View Full Version : height vs weight..

07-23-2004, 12:20 AM
ya know I really wish dog items would size by height instead of weight.. I cant meansure anything for Happy by weight because weight wise Happy is supposedly supoosed to fit in these teeny kennels, because happy is only 25lbs but she is 21" tall! she needs a kennel 3 times the size of the ones listed for 25lbs dogs I keep seeing all these things listed by weight but know dimentions anywhere in sight and it drives me nuts! I was looking at doggie screen doors, a really nice one was listed as "for pets under 30 lbs" umm well ALL my pets are under 30lbs, but not one of them would fit through this door because when I found the height... 10" by smallest dog is 2 1/2" bigger then that lol and happy is more then double that height! sorry pointless post is just really annoying trying to pick a size when buying something over the net when the size is listed by the dogs weight intsead of height :mad:

07-23-2004, 02:20 AM
I understand.. It's hard buying stuff for Megan and Monica because most Poms are under 10lbs, and Megan and Monica are both at least 12lbs. They're big for their breed so it's hard to find stuff that fits! Once I bought something for Megan and it was wayyy too small. :o :( The darn thing said it fits Poms though! :mad: :rolleyes:

07-23-2004, 08:59 AM
I have never had that happen to me... because Meeka never used a crate... but I can understandhow frustrating that must be!!!:eek: