View Full Version : My poor baby....

07-21-2004, 01:16 PM
He is in a basketball day camp this week. He just barely turned 7 and has never played basketball before. All of the rest of the kids are 10-14. There is one other kid that is 8, but he's almost 9.

Jaden is so sad because he can't make it into the 10 foot hoops and the kids are making fun of him. I feel so bad for him, but I don't want to baby him because I don't want him to be to much of a mama's boy. He came home with a black eye from getting fouled yesterday. He thought the kid was mad at him and I explained that fouls happen, it's not on purpose.

I sent him to camp with a few comebacks today. I hope I gave him some confidence without babying him to much. Naturally, as a mom, you want to go beat all those big mean kids up!

I told him to say "You weren't born shooting hoops. You had to learn just like me. If you have a problem with that, come teach me how to make some hoops."

I doubt he'll have the nerve to stick up for himself though. :( Sorry for the ramble.

07-21-2004, 01:23 PM
Oh I understand how you feel... us moms can get pretty riled and upset when our kids are picked on or treated badly.. its the ol instinct! The claws come out and ya wanna gather them up and protect them.....

What you said was great,,, letting him know he is just starting and everyones different... it takes time to learn how to play,, and hey,, who knows,, maybe he will get a growing spurt and shoot up 2 feet over thier heads!!! hehehehehe

Or even better,,, own the team!! Well,, ok,,,, dreaming here,, but you never know!!!!

Play on lil guy!!!!!!!

07-21-2004, 02:11 PM
That's really sad:( I hope everything will come through

07-21-2004, 02:37 PM
well, tell him not to feel so bad because i can't make it in to a 10 foot hoop. and i'm 5'6. in fact i can't make it in to any hoop that i can't touch. and believe me, just about all the guys on the basketball team have tried to teach me...and i still can't shoot. and yes....10 year olds still make fun of me. so, i was gonna say, yeah i had a point to this.um...yeah, so i hope everythign works out, it's sad how older kids amke fun of little kids even though they're still little kids themselves:rolleyes:

07-21-2004, 02:41 PM
Know what I told him too? Haha, this is so mean of me...My brother in law is a big athlete (professional football recruiters have been looking at him.) And Jaden said "I'll never be good like Uncle Joe." I go "Jaden, wanna know a secret? Uncle Joe might be able to play sports good, but he's not all that smart. He can barely read....You are so smart, you probably read better then him." Jaden got a big smile on his face... Joe is going to kick my butt. :p

07-21-2004, 03:38 PM
Originally posted by Tonya
Know what I told him too? Haha, this is so mean of me...My brother in law is a big athlete (professional football recruiters have been looking at him.) And Jaden said "I'll never be good like Uncle Joe." I go "Jaden, wanna know a secret? Uncle Joe might be able to play sports good, but he's not all that smart. He can barely read....You are so smart, you probably read better then him." Jaden got a big smile on his face... Joe is going to kick my butt. :p