View Full Version : Is it to soon?

07-23-2004, 09:48 AM
Today will be a week since Josie went to the RB.:( I was looking at Petfinder and found two dogs I would like to adopt, well only one of them. I want to see which one will get along ok with my skinkids and furkids. I just haven't talked myself into going to the shelter yet.

Maybe I'm rushing into things? Maybe I should wait alittle longer? I just don't want anyone think I'm replacing Josie. I don't know maybe I should just wait.

Here are the dogs
Damien is a Miniature Pinscher (one of my favorite breeds)

Jessica Lynch she is a Chihuahua,Jack Russell Terrier Mix

I don't think I'd keep the name Jessica Lynch though.

Please do not be upset with me. I was not even going get a dog this soon and I probably won't . I was just visting the shelters site and see what dogs were up for adoption when I seen these two.

07-23-2004, 09:54 AM
I see nothing wrong with getting a dog so soon, so don't feel bad if you do!

The only thing is, if I were you i'd wait until my current dogs are full grown (You still have Reggie, right?)

But that's just me.... you do whatever you think you can handle, financially and emotionally!

07-23-2004, 09:57 AM
Do whatever feels right.

You wouldnt be replacing Josie, you could never replace her, and I dont think anyone here would think that. I bet Josie would be proud of you for giving another dog a loving home just like she had, and so would the PTers. :)

I think both dogs look lovely. Good luck with whatever you decide :)

07-23-2004, 10:05 AM
There is no certain time amount. I went out and got a cat the same day I had to have my sweet Siamese put to sleep. It's different for everyone.

07-23-2004, 10:57 AM
Everyone heals a different way. When my RB Cindy died, we waited almost two months before we found Nicki... it was driving me CRAZY because I lived with my parents and they wouldn't let me get a new dog so soon.

My grandmom has the same concept I do... every time she's lost a pet, she had another pet within a week. To me, it helps the healing. I can love the new pet with all my heart while letting go of the pain associated with losing the other beloved pet.

Follow your heart and do what it says is right for you.

07-23-2004, 11:04 AM
I just found out about Josie :(

Also, I agree with Catnapper, it does help the healing, and it is never considered replacing, because no pets can ever be replaced!

I had to wait for about 11 MONTHS after my RB Lab, Shadow died, because my parents didn't want anymore big dogs, and I would much rather a big dog over small ones, which is why I had one. And for the whole..almost year, the fact that my dog was gone didn't get much easier...

But then, Jasper came along, I felt like my life finally had meaning again, a reason to get up, a reason to go outside and enjoy walking and playing

The healing process only seemed to begin when Jasper came along, even though it had been almost a year.

Just move at your own pace ;)

07-23-2004, 11:24 AM
Yes I still have Reggie.:) I'm still trying to decide what I want to do. I would love to adopt one of these cuties.:) If I don't get to adopt one of these two I know there is more dogs out there need homes. And I'm sure that they'll both find a forever home.

I need talk some more to my husband also. I know that he really loved Josie also even though he might not have admitted it. I need to know how he feels about this also.

07-23-2004, 11:28 AM
Oh I didn't know about Josie. :( I am soo sorry about that Tina.

You know, it is all up to you. If you think you are emotionally and financially ready for a new addition, I say go for it. Whatever you two decide, you have our support. :)

07-23-2004, 11:29 AM
There is not a certain time limit, really. It just depends until you are fully healed.

Are you thinking about getting another puppy? Double puppy trouble may be a lot of work. That's just my opinion though.

Good luck to you, and I hope you can make your decision. :)

07-23-2004, 11:34 AM
I echo the others. My aunt owns two Pug puppies, and she's come to find out that it may have not been the best decision she's made. ;) Puppies are a lot of work, and two might be pushing it.

It's your decision, though. Nobody would think you're replacing Josie. :) Good Luck!

07-23-2004, 11:41 AM
Thanks everyone for the kind words and help.

I think I would be fine with having two puppies. Josie was 7 months old when I got Reggie. :) Reggie is now about 5 months old.

The Miniature Pinscher is actually not a puppy he is a adult. I don't know how old he is though.

I'm not even sure if I want to adopt a puppy or a adult yet. I was thinking maybe a young adult but just not sure.:) Just whichever dog needs a home the must.

I'm not going take this decision lightly at all. I am pretty sure I am ready to share my love with another dog.

07-23-2004, 11:45 AM
The Chihuahua/JRT mix looks very spunky and sassy. She doesn't look like a puppy. Is she already housebroken? If she is, then it wouldn't really be like having two puppies except for the chewing.

I don't think it's too soon. If we weren't fostering my mom's dogs I'd be going out to find another one. I can never in a million years replace Jake. There's not another dog like him anywhere. But there are a lot of really nice dogs who need homes.

You wouldn't be replacing Josie.

I wish you well, whatever you decide.

07-23-2004, 11:49 AM
I don't know if she has been housebroken or not. There is not really any information about them on the site.

The little Chihuahua/JRT mix reminds me some of my Ginger. The site just says she is a young female.

07-23-2004, 01:21 PM
They're both very cute, and only you wil know when the time is right for you.

I like Damien, he's got a very cute face. :)

Toller 42
07-23-2004, 01:34 PM
Don't feel bad about getting a dog, you won't be replacing Josie!
the dogs in the pic's are very nice, and I bet you will know when it's time to get another dog! when my 2nd Rotti had to be put to sleep my parents didn't want a dog for about a month after that, but then we went to the shelter to donate some food to them. We saw this adorable Rotti pup, so we decided to take her though we almost didn't because my dad felt about the same as you but then we convinced him that he wasn't replacing the other dog so we decided to take her, our life was much happier after we brought her home and I don't think we could ever live without a dog now!

07-23-2004, 01:52 PM
I adopted Roxy a week after Rosco went to rainbow bridge. Everyone thought it was to soon, but I am glad I did it. When ever my heart hurt especially bad, I'd go hug Roxy and it made me feel better. Also, it brought Dusty out of his depression a little quicker. He was really close to Rosco.

07-23-2004, 02:15 PM
Don't let superstition (about the so-called "correct" amount of time past) keep you from adopting your perfect new pet. Sometimes that pet comes along in a day and sometimes it takes a year. Just remember to adopt out of love for the new pet not out of sorry for the loss of your former pet.

07-23-2004, 06:59 PM
I agree.....I don't think there's any certain time limit you have to go by. Just do right is right for you!
I just think life without a dog isn't worth living (that's me). I believe there are sooooo many poor animals that need forever homes soooo badly.....that whenever the time is right for you they'll be waiting!:) I'm sure Josie would be happy with whatever decision you make & I'm sure she is watching over you & waiting for you!!!!!!!:)