View Full Version : Remus at the white coats

07-20-2004, 09:58 AM
I'm all worried again. Remus is going to the white coats to get his bits snipped! Poor guy, but the shelter says we have to do it. I have his welcome home from the MILs pix developed *just have to scan em, I'll end up doing that tonight lol* So he can at least have some comfort in knowing that people are giving him tummy rubs to make him feel better! I'll post later tonight with some pix and an update.

07-20-2004, 10:01 AM
He wont care,for the experience,but then again he wont spray,or make unwanted Kittens,or get hurt,fighting other Cats!

07-20-2004, 10:02 AM
Poor kitty.... That can't be fun. At least it's a minor, standard procedure. You'll be much happier without them, Remus! Trust me! :)

07-20-2004, 10:19 AM
You will be fine Remus.:)

You will be up and having fun in no time. We are all keeping good thoughts for you.

Looking forward to pictures.

07-20-2004, 10:39 AM
Poor Remus.

He'll be back to his old self (minus some bits) in no time.:)

Double belly rubs and scritchies for him!!

07-20-2004, 11:19 AM
We meowmies can't help but worry when it comes to the big snip, snip for our furbabies, even though we know they will be fine and come through it with flying colors.

Gentle belly rubs for you Remus.

07-20-2004, 11:51 AM
Thanks guys, the encuragement helps. LOL if I had my way I'd be there holding his little paw through the whole thing! He knew he was going to the white coats today, he was sucking up to me with his little head bumpies saying "Meowme, I know I'm going to the vet, but if Im extra cute can we skip it and go right to breakfast?" lol. He couldn't eat all last night or this morning so he was kind of irate. :rolleyes:

07-20-2004, 12:54 PM

Stupid vet....grrrrrr

The vet that is doing the snipping on Remus has a policy that they have to stay 24 hrs. Grrrr so not only was I screwed for dropping him off, I can't pick him up either because he has to be picked up while I'm at work! Grrrr!

They had better call me if ANYTHING comes up!

:mad: :mad: :mad: Now Im gonna be worried all friggen night!

07-20-2004, 01:42 PM
Sorry your vet has that policy of staying overnight. If the animal is going to be there by themseleves without human supervision overnight than what's the purpose, I ask myself? Thankfully, our vets haven't implied that rule when we've had our kids fixed.

07-20-2004, 01:47 PM
Originally posted by catmandu
but then again he wont spray,or get hurt,fighting other Cats!

This has not been my experience. Everyone of my cats, male and female, has been neutered. Every last one of the males still sprays. Only one did it in the house; they all do it outdoors.

As for the fighting, mine don't, but our neighbor's neutered male is constantly looking for a good, knock-down-dragout fight. I frequently have to hose him down - with their permission, of course.

07-20-2004, 01:49 PM
My vet has that rule too. Sophie's getting spayed in a month or so. I don't like it much....but if she's going to be out of it completely then maybe it's good that she gets completely alert before she goes home. But, neutering is a less invasive procedure, right? I guess it depends on how much your vet anesthetizes (sp?) Remus...but they should have made their procedures clear BEFORE all this started. Anyway I am sure he'll be fine though. Remus, we're all thinking about ya!! ;)

07-20-2004, 01:50 PM
My vet does this same thing. I also questioned the sense of it because they are alone for part of the night - It has been about 20 years since I last had pets neutered and it was always a same day procedure. But - they explained that the hospital was open until 7pm, cleaning staff were there until 10pm and then techs come in at 6am, and that they felt the animals were safer while confined to a cage the first 24 hours to make sure they did not exert too much and to be sure they eliminated -- so I felt OK about it - though still would have prefered to just bring them home!

Take care DJ - I know you will worry no matter what! That is what Meowmies are for I think:rolleyes: Tomorrow you can hug and smooch on Remus.

07-20-2004, 01:57 PM
We always confined them at home in separate area of house and for most part first 24 hrs all they did was slept. Get up few times to eat and use litter box. It was comforting to beable to watch them ourseleves.

Laura's Babies
07-20-2004, 02:13 PM
I would prefer them come home but I understand because of the potty and stuff.. Some people don't watch their pets the way most of us do so one rule applies for all to make sure the pet is in # 1 shape before it goes home..

Our vet has different people scheduled to come in at different times during the night to check on them and give medication where needed at the times needed. We found that out when Annie swolloed that sewing needle...

07-20-2004, 02:14 PM
Grrr for you. I know you'll be worried and would feel much better with Remus at home. Oreo and Wilber were a same day procedure. They were a little odd acting that night and were back to normal the next day.

Poor Remus - hang on little buddy - it will be all over before you know it.

07-20-2004, 03:02 PM
Yeah, I understand why they want to keep him and all. Still doesn't make me worry less though :(. I wanted to be able to pick him up too...oh well. He will get scritches when he gets home! *and maybe a visit with the flashbox if he is up to it ;)*