View Full Version : Bleh...can't sleep

07-19-2004, 01:07 AM
It's midnight here and I'm usually in bed by now. I am the only one up here... I can't sleep. We had a huge storm yesterday so I was up quite late. Then I had to get up early for Major and church...so I had a 2 hour nap tonight...needless to say, can't sleep now. Also I have soo much on my mind right now. Remind me to never take a nap in the middle of the day again!

Laura's Babies
07-19-2004, 08:06 AM
I have had those nights too and I always get up and get on PT!!
Always something interesting here to look at.

07-19-2004, 12:49 PM
Don't you hate those nights??? Ugh! Thankfully, there's always something going on at Pet Talk:D I'm with you...I hate sleeping during the daytime unless I'm sick. I wake up feeling so groggy and worse than I did before laying down! Where was Major through all this??? Sleeping I'll bet:D

07-19-2004, 01:58 PM
I had that time mostly when i go to sleep is untill 5:00am ugh it is so bad to stay up that late

07-19-2004, 05:06 PM
I have those nights alot, especially when I have alot on my mind. I try drinking some Sleepy Time Tea, or I read a book. Usually reading does it. Or, I'll come online and see if anyone ELSE is having a problem getting to sleep.

07-19-2004, 06:31 PM
Lol yup! I went on PT. Since its summer, and I'm sleeping in the basement, the computer is about..4 feet from my feet lol.

On the storm night? Well Major was pretty scared, so I gave him his peanut butter. Then he fell asleep after that. But last night he was sleeping.

I usually go to bed around 10:30-11:00 (well...I pretend I do. My brother and dad also sleep down in the basement in the summer and there isn't anything blocking the computer room light...and my brother can't sleep with it on so I have to go to bed. But...sometimes I get back up and turn the computer on:p

Haha, well I couldn't read very easily, because I couldn't walk too far without waking anybody up. I do have a book by me, but the light needs to be shut off for my brother:o

And yeah, lol, I came to see if anyone was having the same troubles as me! I went on bored.com after...lol

I was on the computer for an hour and a half before I decided I better try to sleep again.