View Full Version : What would YOU have done?

07-18-2004, 09:53 AM
You know, since I had surgery, I have to go out for a walk at least once a day now. Often I'm going to the grave yard because it's so peacefully and quiet there. I went there today, too.

Well, I don't know what it was, but something made me go back the way I have originally planned to go and I took another way instead, and the next moment I saw the kitty...

She was sitting in front of a grave stone, as if she was part of the decoration, and looked at me. She seemed to be shy, but did not run away from me. She (I assume it was a female, she looked like it) was a beautiful grey and white long hair, but had no persian face at all, so I have no idea what kind of breed she was. But it was easy to see she was ill. She had runny eyes and nose, kind of ulcerous, so I guess it's URI.

I did not kneel down because I did not want to encourage her to come over, because I was a bit afraid to bring germs home with me, to my girls... But I started talking to her and she listened. From time to time, she would blink to me, I don't if if she really "smiled" at me or if her eyes were burning and itching.

Anyway, after a while, I left her alone, and she was still sitting there peacefully, next to that grave stone. The stone was blank, btw, it had no inscription....

Now I'm wondering if there would have been more I could have done for that kitty. I have no idea if she's a stray or if she's living in one of the houses surrounding the graveyard. I will look out for her the next time I'm there.


07-18-2004, 10:21 AM
I gave my RB dog Rosco parvo because I tried to help some sickly puppies when I was working. Now, I would have done the same thing. With cats, it is hard to tell if they are owned or not. Over time, if I still saw her there, I'd consider getting her help though. But the safety and well being of my pets comes first always.

07-18-2004, 10:43 AM
Can you go back and take a little bowl of food and water? She might still be there. Is there a pet-free friend or neighbor who might be willing to keep her so you can get her checked out at the vet? (Assuming you want to take on this much responsibility). Once she's fixed up and has a clean bill of health, she will be much easier to adopt. From the way she was behaving, it doesn't sound like she's feral. Probably just abandoned or neglected. She might be your first rescue for your new website!

If you do go back, take some handywipes or some soap to clean your hands thoroughly before touching Miss Luna or Lily. That's what I do when I get home from the shelter. So far (3 months and counting) my kitties haven't caught any of the germs from the shelter.

07-18-2004, 10:56 AM
That might be a good idea,to take some food out,and then see if you can get her,into a disposable carrier,and get her ,to a vet!You ,are wise,not to bring germs home,top your Girls! Thank You,from the Found Cats,for caring!

07-18-2004, 11:03 AM
If I could have gotten my hands on the cat I would have picked it up. I have the space to keep her separate from mine until she could be vetted, some people do not. It is scary, the thought of bringing in disease, but I have been known to risk it with every foster. Some things can be tested for (FeLV/FIV), but others cannot (FIP), and to not help for fear of disease seems impossible for me.

Laura's Babies
07-18-2004, 11:09 AM
I always wash my hands and arms (GOOD) and change clothes when I get home from the shelter, even if I think the cats I handles that day are well cats.... You never know!

07-18-2004, 11:11 AM
Like others have said I would go back with food and water to see if she is there.

07-18-2004, 11:16 AM
I personally would have tried to pick her up and take her home with me. I would've kept her 100% isolated from my cats though. Even when I take in healthy fosters, I isolate them for a minumum of two weeks.

07-18-2004, 11:16 AM
Kirsten .... I am the big risk taker around here, and I have paid the price at times as well. :rolleyes: But, like Jen said ... I would have a difficult time not helping this poor kitty. I understand your concern, so I would definitely try and find a place to keep her separate from Luna and Lily ... or maybe another person who could take her in! Good luck! ;)


07-18-2004, 11:50 AM
Thank you everyone for your opions, it's very appreciated.

Well, first of all, I don't have a house of my own, only an appartment, so that way it is impossible for me keep a cat 100% isolated from Luna and Lily; it's just not possible. :( Also, I do not know anyone who lives without a cat and would adopt or foster one. And - I feel very bad to say that - I'm not in the financial position at the moment to pay another kitty's vet bills. Being both unemployed AND too sick to work, my situation is desperated enough anyway. :( I wish I'd have some money so that I could buy or rent a house and do fostering.

But I think what I can do is bringing some food and water for the kitty - just in case it's still there. I can also ask people (grave yard visitors) if the cat comes regulary or if it belongs to someone.

I think it's another good idea to always carry some of these disinfectant tissues with me, that way I don't have to fear to touch a cat and bring diseases home to my girls...

BTW, if you were not sure if a cat has a home or not, would you take it with you when it's obviously sick? After all, somebody might miss it... :confused:


07-18-2004, 12:01 PM
Kirsten, knowing that you have a rather small flat and can not separate Luna and Lily from this cat, and also that your financial situation is bad, I would probably not have taken her immediately either. However, she does need help soon! Perhaps you could bring your camera, take a few pics of her and distribute them around the area, asking if anyone owns her and if anyone will help financially to get her to a vet.

If you start feeding her there, you'll have to continue, and be prepared to do more. Is there a possibility you could build a house for her and put somewhere quiet, for the time being? You can use two of the white boxes which vegetables come in. Tape them together and put thick plastic over too.

If you start feeding her, you'll soon get her confidence and be able to touch her. :) Perhaps you can ask your vet for a treatment for her and give it yourself. We did that with some eardrops for Pjevs in our backyard.

07-18-2004, 12:23 PM

Only YOU know what is right for you and your situation. The only concern I would've had would be fleas. The last thing you need is to take the chance of bringing even ONE flea into your apartment. That would be disastrous!!!

07-18-2004, 01:54 PM
Kirsten, I for one KNOW that you would not have been able (physically or financially) to pick up a sick kitty. If I were in your EXACT shoes, I would talk with a shelter for advice.
As for picking up a cat that might be owned, I do not know how it is in Germany. Here, where is it frowned upon to have your cats roaming, I would not even give a thought as to who might miss her (after all, she is sick and roaming the streets). If it were England where I know most all cats roam, I would have different feelings.

07-18-2004, 02:27 PM
Randi, that's a good idea!! I'll go back the next couple of days whit my camera, and when she's still there, I will take a photo and show it around.

And you're right, when I'm feeding her, I'm accepting the responsibility for her and then I'm completely involved; I did not think about that. God, if I was only in the position to help her! :(

moosmom, I did not think about fleas at all, but you're right! My girls never had any, so I never had to deal with that, and I don't really want to! :eek

Jen, I'm not quite sure about the laws here in Germany, but since pets are still "possesions" here in our legislation, I would think it's a theft to take an animal that belongs to someone. And when it's roaming it's not necessarily an evidence that it's neglected, since most people here still think that only an outdoor cat is a happy cat! :( I think the only thing I can do is trying to find the owner and talk into him to bring the kitty to the vet.


07-18-2004, 02:34 PM
I understand your situation, living in a small space, and it does take $$$ to get a kitty well. I think I would definitely consider getting the cat and taking it to a shelter. At least it would get food/water and possibly get vet care. I can't stand the thought of strays that don't have anyone to care for them. Especially if they're sick or hungry. Breaks my heart!