View Full Version : I need medical advice ASAP

07-21-2004, 05:21 PM
I know I should be posting in health but more people hang out over here and I need info soon.

Here's the story. Saturday morning Peanut Butter snuck out the door when I was feeding the babies on the porch. He stayed out for a few hours before I could finally catch him and get him back in. Everything seemed fine so no big deal. Usually he screams constantly to go out but Sunday he didn't even ask but other than that he seemed normal. Monday he was lazy but still ate and drank ok. Tuesday morning I told hubby that Peanut Butter didn't look so good. You know that I don't feel good look they get in their eyes? By the time we got home from work last night he was still just laying around but he did come nibble some food and I noticed he was kind of limping. I rubbed his leg but he would just pull away but I didn't feel anything and I also noticed one eye looked funny. By the time we got home tonight the poor baby's paw is swollen and his eye is almost swollen shut!! He won't get up and he is obviously in pain. I am pretty sure I know what happened. He got into a fight while he was outside and had injuries we couldn't see and now he is abscessing! I know he is hurting and I can't stand it!
I know everyone is going to say get him to the vet but I can't afford an emergency right now and getting off work tomorrow early enough to get him in is impossible!! I won't bore you with work details just trust me when I say we can't do it. I can get him in Saturday but I need to do something now.
I have a brand new bottle of Clindamycin which is for abscesses but I don't know how much to give him. It says on the back of the box to give 1 to 2 ML for every five pounds of body weight but the STUPID dropper is in MG's.
Does anybody know how much I should give him?? He has lost some weight during the summer so he is about 16 to 17 pounds right now. The instructions also say to give it to him once a day or depending on the severity. Should I give him more and if so how much?
I know there are lots of you who deal with this stuff everyday so I'm hoping you can help me. I'm sure this is what the vet will do anyway and I will get him in Saturday. Peanut Butter got an abscess one time before after a fight and he stayed down like this until it busted. With all his hair that was the only way we or the vet even knew what was wrong with him.
Please pray for my big boy because he is in a lot of pain right now and momma doesn't know how to make it better.

07-21-2004, 05:29 PM
Poor Peanut Butter!!!:( I wished I could help. I just tried to call my sister who is a RN and has nursed her cat from fights and abscessess but she's not home from work yet.

Hopefully someone will be able to help you with the dosage soon. Where's Debbie???

07-21-2004, 05:35 PM
Yea, where is Debbie or QSA or anybody who can help! I know they are out there I'm just being impatient. I know how much pain he is in.
As if this isn't enough now I have to worry about which feral he fought with and I'm going to have to have him tested. This stuff just makes me sick and worried. I hope abscess is all that he's got! I didn't hear any cat squaling or fighting but that is the only thing that I can figure happened. I know how he acted years ago when the same thing happened after a fight that I knew he was in.

Thanks Lori for trying to get the info from your sister. I really appreciate it!!

07-21-2004, 05:44 PM
Oh no! Poor Peanut Butter!! I hope he didn't get in a fight...what if he got stung by bees or something like that? Anyway, I (of course) have no idea how much meds to give him...where's QSA or kimlovescats when ya need 'em? ;) :) Anyway, I'm sure they'll check in soon to help. Until then, fingers and paws crossed that Paenut Butter gets better soon!!


07-21-2004, 05:45 PM
Poor Peanut Butter! Is it possible he got stung by hornets or bees? As far as the Clinadrops/clindamycin go, ML and CCS are roughly the same. I'd just get him started asap on some fast. It won't hurt to give him extra, as it is it's foul tasting and chances are he'll spit lots out. Do you have an eyedropper around? One whole dropper = the amount needed to help him out at least for now.:( Prayers to PB! Typing fast here...I'll pop in later if i get a more accurate dosage...off to shoot a cat. (insulin)

07-21-2004, 05:56 PM
Thank you QSA!! I'm going to SHOOT PB with a whole dropper of meds. At least I can get him started. If anyone can give me a more accurate dose then I will give him that tomorrow.
I know he will feel so much better when these things either open up or go down. I HATE abscesses!!! They are so gross and painful for the kitties!

I don't think he got stung but I don't know for sure what happened! I would think that if he had gotten stung on Saturday that he would have swelled up a whole lot sooner. I have him laying on a towel in the chair and I noticed a little bit of blood under his paw so I'm pretty sure it is an injury. At any rate the antibiotics will help.

Thanks everyone for the concern and quick responses. You know how we go into panic when the babies are hurt!!!

Just to make sure everyone knows I can promise you that if I thought it was any more serious than abscesses I would sell the house to take care of him!!! I really believe that this is what the vet would give him anyway. I just wanted to point that out because it may have sounded liek I didn't want to vet treat him. I guess I'm feeling guilty too!

07-21-2004, 06:02 PM
CCL, don't feel guilty!!! I understand and I am sure everyone else on here does too. Like you said, you can't get him in to the vet until Saturday, and since you know what to give him, it's not exactly emergency status yet. :) But yeah, since this happened on Saturday it is weird that he didn't start swelling until last night...but whatever happened, he's in good hands with you ;) :D

07-21-2004, 06:02 PM
I'd give him 3 cc/ml now. You say he is around 15 pounds?

And you really need to get him to the Vet. An abscess on the head can be very serious. You also need to make sure he gets lots of fluids. If he won't eat canned food, then give him water with the syringe. Offer him milk, ice cream - anything like that.

07-21-2004, 06:04 PM
Poor Peanut Butter! I wish I could help you. I'm not much help. :( I'll be keeping him in my prayers though. How soon would the meds start helping him? Right away or will he need a few days to start feeling better? I know I start feeling better within a day of taking antibiotics and such. {{{HUGS}}} to you and a tender hug to Peanut Butter

07-21-2004, 06:09 PM
Grace: Thanks for the dosage!! Don't worry he is going to the vet Saturday. I have seen a couple hundred abscesses at the shelter and I know they can get really ugly! His eye is swelled shut and is draining but it is clear liquid like tears. He will see the doc first thing Saturday morning! I just didn't want to wait before strting him on meds. The shelter vet will be at the shelter tomorrow so I can also call and ask her how much to give him until we go. I wanted something in him tonight!

Lizzielou: Thanks so much for all your kind supportive words. I'm being a big worry wart! I just hate to see them sick or hurting.

Catnapper: I hope they start working SOON! They should help him within a day or so I would think. At least stop things from getting worse! Thanks for the prayers and kind words.

07-21-2004, 06:31 PM
Oh! Poor Peanut Butter! Wish I knew more about to help out, but my skills are pretty limited to "put peroxide on a cut and then apply band-aid". Sending good thoughts and prayers your way! As well as love and scritchies to Peanut Butter!

07-21-2004, 07:05 PM
Good news in just the last few minutes!! PB got up and ate and drank! Then that stupid abcess on his head over his eye ruptured! It is so gross but I'm so glad because now the pressure will be relieved. He is already feeling so much better. The antibiotics should take good care of him now! I'm so sorry for the panic, freaking out post!! I see this stuff all the time at the shelter and I knew it wasn't a huge deal but I still paniced. GEESH!!!
Thank you all for being so understanding and being there for me!

Sirrahbed: aren't you glad you didn't see this earlier. You would have had to call and talk to a freaked out meowmie! You already did that when Magoo bit me! We will have to talk one day when I'm calm. (My friends would all say...dont hold your breath for that day!!)http://petoftheday.com/talk/images/our_smilies/biggrin.gif

07-21-2004, 07:14 PM
Panic is fine, at least I think it is. I did enough of it when Joey got sick.:D

Good thing that you had the medicine for him to take.

I don't have anything to add, but I just wanted to send prayers and good thoughts for PB. I know he will be fine.

Please let us know how he is doing.

07-21-2004, 07:14 PM
Sorry, I just saw this now.
Read your bottle. Somewhere it should say how many mg/ml of medicine. Then do your math. (ex) if it say 5 mg medicine per 1 ml dose you would give between 15mg and 30 mg for a 15 pound cat)
I am glad that it is draining. you could always place a warm wet compress on it for a while. it will help.

07-21-2004, 07:18 PM
I'm so glad to hear that the pressure will be gone now! See... PT prayers came through again!

As for paniking... I wouldn't know ANYTHING about that! I never got upset when a little boy I know fell off the roof. Nope. Not me. I was the picture of stoic indifference!:D :rolleyes: ;)

And if I knew Debbie's number that night, she wouldn't have understood anything but "boohooo" and a lot of blubbering! Deb, how does anyone around her survive without you?

07-21-2004, 08:23 PM
I had a kitty sitting insulin job to dash off to. I'd give him three droppers of antirobe, as he's not a small fry. Is there anyway he'll allow you to put a hot compress on the fresh rupture to help facilitate draining? It will keep the wound open, and allow all that pus to keep coming out. I don't know how well Peanut Butter takes his meds, but with antirobe I usually end up with more on me, and all over things, than in the cat!:rolleyes: It says on the bottle 1-3 mls per 5lbs body weight, depending on severity. 1x daily. Two abcesses (maybe more you don't know about yet), I'd go with three droppers full for Peanut Butter. Knock the infection out better IMO. Kissies to the boy, and glad to hear he ate some food. :)

07-21-2004, 08:27 PM
Well folks, here we go again!! I already knew that PB was going to be a problem to medicate. He is the most gentle cat in the house until he sees a carrier or thinks medicine is coming. I was hoping in is sickly state it wouldn't be as big of a fight. Boy was I wrong!!! I got the dropper ready, hubby scruffed and held on tight and I went for the mouth and in a split second I saw the dropper fly across the room and then the pain set in!!! He punctured my vein about a 1/4" away from the still tender spot where Magoo bit me!!!! Blood started pouring and I started cussing, stomping, and screaming! PB proceeded to beat the crap out of hubby before hubby could get out of his way! I HATE medicating this cat!!! We have never managed to keep him in a towel either! My hubby is a very strong and good size guy. He hurts me when he pats my back but even he can't hold on to this maniac! It's amazing how this gentle giant can turn into a big feral physco in seconds flat!!
The last time we had to medicate him it was for ear mites. We took him to the bathroom, closed the door, wrapped him a towel so tight that no one could have gotten out and within 30 seconds he beat the tar out of hubby and I both! We couldn't open the door fast enough to get rid of him!!! Once that is over he is as calm and loving as ever! Talk about Jekyl and Hyde!
My wound has been cleaned, neosporin applied, and bandaged. Right now I really don't care if PB's head hurts! I don't know how we will ever get him in the carrier!!
Now I'm asking for PT prayers because if I get another infection and have to go to the doctor again I will have the Health Department all over this place for sure!!!

Good Grief! Right now I'm soooooo done with cats!! I know, that will last about two minutes!http://petoftheday.com/talk/images/our_smilies/wink.gif

leslie flenner
07-21-2004, 08:30 PM
I was holding my breath reading this!! Poor you and Peanut Butter! Glad it ruptured! Can he open his eye at all? I heard that the warm wet compresses feel good, decrease the throbbing discomfort or any sharp pains. I know kitties can safely take 1/4 or 1/8 of an aspirin but I wouldn't do it with out vets approval first (for pain). What a scare! prayers you're way and good luck on Saturday!

07-21-2004, 08:33 PM
I know something that will help the ruptures abcess heal nicely. We had to do it with Arthur after Katie beat the crap out of him. :rolleyes: Tho, we had to take him to the vet to have the abcess lanced so all the puss and stuff could be released. Fun..

Anyway, if you get a washcloth (make sure it's an old one, it can get kinda messy!) and wet it with hot water, hot as you can handle, then hold it over the wound til it cools. Repeat this a couple times, if he'll let you. Basically, you're making a heat pack. The heat helps it heal well. :)

Silly PB! Didn't your mama ever tell you to just walk away from a fight? ;)

07-21-2004, 08:38 PM
Oh Man Lisa! Not again. :( :( :( Is there anyone that can get the antirobe in tablet form from the vets while you're (if you're) at work? I don't know if your vet carries "Pill Pockets" but cats are clueless they're getting medicine in them. I hope you aren't going to end up in the hospital again over this. Look on the bright side...hard to do now I know...but good thing Magoo didn't get caught up in the battle!!:eek: :eek: :eek:

07-21-2004, 08:44 PM
Here is the problem with PB. He won't eat treats or canned food at all! He hates the stuff. Only dry kibbles for him and nothing else. So no matter what we do he will fight us. The only thing I know is to try the towel treatment in the morning and say a lot of prayers! He has got to be medicated with some anitbiotics! I would take him to the vet everyday and let them do it or to the shelter even but it is the same exact battle when he sees the carrier so there is no way to win.
I'm not cat stupid or scared and I have had to be pretty rough with some of the shelter kitties but PB beats all I ever saw!!! I think I need a tranquilizer gun and right now I wouldn't mind shooting a big dart in his behind!!!

07-21-2004, 08:46 PM
Oh poor you, with all the worry and circumstances beyond your control, I am also relieved to hear his abcess has ruptured, they can be very nasty especially if they are more internal, been there myself with my old Ash, they get so darn sick, and Ash is also a scarey cat to medicate, but sometimes he really suprises me and is an absolute Angel.

Here's hoping things go well for Peanut Butter, and you can get his medicene into him without suffering any more bites, hope your'e wound heals ok too, they are very painful, if only we could explain to them what we are trying to do eh?

Ash and Lexie and myself send you get well wishes from across the miles. GOOD LUCK!!

07-21-2004, 08:54 PM
First of (((((HUGS))))) Lisa!!! Bless your heart, girlfriend!!! I am just now reading all of this ordeal! :eek: Gosh, I am trying desperately to think of something brilliant to say that will help! :rolleyes: PB may have to go to the vet and get antibiotic injections ... in order to get more in his system at a faster rate. I know we ALL panic about our babies, and are quick to want to medicate them ... but honestly .... animals really do have good built-in survival instincts. Just like the saying that an animal goes away to "lick its wounds"!!!? You know what I mean. Of course, an animal at large, who has never been vaccinated, and likely has feline aids or leukemia, would not do well just caring for himself... but a pampered kitty like PB, could probably do a pretty good job of it! Not saying that you shouldn't be concerned or get some medication from the vet ... but just trying to take a bit of the sense of urgency off of you! ;)

I think the fact that the infection is draining, and that PB is eating / drinking is an indication that he is doing well. I would "try" to dab a big wad of Neosporin into the open wound with a Q-tip swab. :eek: Maybe you should actually use a broomstick with cotton on the end!!??? :eek: :rolleyes: :D

Good luck, sweetie!


Tubby & Peanut's Mom
07-21-2004, 09:09 PM
Oh my, Lisa, what an ordeal....again! I can't offer any advice, but I just wanted to say I sure hope your wound doesn't become infected again and I sure hope PB's wounds rupture and heal just fine, even if he doesn't get any antibiotics. I know Randi and John used to really have a tough time getting Fister in the carrier and somehow they figured out a way...if I remember right....so maybe she'll have some advice for you.

{{{Hugs}}} to you, PB and hubby for such a stressful evening. :(

I bet the rest of the herd is laying pretty low right now. ;)

07-21-2004, 09:17 PM
Large stretchy blankets work well for bundling fractious felines into carriers. Problem is, the carrier needs to be pretty large. I use cotton laundry bags with cinch cords to take some of my semi-ferals to the white coats. It calms the cat, and makes it easier to tranq. them in them, for the big snip/snip. Peanut Butter will heal on his own as others have pointed out. Street kitties manage somehow. Glad that one drained anyway! Keep us posted...I know you will. Hang in there!;) :) :(

07-21-2004, 09:32 PM
I LOVE YOU GUYS!!! I'm in agreement that PB will survive without the meds but I jsut got the phone call from our resident nurse Debbie!http://petoftheday.com/talk/images/our_smilies/biggrin.gif We brainstormed a bit and I remembered that I had pills that I had to give PB one time and I crushed them and mixed them in some hairball remedy. I then rubbed that into his fur and of course he licked it off because he didn't want to be dirty. so I 'm going to go squirt him with some antibiotics and he can jsut lick off what he will!! That should get some in his system anyway. If that works then I will do it again in the morning and maybe this will be less stress on all of us. Certainly a lot less painful!http://petoftheday.com/talk/images/our_smilies/wink.gif
At least he will get some of it in his system and that will just have to do!
I'm going to take a few rounds of my antibiotics that I had left over just as a precaution and on Nurse Sirrahbeds instructions. My pain is pretty much subsided now so I am once again smiling and glad I have ten cats!

Thank You so much for the phone call Debbie! Thanks to all of you for telling me what I already know but seem to forget when it comes to my own babies!!! You guys are so great!!!http://petoftheday.com/talk/images/our_smilies/biggrin.gif Gosh I love this place!

leslie flenner
07-21-2004, 09:41 PM
well come saturday, if he is prescribed tab form antibiotic, ask for pill pockets. I have yet to have to use them but others have sworn they work for their cats that are IMPOSSIBLE to pill! Worth a shot if you have to! (yeah, a pill pocket for kitty, a shot for you!)

07-21-2004, 09:50 PM




07-21-2004, 09:54 PM
Yep, MCM.... I was also thinking of suggesting that CCL try pouring some Hydrogen Peroxide in the wound..... wouldn't feel too great, but would definitely be healing!!! ;)

07-21-2004, 09:58 PM
Originally posted by catcrazylady

I'm going to take a few rounds of my antibiotics that I had left over just as a precaution and on Nurse Sirrahbeds instructions.

Oh gee - WHY do you have any antibiotics left over from Magoo? I'm sorry to be such a poop about this, but when you are prescribed antibiotics you are supposed to take them until they are gone. You were just lucky that the infection didn't flare up again - not finishing the program.

This is how people become antibiotic resistant - and that is becoming a huge problem in this country right now.

BTW - I graduated from nursing school in 1962.

07-21-2004, 10:06 PM
I always thought or heard that the antibiotic resistance we are experiencing is because Doctors are over-prescribing them ... instead of letting our bodies' own immune systems fight off disease, the way God intended it? :confused: But of course, I am not a nurse! ;)

leslie flenner
07-21-2004, 10:08 PM
gave me a 2 week supply too many for bartonella because Tuva has a long history of cheeking and spitting out. Same with all his meds previously- 2 week extra cuz he cheeks and spits later.

07-21-2004, 10:13 PM
I don't know if this would contain PB or not, but a friend of mine had to put their cat in a canvas laundry bag with a drawstring to put meds in its ears. This was a 'freak out' kitty too! She still put up a helluva fight but they were able to get in and get it done slightly quicker before she went completely berserk. They did the towel wrap and then slid the bag up around the towel. It was tricky but it helped.

Good luck with PB and your booboos.

07-21-2004, 10:18 PM
Originally posted by kimlovescats
I always thought or heard that the antibiotic resistance we are experiencing is because Doctors are over-prescribing them ...

That is, of course, part of the problem. Parents taking their kids in, and insisting upon an antibiotic, even if the situation doesn't warrant it. But a big part is not following the directions that are given by the MD. When you are prescribed a medication - for any reason - you should take it as prescribed. You should not have pills left over after taking antibiotics. If you don't take them all, the infection could return. And then if you try to take the left-overs for another problem - well, let me tell you a story.

I have a friend who got a bladder infection. The MD prescribed an appropriate antibiotic. She took it for a week - not the 10 days he ordered - 'cause she felt better. About 2 weeks later, she started feeling yucky again, so took the remaining meds. She ended up in the hospital with a severe kidney infection - on IV antibiotics (plural). If she had done what she was supposed to do originally - you can figure it out.

07-21-2004, 10:19 PM
Get well soon,PB!

07-21-2004, 10:24 PM
Yikes, Grace!

Well, I'm sure that CCL probably did what I tend to do .... once the pet, or myself starts feeling better, you tend to just plain forget to take them. It's easier to remember your pills, while you are still waiting to feel better!!!:rolleyes:

Too bad they don't come with some sort of annoying alarm system until you have taken the last one!!!:eek: :D

07-21-2004, 10:28 PM
CCL, I can't believe you got bit again!!! You poor thing, always getting wounded for the love of cats!! :( I hope you and PB both get better soon.

07-21-2004, 10:44 PM
I leave for a few hours and look what happens. Last I saw someone gave you a dose suggestion and now all heck has broke loose. [shaking head].

I'm so sorry this happened to you and PB. I'm glad PB is doing better but to get bitten again, wow! I like the plan that you and Nurse Debbie came up with (isn't she invaluable!)

I hope all works out and goes well. I'll say a prayer for you guys.

07-21-2004, 11:37 PM
I have to say I agree with Grace, you are supposed to always finish a course of antibiotics, I would not think taking just a few would help, but maybe I am wrong, nawtee mummy, you take good care of that bite now ya hear.

Sometimes an abcess will drain by itself and kitty will heal, I have had that happen with Ash, but I have found in general a visit to the whitecoats is always best, because they heal so much quicker with the injected antibiotics and course, less suffering, less misery for the kitty, here's hoping PB is well again soon, and you too.!!!

07-22-2004, 12:35 AM
Poor you!! :(

I think squirting him with the antibiotic sounds perfect. Aim for his nose, they ALWAYS lick that no matter whats on it.

Get better soon, PB!

07-22-2004, 02:10 AM
CCL., I don't have the time to read the whole thread and don't know what's already said. But overall DON'T OVERDOSAGE !!! it can be toxic !

There's a link that worth a reading.


07-22-2004, 02:13 AM
CCL., I don't have the time to read the whole thread and don't know what's already said. But overall DON'T OVERDOSAGE !!! it can be toxic !

There's a link that worth a reading.
Hope that helps.

07-22-2004, 04:52 AM
Is it possible to scruff Peanut Butter? If so, this is what I'd try. Have hubby get as much neck skin as possible in his "strong" hand and then grab his hind legs in the other. Stretch out upside down while you give the meds. it might work.
2nd thought would be to ask the vet if there is any pharmacy who could compound the medicine into a cream. the cream is rubbed into the ear...no trauma.

07-22-2004, 06:02 AM
Let's see....where to start.
Grace: I totally agree with you and I know it's bad to stop taking antibiotics before they are finished. I was on 1800mg's of Augmentin a day. It tore my stomach apart! I took it for as long as I could possibly stand it and when my arm got better I quit a few days early. Yes, I told the doctor and he said that was the best thing I could be taking and to try to suffer through it. I did for as long as I could. It's really hard to work while your doubled over in pain, can't eat, nauseated, and thats not counting all the time spent on the pot...if you know what I mean?http://petoftheday.com/talk/images/our_smilies/eek.gif Shame on me I know, but it worked out this time.

One thing I didn't make very clear last night was that he didn't bite me he layed a claw in my vein. He didn't tear me he just did that famous puncture wound! So, I'm hoping that won't be as bad as a bite. At least not as far as infection. I'm sure we will all be fine just slightly wounded!http://petoftheday.com/talk/images/our_smilies/wink.gif

I squirted PB and he didn't even care! He didn't lick it off or even raise his head up! BRAT! So I'm hoping sometime today he will. His head is still draining so I think he will be fine soon. I think I'll try Kelly's idea and squirt him around his nose. He'll have to lick that!

I also think I'm going to try the laundry bag with a drawstring. That should work pretty good as long as I can get him in there!

Lori: ROFLOL!!! I understand that head shaking! Even I was doing that. How could something as simple as requesting medication dosage turn into all this hoopla!!!http://petoftheday.com/talk/images/our_smilies/rolleyes.gif :D http://petoftheday.com/talk/images/our_smilies/biggrin.gif

Jen: Scruffing him is what got us in this mess to start with. I try to avoid the towel to lessen the trauma for them and make it as quick as possible but that didn't work last night! From now on he's getting the towel and the drawsting laundry bag!

You guys are so wonderful!!! All the advice and concern are so appreciated! I'm pain free, PB is resting so we are almost a happy family again. It will be perfect once the green goo quits running down PB's head!! YUK!!http://petoftheday.com/talk/images/our_smilies/eek.gif

07-22-2004, 06:08 AM
Originally posted by catcrazylady

One thing I didn't make very clear last night was that he didn't bite me he layed a claw in my vein. He didn't tear me he just did that famous puncture wound! So, I'm hoping that won't be as bad as a bite. At least not as far as infection. I'm sure we will all be fine just slightly wounded!
Cool - that makes a big difference!! Just keep that area clean, and use the antibiotic ointment.

07-22-2004, 08:46 AM
Sheesh!! My goddness gracious! This is the first time I've seen this thread. CCL, what a day and what a night for you and the PB! I am so sorry poor PB has been injured, and I'm so sorry you were wounded in the process of trying to medicate him. I have absolutely no experience with wounded kitties, so unfortunately I can offer no good advice, but it looks like you are getting plenty of it from everyone. All I can say is I offer my prayers and support for both you and PB, and I hope the both of you are all healed up and feeling 100% soon.

07-22-2004, 09:31 AM

Sorry but I JUST now saw this thread and began reading through it. My first thought was "oh no, here we go again with the bite thing". I hope and PRAY that it doesn't get as bad as the first bite, as I know what you went through.

PB sounds like the Bionic Cat!!! 15 pounds is alot of cat to handle, even for 2 people!!!

Maybe you should actually use a broomstick with cotton on the end!!???

I was thinking more of a 10 foot pole!!!! :D Debbie, what a great idea though!!

Lisa, you poor girl! What you've been through is amazing. There should be SOME kind of award for your bravery and perseverence!!! BTW, I know how busy you are, but if you could send me a picture of you and Magoo when you get a chance, I'd appreciate it. I'm still working on the story.

Hang in there girl!



07-22-2004, 10:07 AM
Oh Donna that is so exciting!!! I will take some new pics tonight in a brighter setting. Hopefull I can get some to you tomorrow but no later than this weekend.
:D :D :D :D http://petoftheday.com/talk/images/our_smilies/biggrin.gif

07-22-2004, 10:44 AM
I just saw all this - I'm so sorry but happy you are both feeling some better! My prayers are with you, and Pep, Viv and Sasha send kitty kisses and hugs your way! {{{{CCL}}}}} {{{{Peanut Butter}}}}}

07-22-2004, 10:58 AM
Thanks everybody. I'm fine and when I left this morning I casually walked by PB and squirted him again!!http://petoftheday.com/talk/images/our_smilies/biggrin.gif I'm hoping he licked it off!
Geesh, it was one loooooong night!

07-22-2004, 11:46 AM
Oh CCL, how horrible for you and poor, sweet PB.
Well, not sweet obviously when trying to medicate him, but otherwise sweet.:)

I'm so glad to hear that you are doing okay and that PB is doing better also.

I hope and pray that you both have a better night, tonight.:)

07-22-2004, 11:50 AM
Oh Lisa! What an ordeal this has been! You and PB have been in our thoughts and prayers all evening long and this morning. I know his head is draining (hope it's not his little brains that are leaking :p ) but how is his paw? Is it still swollen? Poor PB! I hope you're both feeling better soon! I know how painful those kitty puncture wounds can be OW! :eek:

07-22-2004, 03:48 PM
Lisa I am so pleased that both you and PB are doing well, Augmentin is a killer on the stomach, I have never known anyone that can tolerate it, I am suprised Doctors prescribe it, it must be an effective antibiotic, next time Lisa, ring up and get it changed, and never let them prescribe it again.

Anyway's you all take now ya hear.!!!!:)

07-22-2004, 04:53 PM
I'm so glad your arm's not a rerun of Magoo's attack. Hope it's healing, and PB is getting better too. My brains hardboiled today...way too hot around here. :eek: :rolleyes:

07-22-2004, 04:55 PM
I'm sorry I didn't see this earlier, and I'm glad to hear PB is on the road to recovery... but I'm sorry to hear you've got bitten again!!! :( Hopefully it won't be so bad this time!!!

Peanut Butter, please please be a good boy and take your meds, meowmie is doing that because she wants to help you!!!


07-24-2004, 12:15 PM
How's PB today? What time is your vet appointment? Do keep us posted (I know you will anyway).

07-24-2004, 03:25 PM
Just in case CCL does not get back on - I did PM her quickly this afternoon and she said she had a big family reunion to go to but that her arm was fine - sort of bruised like after they take blood and no more. PB's eye was still draining but he was eating and drinking really well and begging to go outside like normal so she felt things were fine but would keep an eagle eye out for any trouble:D

07-24-2004, 10:44 PM
Oh thank you so much for updating for me Debbie. I just didn't have time earlier. When I posted pics early this morning I still wasn't sure where PB was health wise. I hadn't seen him yet and I was waiting to check him out before I called the vet or posted.
His eye is almost completely open now and no more running. He has no more swelling in his eye and the limp is gone. he drove me crazy to go out (no he didn't win that battle) and he ate like a pig. I think everything is back to normal and we are both fine. I didn't take him in since all seems well. If there is any change I will take him to the vet but right now I don't know what else they could do for him.
PB is like some men...you know, can't take pain and go down for the count. Must wait on him hand and foot, give him lots of pity and rub his back. He won't do anything until he feels better and obviously last night and today were the pain free days. He is doing fine.
Thanks to everyone who responded and offered support. Once again you guys came to my rescue! It seems like it is always an adventure of some sort around here!! What would I do without PT!???http://petoftheday.com/talk/images/our_smilies/eek.gif