View Full Version : Fetch

07-22-2004, 08:52 PM
My silky terrier does tricks such as shake, speak, high five, sit, rollover, play dead... but running after a tennis ball he instead likes for me to chase him whereas I would like for him to bring the tennis ball back to me... I've tried a few things but nothing works...

07-23-2004, 12:34 AM
my chihua brings back the ball and knows sit stay speak turn rollover and more

07-24-2004, 01:18 AM
my chihua brings back the ball and knows sit stay speak turn rollover and more

I believe she is looking for advice on *how* to train her dog to fetch, not asking what yours does. Like we said, don't worry about your post count:p :)

I'm sorry, I have no advice however, as mine doesn't like bringing back anything but a stick (once or twice if at all)

08-03-2004, 10:54 AM
My Golden Retriever is a ball fanatic, you cant get her away from her tennis ball. And she thinks every yellow tennis ball is hers.