View Full Version : Limericks...It is fun!!

07-18-2001, 08:13 AM
We have been writing limericks in "Dog General" and it is so much fun! Someone initiated this on another board I frequent the other day, and the members have had a blast, so I carried the idea over here. Well, we can't leave the cats out. :eek:

Limericks are five lines, with lines 1,2 and 5 rhyming, and lines 3 & 4 rhyming. Here's my first "cat" attempt...pronounce everything to sound like butter, mutter, etc.!

Hello, my new name is Butter
I never knew one like my Mother
She tries to be nice
All I do is bite
But I won't trade her in for another

Pam has already shown herself to be a whiz on the dog board. You'll have to go read!


07-18-2001, 01:03 PM
Here's another. Come on you guys (I'd like to say ya'll but I was afraid you might laugh at me)!!!

The queen of our house is Mimi
Occassionally she climbs up a tree
And she really fusses at Mother
For allowing a Butter
But loves to sit on my knee

Cougie Wechsler
07-18-2001, 02:08 PM
Those are really good! I will brainstorm one and try it out! Are their certain grammatical rules for a limrick? Okay here is one:

Hello my name is Fester
And my house is always a laugh
People always come to see me
because some say I am a furry court jester!

07-18-2001, 03:22 PM
Gosh, I suck at limericks, but they are definitely fun to read!! Lemme give it a shot...
Ok, my cat Marius has a total foot fetish and absolutely loves fresh shower feet...so here's a limerick about it... :D

I have a fat white cat,
Who waits for me on the bathmat.
He's addicted to toes,
As everyone knows...
So what can you say about that??

This doesn't have anything to do with pets, but I did come up with a limerick about one of my friends on the fly after an interesting night out with him...we both laughed so hard about it the next day...Here it is...a true story...

There once was a man, Sreedhar
Who had a few drinks in the bar...
2 Kamikazees...
3 Long Island Iced Teas...
And then he puked in his car!!! LOL LOL LOL :D

I'll have to ponder some more kitty ones. Common ya'll!!! Join in!!! :D

P.S. Never be embarassed to say "ya'll"! LOL :D I'm originally from souther Indiana and it just slips out every now and then :)

Cougie Wechsler
07-18-2001, 03:53 PM
Good job! I am trying to come up with more. One for Cougie and one for Maximus. By the way, I see people use "lol" alot - what does that mean? :)

07-18-2001, 04:25 PM
Cougie, LOL stands for (I'm) Laughing out Loud.

Hope this will make you LOL too:

There once was a kitty named Weezie,
Who did long for a nice piece of Cheese-y.
She thought that she smelled it,
She jumped up and held it ...
And gobbled it down, oh so easy! :)

07-18-2001, 04:32 PM
Catwoman!! That is GREAT!!!! :D :D :D

07-18-2001, 04:35 PM
Thanks, Logan. I actually was a poetry major long ago ...

Try this one:

There once was a kitty named Thelma,
Who did hail from the South (not near Selma.)
But now she's in Denver
With a new "Pet Talk" member,
And happy to be here, she'll tell ya' ...

LOL I'd forgotten how much fun limericks are! Thanks for reminding me.


[ July 18, 2001: Message edited by: catwoman ]

07-18-2001, 05:37 PM
My Trevor is a big orange cat,
There are some who would say he is fat, :mad:
He is a large size,
Cause he doesn't exercise,
But I love him just the same, so that's that!

Logan, thanks for the compliment but I don't feel like a wiz! :)

[ July 18, 2001: Message edited by: Pam ]

07-18-2001, 05:43 PM
There once was a big cat named Pippin
Who ruled all the house without trippin'
Until home one day
Came a black pup to stay
And Pippin's control started slippin'!

Now Pippin's an orange polydactyl
Though near 20 pounds, he's quite fragile
With pup Lady's bouncing
His ego took a trouncing
Cause though he's big, she is more agile

Pippin's not declawed at all,
And his paws certainly have the wherewithal
If he'd just swipe at her nose
With those sharp kitty toes
She'd learn his control isn't casual!

07-18-2001, 06:26 PM
Oh Logan you got me going! I can't turn it off! Everyone is doing just great on both boards! Keep rhyming!

There's a great place to go on the net,
Where we can talk all about our loved pet,
We all have a ball,
Thanks to Karen and Paul,
'Cause so many neat people we've met!

07-18-2001, 09:58 PM
See, Pam!! You are a poet and "you didn't know it"!! LOL!!!

You're doing great!!!

Hello, my name is Butter
Mimi would trade for another
She hisses at me
I chase her up a tree
and then we just both run for cover


4 feline house
07-18-2001, 10:04 PM
Sorry, no limericks, but for some reason Logan's comment about "y'all" reminded me.....

Even tho my dad was in the Air Force, we had always lived in the south, in fact mostly in Texas. Plus my mom's family was all from Mississippi and Louisiana. My dad was from New Jersey, but we loved him anyway, and we never met his family, so we had no yankee influence in our language. Anyway, my dad was being transferred to Missouri, and all our friends and family warned us not to say "y'all" because all the yankees would laugh at us. So I adopted the "you guys". After a few months paling around with my new friends, I overheard one girl say to the other "Why does she always say 'you guys'? We're not guys!" From that day on I've always talked like I want, without regard to what anyone else thought!

Cougie - you might also see ROFL which means "Rolling on Floor Laughing" or ROTFL which is "Rolling on the Floor Laughing".

Thanks for letting me go off subject there!

07-18-2001, 10:06 PM
Yeah, Leah!! A woman after my own heart. From now on, I will say "ya'll" with pride, just for you!! LOL!!!


07-18-2001, 11:53 PM
My beautiful cat's name is Shiloh
She doesn't know the meaning of the word 'no'
Even though she can be quite bad
She never makes me mad
skjfl''dkf.. She's typing on the keyboard, DOH!!!

07-19-2001, 06:38 AM
Leah...Your dad sounds like a great guy, hailing from New Jersey and all! :D :D My mom was born and raised in Virginia. I grew up hearing Y'all because she didn't leave that in Virginia when she came up to Philly and met my dad. He said her cute little southern accent was what he fell for first. See us northerners aren't so bad! :D

Aly...Trevor and Andy type just like that! Maybe some day they will actually type a real word! :D

[ July 19, 2001: Message edited by: Pam ]

07-19-2001, 11:21 AM
LOL LOL I love all of these poems!! Quite a lot of talent here on Pet Talk! What a great way to begin my day :) I came here first as always!! I'm so glad I'm not the only one with the southern accent influence :) I guess I don't have to be self conscious if I slip and say something totally southern on these boards now...LOL LOL

OK, I had to put a poem about my tux cat with his big round shocked-looking eyes on here!

My cat is black and white.
His bug-eyes look opened in fright!
People see him and say,
"Did he come that way?...
"Does he blink?" I don't know, but he might!!
LOL LOL :rolleyes:

Ok, here's one that's kinda gross, but all ya'll with cats that gobble food really fast just to puke it back up can relate...

My cat likes to eat LOTS of food.
He doesn't care if he's rude...
He'll eat all on the plate,
Then puke all he ate...
Then he'll start to eat puke, ain't that crude????!!!

:D :D :D

07-19-2001, 12:10 PM
This is bad news...now I'm addicted! I was sitting here creating a demo of our application, and I'm thinking in rhymes!! LOL LOL...here's another...

Marius is our cord-chomper's name.
Chewing cords is his fav-or-ite game.
Power, printer or phone,
He won't leave them alone.
Our poor "com" center's just not the same.

Scooter finds it hard to ignore
The mysteries behind a closed door.
He pushes and nudges
And if the door budges
He slips in and starts to explore. :D

Ok, I better stop for now!!! LOL LOL

07-19-2001, 12:56 PM
Here is the best one I can think of.

Nikki is a wanna-be-smartie,
So she tries not to act like a retardy,
but it so hard for her,
I bet she wishes she could say good day sir,
instead of make a farty!

07-19-2001, 01:56 PM
Sorry, no limericks here either, but I do have something to add to the accent discussion.
No matter where I go in the States, people always seem to know that I'm from New York. Now, I would like to point out that I DON'T talk like "The Nanny" or Rosie Perez or any of those, LOL, even though I am NY born and bred. (but I must admit I DO say "you guys" a lot, LOL!)
Once, when I was in Maine, someone said to me "you're the friendliest New Yorker I have ever met!" I guess we do have a bad reputation around here, but we're not really all THAT bad! :D

07-19-2001, 02:03 PM
Well, Thelmalu, join the crowd of folks with accents. It will be a hoot for my Massachusetts friends to hear Helen and me when we go for our visits. My one friends swears I'll leave there saying "shooooooaah"!!! I said only if she learns to say "peecan" and "Y'all"! :D

07-19-2001, 02:24 PM
LOL, My uncle lives in Boston and everytime I go there to visit him, I'm like "I'm coming to Baaahston!"
He comes here and says "New Yawk". ;)

07-19-2001, 03:22 PM

Lady Olivia d'Flufferuni
is a tabby who's precious and plumey
She's chic, sweet, and smart
She's queen of my heart
Although, just per me, she's quite loony

(Ahem, please don't let her know what I've said about her!)

Sassy (Rainbow bridge):

Little Mister Sassafras Root
Was a tabby dilute sweet and cute
The sound of his purr
Was a soft gentle 'Mir'
Just a love bug in a fur suit


Cassy's a fierce bouncy fur ball
He's an energetic sweet doll
He's a silver gray tabby
Quite muscley, not flabby
Who drives his pet human up the wall

I 'borrowed' my sister's chow, Kemo

There is a dear chow named Kemo
Whose personality is dreamo
His pelt it is gold
He loves treats being doled
They inspire his tricks quite extremo

07-19-2001, 03:28 PM
Here's my addition - I've never written a limerick, so bear with me. :rolleyes:

I have 2 cats; Bouja and Bushes
They like to make my rugs go WHOOOOSHES.
They race and they run,
It's so much fun,
To watch them slide on their tushes. :D

Mila's Mommy
07-19-2001, 03:53 PM
I have taken some liberty with the number of syllables I used, but it was so much fun!! :D

Here are mine....

I met the sweetest little kitten
Her back paws looked like white mittens
She looked up at me
and my heart burst with glee
and immediately I was smitten. :)

- AND -

My name is Mila Meow Cat.
But I think you already know that.
I can sleep all day
and at night I will play
which is I get called the "Meow Brat"! :p

07-19-2001, 04:27 PM
I am loving all these great Limericks. Keep 'em coming ...

Does anyone know where to find Cat Haikus? I got an e-mail with some several months ago, lost them, and now can't find them out on the web. There is one about hearing "hairball noises" in the night that is a scream. :D

Nevermind ... I found it. Check it out at http://www.travelingdogs.com/haiku.html

[ July 19, 2001: Message edited by: catwoman ]

07-19-2001, 07:59 PM
I can't believe the talent here at Pet Talk! We should publish a book! What great poets, on both the cat and dog boards!

Catwoman...there was a post here about haikus several months ago. It was terrific and lots of the same talented folks contributed there as well. I think it was on Cat General and I just went back to some of the old, old posts but I guess it was too long ago.

07-19-2001, 08:09 PM
Dog Haiku starts Dec. 6, 2000
Cat Haiky-u starts Dec. 7, 2000

I'm still working on my limerick. Hard to find my third word that rhymes with Freckles!

[ July 19, 2001: Message edited by: Freckles ]

07-19-2001, 09:04 PM
Wow, I have never posted on the cat board before, but you all, or yez all, or ya'll depending on where everybody is from ( I was born in Virginia, raised in Rhode Island and live in California) are making up some great limericks. :) :)

07-19-2001, 09:17 PM
My feline's name is Freckles.
She's all colors, blotches and speckles.
A calico by name,
Cat of the Day's her fame
and she's modest, smart, (not feckless).

07-19-2001, 09:47 PM
Good job, Freckles!! That is a tough one to rhyme with. I had to shorten my Lilly to Lil to be more creative!! LOL!!

I will have to do some heavy duty thinking and put some more in tomorrow....


07-20-2001, 03:06 AM
This reminds me of helping my boys with homework -

A small black and white cat called Sadie
Is mostly sweet and demure as a lady
Till other cats come knocking
When her manners are shocking
And her temper decidedly shaky!

07-20-2001, 06:55 AM
Helen...great job!! Isn't this fun? We haven't heard from you much lately. Welcome back!

07-20-2001, 08:28 AM
Bad typing! The last line should read "decidedly shady!"

Sadie would be horrified if she knew I'd written this.

07-20-2001, 08:40 AM
Well, it was good anyway, Helen! And it is nice to see you back! :)

12-18-2003, 09:40 PM
Those are so cute, I dont know if I can reply But I would like to give it a try.

My Name is Pookie
Anyone have a Cookie?
PeanutButter is my Fave
Give it to my and Oh will I rave!!!
So why dont ya come and Lookie!!!

12-19-2003, 04:30 AM
My cat has many a game
mousie and fetch to her name
Her name is Bastet
An Aby no less
And fawn is the colour of her mane

12-19-2003, 05:15 PM
My kitty named Checkers is furry
And when he is petted is purry
He never comes to his name
To my occasional shame
But comes for petting in a hurry

There once was a collie named Blaze
Who slept on the carpet for days
His favorite activity
Was to repose in "oblivity"
And except for his walks would just laze.