View Full Version : Anyone good at math? YIKES!!!! Head count so far is.....

07-19-2004, 09:23 AM
I just added up all my trappings so far this year...:eek: :eek: :eek:

January....22 cats and kittens
February..17 more
March.......38 off the streets! :eek: :D
April.........19 more safe from harm :)
May..........24 kittens born to (very) pregnant rescues included
June.........41 I must have had a slow month! :D ;)
July...........22 for a grand total of??? Drum roll everyone start adding!

07-19-2004, 09:39 AM
OMG!!!! That's 183 rescued kitties!!!

Good Grief Woman!! I told you that you were a one woman rescue service!


You are truly and amazing woman! THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!!!!

I think your crown is going to be too heavy to wear! God Bless you!

07-19-2004, 09:49 AM
:eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:

That is a lot of work. I am tired just thinking about it. ;)

07-19-2004, 09:55 AM
Luckily not all of them came and stayed here. Many did, and then left for new forever homes, others went into foster all over the area. A few were too weak to survive and are at RB. A few were TNR, but 99% were adopted, or waiting! I'd love to be able to figure out statistics on how many there would be now, if I left them all out there. I'm too scared to attempt that one!:eek: :confused: :D :) :eek: My ever revolving door LOL!

07-19-2004, 09:56 AM
Spectacular Job!!!! :eek: :D

07-19-2004, 10:02 AM

I too am tired just thinking about all of that work. Whoever said that one person cannot make a difference did not know about you. I am sure that there are alot less stray kitties because of you and alot of very happy homed ones.:)

07-19-2004, 10:06 AM
WOW QSA!!!! Who ever said ONE person can't make a difference? You are amazing! I hope you feel wonderful about this:D I am sure proud of you!!!:D :D :D

07-19-2004, 10:45 AM
Wow!:eek: :D:D:D

Way to go! You're amazing, I'm sure all the rescues are very happy that you have given them nice homes:)

07-19-2004, 10:58 AM
Fantastic job! :D
There is a definitely a halo (and a gold pooper scooper) waiting for you at the Pearly Gates! :D

07-19-2004, 11:53 AM
Wow QSA, you truly amaze me with all the great rescue that you do. Fantastic.
Thank you for being an Angel to all these precious kitties.

07-19-2004, 11:57 AM
You have made such a huge difference for all these kitties. :) It must be so rewarding - you definately deserve a medal! :D

Thanks so much for all your hard work! You are amazing!

07-19-2004, 11:57 AM
That is SO awesome. You are truly amazing and have such a special gift.

07-19-2004, 11:58 AM
Originally posted by kuhio98
Fantastic job! :D
There is a definitely a halo (and a gold pooper scooper) waiting for you at the Pearly Gates! :D Don't forget those hipwaders!:D

07-19-2004, 12:03 PM

carla and mike
07-19-2004, 12:05 PM
And hopefully 2 more tomorrow in Nahant.
Jan...we love you!!!!!!!:D

07-19-2004, 12:32 PM
QSA...keep up the wonderful work that you have been doing.

leslie flenner
07-19-2004, 08:22 PM
the saturday night litter that I have yet to hear about? The newborns?
And your off to Nahant? geez! Well, hopefully when you get through those pearly gates, your back pain will be gone (from lifting large boxes and bags of litter and food), your wrist pains will be gone ("scooposis"), you'll get to travel, rest, do nothing, eat bon-bons, not answer the telephone, yell at the answering machine, not keep track of cats and kittens in and out and all their medicines on mulitcalendars, NOT cat sit on top of all that, clean for rich people (well, they give you nice things!), uh, what else? Well, You'll miss fixing things for me, I know (hee, hee). (Couple things in my car....). Well, you've more than earned your wings! (By the way, in Chelsea there's that orange unnuetered cat and that black and white cat I told you about... any room at the shelter do you know?)

07-19-2004, 08:54 PM

I applaud you!!

carla and mike
07-20-2004, 05:25 AM
Originally posted by leslie flenner
the saturday night litter that I have yet to hear about? The newborns?
And your off to Nahant? geez! Well, hopefully when you get through those pearly gates, your back pain will be gone (from lifting large boxes and bags of litter and food), your wrist pains will be gone ("scooposis"), you'll get to travel, rest, do nothing, eat bon-bons, not answer the telephone, yell at the answering machine, not keep track of cats and kittens in and out and all their medicines on mulitcalendars, NOT cat sit on top of all that, clean for rich people (well, they give you nice things!), uh, what else? Well, You'll miss fixing things for me, I know (hee, hee). (Couple things in my car....). Well, you've more than earned your wings! (By the way, in Chelsea there's that orange unnuetered cat and that black and white cat I told you about... any room at the shelter do you know?)

Hey..I didn't know Jan was an automachanic too.
I'm calling for an oil change today.LOL:D

Laura's Babies
07-20-2004, 06:47 AM
I just REALLY hope, the people who live in her area know about the work that QSL does and apperciates her hard work. One person, that does SO much!! Is this a role model for the young generation or not? A one woman rescue team!!

QSL, My hat is off to you and I bow down to you! You are a one in a million lady!! That is a LOT of furr babies for one person!! May God pour His blessings on you for your hard work and good deeds.

07-20-2004, 08:22 AM
Originally posted by Laura's Babies
I just REALLY hope, the people who live in her area know about the work that QSL does and apperciates her hard work. One person, that does SO much!! Is this a role model for the young generation or not? A one woman rescue team!!

QSL, My hat is off to you and I bow down to you! You are a one in a million lady!! That is a LOT of furr babies for one person!! May God pour His blessings on you for your hard work and good deeds.
Thank you Laura and everyone else! Now my head's so big I can't get out the door to get anymore! Well that's a relief!:D Laura I prefer to be as descreet as possible doing this. I don't give out my phone number, but sometimes it ends up out there anyway.:mad: When we used to rent an apartment, others in the area saw me rescuing kittens etc. and would leave boxes of newborns etc. where I could find them, and wisk their little reponsibilities away! GRR! So the more I go about my day quietly, the less chance of cats showing up here in boxes etc.
Carla...get in line for that oil change! (no I don't do cars...change a tire in a panic, but no oil):D

07-20-2004, 10:09 AM
Hoooray for QSA!!! You are a Godsend to all those abandoned kittes out there! God Bless you for caring so much and going through the hardships of rescue!

07-20-2004, 10:33 AM
Yiu are an Amazing Person,to do all that,and The Found Cats and I are proud,to call you a Friend!

07-20-2004, 02:42 PM
QSA, that is awesome!! If kitties could speak hoo-man, they'd certainly be thanking you! But since they can't, I will thank you for them!!

Meoooooowww!!! ;)

07-20-2004, 02:51 PM
Way to go!! It's people like you who make such a huge difference! And it's precisely because of numbers like those that people need to spay and neuter. Or, if there's a medical reason why they can't be, they it's their responsibility to make sure no one "shares the wealth" as it were. You do such a wonderful job, QSA!!! :)

leslie flenner
07-20-2004, 09:40 PM
Nah, carla, she won't fix the car for me, although once, on the way to the zoo or somewhere, she tied my muffler up real good to the bumper!!
But anytime something breaks at home, and I can fit it in the car, I bring it to her house for her to fix! Anything from jewelry to the vaccum cleaner (which reminds me)... Jan has a good eye for fixing tiny things (and can see a sick cat from a block away) and a good notion for screwdrivers and the like! She won't sew buttons on anything for me though, seems to think i'm perfectly capable (I am..just prefer someone else do tedious chores for me!). So, dragging mufflers ok, oil change, guess not!!!

carla and mike
07-21-2004, 05:10 AM
Originally posted by leslie flenner
Nah, carla, she won't fix the car for me, although once, on the way to the zoo or somewhere, she tied my muffler up real good to the bumper!!
But anytime something breaks at home, and I can fit it in the car, I bring it to her house for her to fix! Anything from jewelry to the vaccum cleaner (which reminds me)... Jan has a good eye for fixing tiny things (and can see a sick cat from a block away) and a good notion for screwdrivers and the like! She won't sew buttons on anything for me though, seems to think i'm perfectly capable (I am..just prefer someone else do tedious chores for me!). So, dragging mufflers ok, oil change, guess not!!!

Someone along the line taught Jan well.
Must of had great parents.:D :D