View Full Version : Social Question (long)

Aspen and Misty
07-21-2004, 12:59 AM
My little Brother Joshua is 14 years old turning 15 in September. I am 16 years old but just turned 16 in May. We are VERY close in age. We are only a grade apart also. He goes to a diffrent school then I do though. All of my school friends live a little bit away (half hour) and my parents don't always feel like driving us. I've never been a social butterfly untill the end of the school year. It's like something kicked in and now I want to go places, meet people, have a best friend, maybe a boyfriend. I want friends, people to call and see over the weekends. People to do things with etc. etc. I recently hooked up with a old friend from about a year ago named Brook. We do things almost every day and she is a WONDERFUL person. We went to the fair on Sunday. My little brother was going with some of his friends around 6 and my dad was picking them up around 10. It was perfect. So me and Brook hitched a ride with her mom. Wel this ride guy at the fair who was about our age was hitting on her and making her feel REALLY uncomfortble. So we tried to stear clear of it but the ride was really fun and we wanted to go on it again. So we went to find my brother who was there with his friends Chris, Cow, Maddy and Kara (Josh's girlfriend). Well we asked Chris to pretend to be Brook's boyfriend so we could go on the ride. They really hit it off and Brook and Chris walked off later to be alone and talk some more. So I was there with my little Brother Josh, Cow, Maddy and Kara. Well me, Kara and maddy chatted and chatted while Josh and Cow chatted.

It ended up all of Josh's friends really liked me. We chatted a bit. Of course I had no intention of ever hanging out with them again because they were my brothers friends not mine. Well tonight Josh, Chris and Cow came and knocked on my door. We went out and ran around the neighborhood like a bunch of wild and crazy teenagers. We had so much fun.

Well, by the end of the night Josh invited Brook and I to go to the fair with them on Thursday. I said we would be there because Brook and I were already planing on doing something adn Brook would love to see Chris again.

My question is, my little brother doesn't mind having me around, and his friends are awesome. But is this shallow of me? LOL. I mean, should I start to decline inviations to go places with them even if Josh asks me to come?? I don't want to be a drag or anything. Josh doesn't seem to mind, and I don't, but am I braking some kind of sisterly code by doing this??


07-21-2004, 01:04 AM
Well that was long at least you are happy and ok with it and so are your friends and brother then that will be ok to do that

07-21-2004, 01:06 AM
Eh, don't worry about it. Go with them, have fun, and make memories. THat's whats most important. If you don't want to, then don't. If you're not sure, you can always go, but just cause you go a few times doesn't mean you have to accept EVERY time.

07-21-2004, 01:07 AM
Well it sounds like you and your brother actually get along, and if you do, and he doesn't mind you hanging out with him and his friends, I don't see a problem with having fun with your brother and friends! :)

07-21-2004, 01:41 AM
I don't think so :eek: If everyone is having a fun time why should it be a problem? My boyfriend's brother is only 3 years younger than him. They have a lot of mutual friends and hang out all the time. I see his brother almost as much as I see him, lol!
I don't know if it's different with two brothers, but I don't see what the problem is if everyone is happy and having fun :D Have you talked to your brother about it?

07-21-2004, 06:27 AM
My brother is two years younger then me and we had many mutual friends in both high school and college. We even chose to live together in college (with other friends, there was 6 total in the house). I don't see any problems as long as your brother is okay with it.

07-21-2004, 06:44 AM
It is a real treasure to have such an amicable relationship with your sibling and be able to share good experiences with both your friends and his friends while enjoying each others company. If you have any concerns, why not discuss them with your brother so you both have an idea about what either of you feel would be an intrusion on one another's social life? If that isn't necessary, at least tell him how much you value the good relationship that you and he have. You have been blessed.

07-21-2004, 07:30 AM
I count friends of my brother as friends of mine, and my big brother is 8 years older than me. If - and I stress if - you talk to Jake and he doesn't mind, no, you aren't breaking any "sisterly code."

07-21-2004, 07:47 AM
Instead of asking us, ask Josh!

If he doesn't mind, then why not?
My brother and sister do things all the time together, they're 1 year apart.

07-21-2004, 01:02 PM
There's nothing wrong with that if he doesn't have a problem with it. My best friend, Tina had three older brothers. When we were freshmen, she had a sophmore, junior, and senior brother. We all hung out together (and still do) and have mutual friends. The only bad thing is that I think every single one of us friends wound up dating every single one of her brothers. That got a little old for Tina. And her mom had to put a stop to us spending the night.

07-21-2004, 01:06 PM
Which, by the way...My brother Jeff (19) and I (26) are best of friends. We do everything together. He roomates with my good friend, and I hang out with his friends, etc...

He told me I could never hang out with him again for posing this picture though. lol. This was at our other brother's birthday party when he fell asleep.


Us on a normal date.

07-21-2004, 02:39 PM
Great pictures you sure do look like you have a good time anyways so should you

07-21-2004, 04:36 PM
Oh, I woud go! My brother and I NEVER got along, and still don't I wish there was at least ONE time in our lives where we were friends and had the same friends. It sounds like the perfect opportunity to try out your bew found social butterfly tendencies and learn a bit more about your brother!

Aspen and Misty
07-21-2004, 08:01 PM
We all are going to the fair tomrrow!! I can't wait :D Then were having a HUGE sleep over!!!

Thanx everyone!! You gusy are GREAT!!


07-21-2004, 08:52 PM
Absolutely not, go with the flow kiddo and ENJOY yourself, if lil brother does not mind, then just have fun, you two are so close in age, i think it is awesome you can share friends, and hang out together, my sister and I were four years apart, no such thing for us, I envey you.

07-21-2004, 09:52 PM
I don't see anything wrong with hanging out with your brother, especially if he's cool with it and you get along.

Have fun! That's a good way to meet cute guys too. ;)