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View Full Version : Do you enjoy nature?

07-20-2004, 10:26 AM
Gosh, I just love being outside when it's nice out. I have multiple bird feeders, baths, birdhouses...I love watching them build nests & seeing their babies. It's just awesome watching what happens outside in nature. We also have a pond out back with 6 Koi in it & a frog decided to join too. I love gardening too, so I've been picking up tips on that as well. Matthew & I sit out on our deck at night with the chimnea lit & look at the stars on a clear night. It's funny what you do tend to take for granted sometimes isn't it?

07-20-2004, 10:48 AM
I LOVE nature!:D Even though I don't really go out that much lol but I wish I could. We have a birdfeeder too, and I love watching the birds. They're all very colorful.
I live in a neighbourhood with a few forests around, but it takes about 15 minutes for me to walk to the closest one.
I'm not allowed to go there alone of course, and everyone's always too busy to come with me:p LOL. So I haven't been in there even though I really want to go. If I lived closer I would probably be allowed...*sighs* I wish I had a dog, then I would always be outside and go everywhere with it.
Since our house is still kind of new, we haven't done anything to our backyard yet. I hope to have a pond and a nice garden...but who knows how long that will take.
And I also love to look out at the stars at night. There was 2 days last summer when we had a blackout. It was sooo beautiful at night, all we could see was stars. There were sooo many. That was probably the first time I've seen so many stars.

07-20-2004, 10:53 AM
Yes, much to my family's surprise.

I have lots of birdfeeders and birdbaths and love watching all the animals that come into the backyard (with the exception of the skunk that sprayed Disney last fall :( ).

I love flowers too. Seems like I can't get enough and just keep planting more all summer. I've stopped right now because I've run out of pots and available yard.:)

I even like mowing for the most part - and it's with a push mower. I just hate all the heat and humidity that is typical for summertime in the south.

07-20-2004, 11:08 AM
More than anything.

I love the Cascade Mountain Range. It is like my home away from home. It's my favorite place to hike, or even just take a nice drive along the Mountain Loop Highway. I love innertubing down the Stillaguamish River - you get a whole different perspective on things. Most of all, I love our beaches. So much of our coastline has become developed, they are truly precious and need to be protected. My favorite thing to do on a summer evening is sitting at the beach, watching the sun set and watching the herons, seagulls and other waterfowl catching their dinner. If you're lucky you may see a seal or porpoise.

I just love Washington :D

Unfortunately, I live in a rather large city, so to enjoy nature I do have to leave my backyard. Although, I am lucky enough to live very close to Puget Sound and the Cascade Mountains.

07-20-2004, 11:46 AM
Yes, I enjoy nature. :)

Right now, I have the window open with a screen, and I can hear the birds singing. It's so wonderful to hear!!

We have a few trails through the woods, and I just love to take the boys for walks back there. I think they love it just as much as I do.

Desert Arabian
07-20-2004, 12:05 PM
Heck yeah I do! That's why I love going up to our cottage, the nature up there is awesome. I go hiking as much as possible and just pick out a log and sit there and listen to the sounds and look at the sights. My favorite place is Levis Mound, a large bluff near our cottage, where you can see for miles and miles around. I've seen black bears, river otters, bald eagles, mountain lions, red fox, deer, turkey, porcupine, mink, pilated woodpecker- animals that I don't get to see at home (well, except for deer & turkey).

I would die with out nature.

Right now all the windows are open, the birds are singing like crazy. If I look out the backyard window I know I will see lots of bunnies, chimpmunks, and squirrels- since we feed them- and they are such a joy to watch, and sometimes funny!

07-20-2004, 12:11 PM
Yes! I just wish it wasn't so darn hot out here so I could go outside and enjoy it! Of course, it's been raining like crazy the past few days... so i've been sitting on the front porch and watching the rain.

I'm not so much for birds. They actually annoy me sometimes, especially the very loud ones. I like tiny soft chirps but not the loud tweets/screaches. :p

I *LOVE* the big white snowy egrets. They come around her often and they're so pretty. I wish you were able to pet them.

My most favorite thing about being outside is the sky, the clouds. I just love looking up, whether it's gray and rainy or just completely blue. It's gorgeous. I guess that explains why I have so many pictures of the sky. :p

07-20-2004, 12:11 PM
i actually don't really enjoy it. my mom and sister adn her boyfriend are always making me go on these naturey trips, and they're always oooing and ahhhing over the stuff but i just don't see how pretty they think it is. i guess i just see it as a mountian being a hunk of rock and some trees just some wood. i don't liek it becasue it downsn't move or even do anything..i prefer animals

EDIT: i was thinking about it and i don't disliek all nature. i think flat plains are soo beautiful, like that's the best place to be ridign a horse, where you can see for miles around you and it's so flat and even and pretty. but we don't live near any flat places, we have water and mountains. i plan on moving out to the country like that when i graduate vet school and stuff

07-20-2004, 12:16 PM
I like sitting under a big tree next to a lake and listening to the waves and such. I love swimming in lakes and rivers!!! Nature is just pretty to me, and the more time Im outside in it the better!

07-20-2004, 01:23 PM
I absolutely LOVE nature! It so beautiful! I love to hike, (NO HILLS)! I love to swim in lakes, I love to kiyak (sp?), I love to go boating, and all kinds of things like that! :)

Samantha Puppy
07-20-2004, 01:25 PM
I am currently at war with nature, as I am currently getting over a horrible case of poison oak. It made my face swell so badly I couldn't open my eyes for two days. There are open, oozy rashes down my neck, arms and legs. I am constantly itching. I haven't been able to sleep since last week. I would kick nature's @$$ if I had the opportunity to do so right now.

07-20-2004, 01:29 PM
YES! :D I am such a sap for nature. I love to just sit outside and enjoy the sun's warmth or the cool breeze. I have even gone out for a walk during a rainstorm (which I got yelled at for, lol). I LOOOVE it. I wonder how there can be anything better that nature. It's beautiful.

07-20-2004, 02:19 PM
Love nature...don't care for the biting insects (mosquitos, deer flies, ect.)

I'm actually going camping in 2 days. :D

07-20-2004, 06:28 PM
I love nature!

When I am feeling a bit down, I just have to sit in
the backyard with the dogs and that usually will cheer me up.

07-20-2004, 06:41 PM
I am much more an indoor person than outdoor one, but yes there is nothing more serene and peaceful and enjoyable than being amongst nature and all it has to offer on a warm sunny day, with the birds singing, the sky a bright blue, the sun shining, get the picture, roll on summer , we in NZ are waiting. to have one this year. lol.

07-20-2004, 09:49 PM
Very much so, I just wish I lived some place prettier and cooler than North Texas. It's very hot here (100+) in the summer, with humidity at 100%. :eek: It's really impossible to enjoy anything outdoors here until about October. :(

07-20-2004, 10:13 PM
Oh I just looooooooove nature!!! That's why I love California so much. We have everything from rivers and the ocean, to rocky mountains, hills, snowy mountains, deserts, forests, waterfalls, fields.....everything, as well as beautiful weather year-round. I don't know how anyone could *not* enjoy mountains. :p I *love* the sounds of birds singing and chirping, the sound of the wind, the ocean breeze, the greenery of plants and trees, etc. I love almost everything about nature. :p

07-20-2004, 10:15 PM
yes, but i hate camping.:rolleyes:

07-21-2004, 08:38 PM
Oh me too, I like my home comforts too much, if it hasn't got everything I am used to at home, then I figure why bother, this is mean't to be a holiday, no camping for this ole girl., but give me a cabin with all the comforts of home by a lake or the ocean anyday.. surrounded by beautiful nature.

Desert Arabian
07-21-2004, 08:50 PM
There's nothing like trail riding and coming across a little fawn curled up on the side of the trail. I so wish I had my camera, the little fella just laid there and wasn't even bothered by the horses. It would have been a beautiful picture!!! :D