. Yuck!

07-25-2004, 01:45 AM
Originally posted by popcornbird
Leslie, I don't think we have cockroaches in CA.......not many.

Are you kidding? :eek: YES, we do! :p I went outside a few hours ago, and saw this big, ugly cockroach right by the doorway... YUCK! I usually don't mind bugs, but I can't stand cockroaches. But, yeah, we don't get them a lot.. just every once in a while.

LOL Debbie! That would be the kind of prank I would pull on my own parents. ;)

07-25-2004, 02:33 AM
Originally posted by GoldenRetrLuver
Are you kidding? :eek: YES, we do! :p I went outside a few hours ago, and saw this big, ugly cockroach right by the doorway... YUCK! I usually don't mind bugs, but I can't stand cockroaches. But, yeah, we don't get them a lot.. just every once in a while.

LOL Debbie! That would be the kind of prank I would pull on my own parents. ;)

I'm not kidding! :p I've never seen one! NEVER! Not even once!

If I hadn't seen cockroaches in other countries and states, I wouldn't even know what they looked like. I have *never* seen one anywhere in CA! :confused: You've seen cockroaches, Julie? Are you serious? :eek:

07-25-2004, 05:58 AM
I wrote THIS (http://petoftheday.com/talk/showthread.php?s=&threadid=54488) and then I read your thread.

07-25-2004, 07:39 AM


07-25-2004, 08:58 AM
Originally posted by popcornbird
OMG!!! That is hysterical! Hah! I would never play a prank like that on my mom. ;) He he he!!!

Poppy, you are a good daughter!! I think maybe it is a boy thing. Although - Devon sure had fun too!!! BRATS!!! You sons and daughters out there - quit scaring your mothers!!! :D :D

07-25-2004, 10:57 AM
Popcorn, I'd never seen roaches either until I bought this house. And I've pretty much lived in Modesto and the bay area all my life. Cockroaches mainly thrive around food and water. Most places that have food or water laying around *cough* The back of restauraunts *cough* have cockroaches.

07-26-2004, 09:22 AM
Will someone please yell at Devon for what she and my son did to me??:eek:
Traumatizing their poor ole mom:rolleyes:

07-26-2004, 09:27 AM
Originally posted by sirrahbed
Will someone please yell at Devon for what she and my son did to me??:eek:
Traumatizing their poor ole mom:rolleyes:

Ok... DEVON!! shame on you! You should appologize this instant for playing such a nasty trick on your poor unsuspecting naked MIL! Next time, make sure she's not naked.

07-26-2004, 10:25 AM
eew eew eew eew eew eew eew eew eew eew eew eew !!! I HATE roaches! I don't care if they're plastic... I can't stand them!

Bella's telling me to tell you what happened the other night while iI was on the phone with her. She'd post it, but she says I write better and type faster, and she doesn't want to kick me off the comp. hehe

Ok, so the other night Bella was at work and gave me call to vent, cuz a bartended called in and totally messed up her night. I was talking to her, trying to cheer her up when I see Hector stalking something in the hallway. then he rears up and runs away and I see this HUGE palo verde beetle in the corner. For those of you who dont know, a palo verde beetle is this GIANT black bug with huge feelers. Definitely not one you want to step on.

So anyway, I start freaking out.
JC- "ohmygodohmygodohmygod!"
Bella - "what what what?? what's going on???"
J - "abugabugabugabug!!"
B - What kinda bug?
J - dunno... HUGE bug! Big bug!! oh my god it's coming for me!
B - grab the broom, kill it and sweep it out the door.
J - Aaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh!!!
B - what's the matter?
J - It's gonna get me!
it's not dying!
It's not dying!
oh my god oh my god it's on the broom!
B - is it dead?
J - **battle cry!** ***THWACK THWACK THWACK!*** No! It's not dying! It keeps coming after me!!

Bella of course is laughing hysterically on the other end. I then proceed to scream, and alternate hitting the bug while sweeping it towards the door, and taking pot shots at the dogs to keep them away from the bug.

I cheered Bella up tho. She felt much better after talking to me. :rolleyes:

07-26-2004, 10:43 AM
OMG Debbie!! :eek: :eek:

I would have been so upset, lol. Even though it is kinda funny - just a little. I hate roaches too. And I know what you mean by the Louisiana roachers, as I use to live there.

Friday night, some kind of lizard got in the house. I was on the toilet and Wilber came running in the bathroom and I see this yellow and black spotted tail sticking out underneath the litter box. I jumped off the toilet and ran out and yelled for Mike to come get it.

07-26-2004, 11:05 AM
Funny telephone story JC!:D :D
Angela - a LIZARD???? *shudder* I would definitely FREAK:eek: (I hope you finished your...uh....business:D )