View Full Version : 20 pictures - S & C

07-20-2004, 12:18 AM
I took some pictures of Soda and Cracker today, so I thought I mind as well post them. I haven't posted any pictures of them since I got my new camera.

In some of the pictures, you can see Soda babying his wing. He is now happily sleeping, and I haven't seen him hold his wing up since then.

I went to a few garage sales (gag) with my parents, and I was looking for some stuff that I could use for photoshoots. I found some fabric for a background. Once I get sick of the fabric for backgrounds, I think I am going to make some bandanas for the dogs. :)

Well, I found a big box of fake flowers. Let me remind you that each bundle of flowers is around $2. I got about 35 bundles for $4. Mind as well use them!


"What are we doing, Mum?"

"Do you know, Cracker?"

"Mmmm, Flowers..."


More coming!

07-20-2004, 12:20 AM
Pretty girl!


"They're not too bad, Soda!"



Still more..

07-20-2004, 12:23 AM




Preening on the job! :eek:

Still some more coming!!

07-20-2004, 12:29 AM

"Ain't I handome?"


"Let's climb up here!"

Treats for being so good!


Enjoy! :cool:

07-20-2004, 12:31 AM
Awwww... finally we get some pictures of the adorable duo. :D What cuties! The pictures turned out really good. But, I still think you need to get that Canon.. ;)

Thanks for sharing them with us!

07-20-2004, 02:05 AM
Awwwwww!!!!!!!! *Kisses Soda and Cracker*

They're SOOOOO CUUUUUTE!!!!!!!!! Did they like their photo shoot? ;) Those are such great pictures!!! More, more, more!

I haven't taken any pictures of Popcorn and Muffin since we got our new camera either. :p

07-20-2004, 11:32 AM
Originally posted by GoldenRetrLuver
The pictures turned out really good. But, I still think you need to get that Canon..
Grrr. I am being pulled between my Sony and the Canon.

I know the quality is much better than my Kodak. Or is it just me?? :rolleyes:

Originally posted by popcornbird
Awwwwww!!!!!!!! *Kisses Soda and Cracker*

They're SOOOOO CUUUUUTE!!!!!!!!! Did they like their photo shoot? ;) Those are such great pictures!!! More, more, more!

I haven't taken any pictures of Popcorn and Muffin since we got our new camera either. :p

You haven't taken ANY? :eek: I had taken a couple on the first day I got it, but I just hadn't posted any. Wow, you must have taken a few of them. Poor birdies! ;)

As you can tell in the pictures, Soda was more interested in the photoshoot than Cracker was, he he.

Cracker kept getting cranky and flying back to her cage. Soda wasn't interested in *flying*. He would much rather pose for the camera, be a clown, and eat the flowers. :p

07-20-2004, 02:00 PM
Originally posted by Dogz

You haven't taken ANY? :eek: I had taken a couple on the first day I got it, but I just hadn't posted any. Wow, you must have taken a few of them. Poor birdies! ;)

Nope. I've been taking pics of trees, flowers, scenery, etc. with it, but not the tiels. I need to though. :p

And btw, we tried out the Canons when we went to get our new camera, and while they were great, we still liked the Sony's better. Canons are too big in size. I like the fact that Sony's are so compact and light. The price was the same, and the customer service guy told us he would recommend the Sony over the Canon. He said he had both and the Sony was the better one. After having a Sony for 4 years with no problem at all, we had to go for a Sony again.