View Full Version : My boys vet just called.....

07-23-2004, 03:17 PM
Okay well I wasn't expecting any results today, but we got them...

Jasper has a "Severe Alergy Skin Disease" or something like that

We tested all kinds of foods, and all kinds of environmental things...

She thinks he is probably alergic to something in the air, which we can do nothing about...

Right now she wants to put him on "Predizone" which I think are steroids? She said it shortens their life if they have to stay on it long term, she is hoping to put him on it short term...but then what??

I asked about shampoos and foods, and she said all we can do is try different shampoos and things, she also has somethings(oils I guess) to put on his food.

Okay, so I waited for results, to hopefully feel "satisfied" hoped to find out exactly what he has, and exactly what makes it go away....

But I almost feel like we're back at square 1, we still really have no idea.....will we ever?

07-23-2004, 03:21 PM
Have you ever thought of getting one of those Air Purifiers? That might help if he's allergic to something that's in the air.

Poor boy. :(

07-23-2004, 03:22 PM
Poor Jasper. Well that info wasn't a lot of help, I'm sorry.

I think the air purifier idea sounds good! I think I'd give it a try at least.

07-23-2004, 03:27 PM
"Severe Allergy Skin Disease"???? come on! I would have expected more a diagnoses than that! :( Maybe you should get a 2nd opinion Robyn. Considering I think anyone on PT could have told you that much about him.. :rolleyes: I'm sorry, hon... I know this has got to feel like 3 steps back, and so frustrating! *huggles* I feel so bad for you and for Jasper. But you're doing a great job at staying positive and being a great mom to jasper. Right now, that may be all you can do. But keep a stiff upper lip, and try whatever you can to help relieve the irritation for Jasper. With any luck, a little help may come your way. ;) Give Jasper BIG HUGGS and lots of nosie kisses from me and Arthur! :) Hang in there, kiddo! Things will be ok...

07-23-2004, 03:27 PM
Hmmm an Air Purifier could help, are they expensive?

07-23-2004, 03:29 PM
The better ones tend to cost around USD$200-300... keep in mind, you'd need a couple cuz 1 won't do much good for the whole house.

07-23-2004, 03:31 PM
ANother thought, if you think you might go with the air purifyer, I'd go with one of the filter-less ones, like the Sharper IMage ionic breeze.


that way you wouldn't have to worry about buying filters etc, and the ionic breezes work great!

07-23-2004, 03:31 PM
JC, We most have posted the same time!

It doesnt actually feel like that much back-ward, because before I was so unsure of everything because we did alergy tests and all of that, and I had no idea if it was even alergies, or his skin or what!

Im going to pick up some Benadryl, do you think he'd be able to have stronger ones?? I bought some kids Benadryl, and he needed a bunch for his weight, but it didn't help...

Im also going to check into those Air Pureifiers

07-23-2004, 03:32 PM
I think we keep posting at the same time, Robyn! :)

We have adult benadryl for our pups. Usually 1 capsul does it for them, but you may want to ask your vet to be sure on dosage/weight etc.

07-23-2004, 03:41 PM
Okay, thanks!

Also I just asked my mom about Air Pureifiers, and she said they are already installed in our house, in almost every room, in the ceilings :confused:

07-23-2004, 03:44 PM
How odd... who changes the filters? Have they ever been changed? In order to work properly, they have to be cleaned etc. I've never heard of internal purifiers... but that could just be me. :)

07-23-2004, 03:45 PM
Try to avoid the prednisone, that isn't good for dogs. That was what Speedy was on. I'd try an air purifier, that sounds like a good idea...

07-23-2004, 03:47 PM
That diagnosis sounds pretty vague to me and not like a real diagnosis.. to me it sounds like "Jasper has some severe allergy that makes him have skin problems" which you already knew.

Prednisone is often prescribed for people with severe rheumatoid arthritis or other severe pain syndromes. It is also commonly used for severe allergy treatment. Most preferably it is a course that starts off at a certain dose (perhaps 20 mg), and then tapered down over a few weeks until the person is off of it. As you guessed it is a steroid. In people, long-term prednisone use can cause degrading of bones and bone mineral density, even eventual kidney or liver damage. That is long-term use however. It may at least give him some relief while you look into other options, and short-term use is generally thought to not be harmful.

I am no total expert by any means. What I know, I know from doing medical transcription. Usually doctors won't put someone on long-term prednisone therapy unless they are already quite elderly or else too miserable to enjoy quality of life otherwise.

I know all of this is continually hard on you, but the hardest of all has to be seeing him suffer with it, so I personally would probably agree to a course of prednisone to start off with to at least relieve him for now and give you some time to seek other opinions and options.

07-23-2004, 03:47 PM
Originally posted by DogLover9501
Okay, thanks!

Also I just asked my mom about Air Pureifiers, and she said they are already installed in our house, in almost every room, in the ceilings :confused:

She means the ones in the AC probably...We got those too...but a hepafilter is different. I have one in Jaden's room. It constantly sucks in air, cleans it, and blows it back out. They are expensive, though. Here's a picture of one:


07-23-2004, 03:48 PM
Originally posted by Tonya
Try to avoid the prednisone, that isn't good for dogs. That was what Speedy was on. I'd try an air purifier, that sounds like a good idea...

I wish I could avoid it, but I dont know what else Im suposed to do

07-23-2004, 03:54 PM
Benadryl doesn’t work for all dogs. You may have to try another antihistimine. Check out this page from vetinfo4dogs (http://www.vetinfo4dogs.com/dallergy.html) There’s some great info on this site, that helped me understand allergies better than what my vet told me. It will also tell you about other medications you can try.

I think you DO need another opinion, Robyn. We recently took Chester in for the skin tests, and found several things that the blood tests we had done previously didn’t find. So now Chester has new antigens (allergy shots) that he gets and we’re hoping to see a difference.

I suggest that to give Jasper some relief you do a short round of low dose prednisone, to make him comfortable until you can get him in to see another vet, and maybe save some $ for further testing. It makes a world of difference in how Chester feels physically and his happiness. It’s no fun to be sore and itchy, and have your Mom yelling at you to stop licking and scratching. When I have to yell at him and put the cone on him, I feel bad and he ignores me, so I know it’s not good for our relationship. But, I can’t let him lick and scratch to the point of infection, which he’s done a lot. :(

07-23-2004, 03:56 PM
Originally posted by Tonya
She means the ones in the AC probably...We got those too...but a hepafilter is different. I have one in Jaden's room. It constantly sucks in air, cleans it, and blows it back out. They are expensive, though. Here's a picture of one:


Ahhh.. the filters in the a/c... of course... But yes, the stand alone filters are very different and work better than the filters in the a/c

Maybe the prednisone (at least short term) should be a consideration. I knoew it can cause some serious problems, and shorten life if taken long term, but remember it's quality of life, not quantity. :) I know that sounds terrible, but you need to do whatever you think is right for Jasper right now. No one will think ill of you, regardless of what you decide to do. :)

07-23-2004, 04:33 PM
Thanks so much everyone

Micki-Im going to read over that page as soon as Im done this post!

Also, I think I would feel bad going to another vet! I mean, mostly because our vet has helped us alot, and has spent a whole day doing skin scrapes on him for no charge, and also claims that she is trying really hard, and never seen anything like this

You guys may have a different opinion, but TONS more may be available there for you, we don't have much of anything avail. here, especially for pets.

Like lots of people told me about pet dermontologists(sp), and we don't have one of those, for Jasper to get all the proper testing he needs, we would have to send him to P.E.I and that would cost us about $800, and we don't have that, and may never have that

And I can't find a job, and it'll be harder to get one when I go back to school in September

07-23-2004, 04:44 PM
Robyn, just do what you can. We all know you're doing everything you can for Jasper. You've already done so much for him. You have been a great furmom, especially for someone your age. I know a lot of teens who would rather just chase boys, or do drugs, or worse, be on the cheerleading squad. ;) If jasper could talk, he'd tell you not to worry, to just do your best, and that he'll love you regardless. And I'm sure that's pretty much how we all feel on PT, too. You're an amazing kid! And I don't mean that to be condescending at all, I honestly mean it. Don't ever feel like you could have done something else, something more. Just keep doing what you're doing, and faith (in jasper, in yourself, in some nameless deity) will show which path to take from here on out.

We're all pulling for you, kiddo! You and Jasper just need to hang in there. :)

Cinder & Smoke
07-23-2004, 05:01 PM
Originally posted by DogLover9501

... she wants to put him on "Predizone" ...

then later ...

"I'm going to pick up some Benadryl..."



Please - do NOT *mix* medicines!

You should NEVER give your dog Anything
that your VET doesn't know about!

If you want to "try" the Benadryl BEFORE you try the Predizone;
discuss it with the VET and let the Vet suggest the proper dosage.

/s/ Phred

07-23-2004, 06:03 PM

I am sorry you are stuck in a hole here. I am sorry that Jasper has to go through all of this.

Otis has major allergy problems. When he is having problems, we give one 25 MG Benedryl. His problems include excessive itching and breathing problems. What is the main thing that Jasper is having problems?

Otis has also been on Predizone. It worked miracles for him.

Also, look for different approaches on the net. My mom did that when Otis had his allergy problems, and it helped us a lot.

I would reccomend a second opinion. Maybe a second opinion could finally find what is wrong with Jasper.

Remember, if you do find something on the internet that you think would help Jasper, please, check with your vet before doing anything.

Good luck with everything!

07-23-2004, 07:03 PM
poor baby those air purfies I saw them they cost like 500.00 dollars but you should get one for jasper and make him feel better

07-23-2004, 08:59 PM
Originally posted by DogLover9501
Also, I think I would feel bad going to another vet! I mean, mostly because our vet has helped us alot, and has spent a whole day doing skin scrapes on him for no charge, and also claims that she is trying really hard, and never seen anything like this

What I'm about to say may sound mean towards your vet, but for her to say she's never seen allergies like his, is a bit odd. Allergies are probably the single most common problem vets see these days. :confused: Now I understand that without testing, she doesn't know what he's allergic to, but it's fairly obvious that it's an allergy of some sort. The two most common allergies are inhaled (dog breathes in grass pollens, etc), and food. Allergies in dogs don't usually manifest in the form of sneezing like in people, but almost always on the skin. Skin scrapings won't tell her a thing about what he's allergic to. I know in the beginning skin scrapings are necessary to rule out other diseases, like scabies, mange, and ringworm, but once those are ruled out you're pretty much left with allergies. :(

If you do the prednisone, there's one called 'Temaril P' that has done the best for Chester. It's a combination of benadryl and predinsone, and gives him wonderful relief in a single dose. I give him 1/2 of the vet recommended dosage and I only do it every other day. This keeps the itching at bay and I hope, gives him less of the pred so therefore, less side effects.

We are also doing the fatty acids, and once he's gone through the desensitization for his new allergy shots we'll start the antihistamines again. Benadryl used to work for him somewhat, but in the summer it really doesn't make a dent in his allergies.

07-23-2004, 09:08 PM
I'm so sorry that things are not going better with Jasper. I was so hoping that you would find some answers. I'll keep Jasper in my prayers and hope that you will be able to solve these allergy problems real soon.


07-23-2004, 10:40 PM
Micki- Well actually we didn't know what it was, because we did 2 alergy tests, one tested all kinds of foods, and the other tested 48 environment things(grass, polin, dust, dust mites..etc..etc..etc) and nothing showed up on either, so then we thought it must be his skin, and more and more testing and skin scrapes went on and always nothing, nothing, nothing

Thanks Robin :)

07-24-2004, 09:15 AM
Did you do the allergy tests where they inject possible allergens into the skin, or did they draw blood and test that for possible allergens? We did the blood test when Chester was a young dog, but just recently did the skin test and found that some of the things the blood test said he was allergic to, he isn't. There are also new things on the skin test that we never thought he was allergic to, that he is. Once we found out how much more reliable the skin tests were, we decided to go ahead and do it.

Did they test him to see if he was allergic to Tigger? The recent skin test told us that Chester was allergic to cats! :eek:

Whatever you do, remember what we've decided. If the medication necessary for his comfort shorten his life, so be it. I'd rather have Chester live a shorter, but happier life, so we do the prednisone. I don't like it, but it's what I feel I have to do for him. Of course, you know Jasper better than anyone, so you have to do what you know is best for him, too.

Good luck, and give him a hug from me & Chester!

09-22-2004, 10:26 AM
for dogs with allergies as severe as jaspers, benadryl will do nothing. most of our clients who come in and say pred is the only med thats ever help their dogs' allergies, also usually say no antihistamine has worked on their dog, esp not something as weak as benadryl.

"We did the blood test when Chester was a young dog, but just recently did the skin test and found that some of the things the blood test said he was allergic to, he isn't."

yes that is true. blood tests are pretty much a waste of time if you have access to a derm. but when blood tests are your only option, thats hard.

"..for her to say she's never seen allergies like his, is a bit odd. Allergies are probably the single most common problem vets see these days."

yeah it is a bit odd, but I know you said she has been trying different things, and since you did try testing for allergies and found nothing originally it was probably confusing. a lot of regular vets, to no fault of their own, dont know much about skin, esp compared to a derm whos specialty is skin. a lot of our clients come in for the first time and are amazed that we find an answer for them almost immediately, or at least know exactly how to get an answer.

I know its really hard for you to sit there knowing what needs to be done, but knowing you cant really do anything about it. I know youre doing the best you can, and love him dearly. $800 is a lot of money. but when you think about it, all these tests youve been doing with your regular vet, and all these meds youve been trying, and all the recheck visits youve been doing, and now talking about buying a couple hundred dollar air purifier that probably wont help anything, I mean if you go to a dermatologist who will be able to get you a clear, certain answer, right away, and a safe, effective treatment plan, you will save a lot of money in the long run! $800 right off the bat is hard to come by though I know. something you might want to keep in mind though also is its really just the initial visit that costs a lot. for most of our clients who get skin testing the initial visit runs around $450-$00 (USD). the skin test (where they actually inject different allergens under the skin) & the allergy vaccine are the most expensive things, but a skin test is a one time thing and the allergy vaccine lasts abour 6 months each time you order it (at least ours do). you could always just go to a derm and just have an exam done, and see what s/he suggests. or even get allergy testing done then too, but start the allergy vaccine injections later. that will help spread out the costs for you. If you are considering getting a 2nd opinion, you may as well have that 2nd opinion be from a dermatologist. another regular vet is just going to tell you everything yours already has.

anyhoo.. Im so sorry youve been struggling so much with this. :( youre doing the best you can. good luck with everything

09-22-2004, 11:28 AM
Killian is on Prednisone every other day for the rest of his life for his autoimmune disease. It is the only thing that does the least amount of damage to his diseased liver. It has caused drug induced Cushings as a side effect.
Since quality of life is better than quantity of life at Killian's age (10), we will keep him on pred til the end. Even if we reduce the dosage a tiny bit, his autoimmune disease comes on full force. We have no choice. There is one good side effect of the pred, however, he has a wonderful appetite. In the past, his liver disease caused him to stop eating constantly.
The med might do Jasper some good if it is used short term. In fact, I, myself, have been on pred (short terms) and I am still ok! :) Killian, who has liver disease, is on the drug and it is helping him. Because he is on it long term, that is where the problem starts. :(

Good luck to you and Jasper. Allergies are so very hard to get under control!!

09-22-2004, 11:30 AM
I'm in the same boat with Max so I really feel your plight.

We tested Max for everything. Had him to the vet college in Ames. Had the head dermatology vet look at him. Couldn't pin anything down. He was getting secondary skin infections all the time. The last time we put Max on prenisone, he had a bout of hemorragic gastritis and we almost lost him. I refuse to give it to him anymore.

On the recommendation of the new vet, we changed his diet to Sojourner Farms (www.sojos.com ) He recommends either that or Flint River (www.flintriver.com) . The Sojos is a mix to which you add raw meat. My dogs LOVE it.

Dr. Van says the processed dog foods have too many additives for Max. He also gave some good advice about other things we had been doing. He gave Max some chinese herbs for the itching that can be supplemented with the antihistamine hydroxizine (sp).

I have to take Max back every 3 to 4 weeks for an acupuncture treatment, but it's really helping. If you're interested in finding a veteranarian who is skilled in acupuncture check out these two links: www.ivas.org or www.ahvma.org

09-22-2004, 11:10 PM
can u talk to the vet to see if she can help u get Jasper to the PEI Vet College for a bit cheaper.

I know the PEI College is supose to be cheaper then a regular vet, cause its students working on the animals (& vets too) & they want a good supply of animals coming in, so they keep it cheaper.

Have u ever seen the PEI Vet College?? Its sooo pretty & HUGE!! I have a 12-15 yr old sweater from the college & its still in decent shape.

Also the PEI Vet College is the best in the country!!! I wanted to go to it, but didn't have the brains in math, so I couldn't.

09-23-2004, 05:52 AM
Originally posted by kingrattus
can u talk to the vet to see if she can help u get Jasper to the PEI Vet College for a bit cheaper.

I know the PEI College is supose to be cheaper then a regular vet, cause its students working on the animals (& vets too) & they want a good supply of animals coming in, so they keep it cheaper.

Have u ever seen the PEI Vet College?? Its sooo pretty & HUGE!! I have a 12-15 yr old sweater from the college & its still in decent shape.

Also the PEI Vet College is the best in the country!!! I wanted to go to it, but didn't have the brains in math, so I couldn't.

I don't think she can, she probably would have already told us.

I think most of the $800 is sending him there or boarding him, because thats just for him, If we ever came up with that much, I wouldn't be able to go with him :( That's scary too...

Im hoping that my mom might help me with the money around Christmas, instead of getting me anything..

09-23-2004, 07:37 AM
The new air filters that just need to be wiped clean are now available at Canadian Tire, I noticed your from Canada, the cost about $199.00 cdn, going down in price. They help but you will need more than as someone else said. They do tell you how many square feet (or metres) they are good for. Hope this helps you poor baby.

09-23-2004, 07:38 AM
Just wondering what do you clean your house with (Windex, Lysol, Pledge....) if you use these you may want to try just vinager and water. His skin may be having a reaction to the chemicals in the comercial cleaners. Even wash his blankets, food bowls and toys in Vinegar and water.
Also do you feed him in plastic bowls? If you do you might want to change to Metal or ceramic because they are not porus and do not hold bacteria.
You may also want to find a holistic vet one who uses all natural methods.

Here is a article on dogs with food allergies that was very helpful when My Fizzy got all ichy. http://allergies.about.com/cs/canine/a/aa091800a.htm

I hope this helps you and Jasper.

09-23-2004, 08:22 AM
Stay positive,,, we are thinking you of you both!!!