View Full Version : ??? Midnight

Laura's Babies
07-18-2004, 07:48 AM
Yesterday at my son's, Midnight came sat on my lap and I had white pants on.. When she moved, there was blood.. I checked her insision and there wasn't any there, I checked both the other spots and there wasn't any there either.. I told my son to watch her close and see if they could find out where it was coming from.. He called me last night and there was blood in the litterbox in her stool.. Could this be from her surgery? from the stress of the trip in the car to his house? I haven't a clue.. She hasn't eaten anything other than her regular food that I know of...

07-18-2004, 09:11 AM
Can cats get hemorrhoids? If it's bright red, as opposed to dark, then it is more likely to be coming from a place close to the rectum. Has she been constipated? And are we talking drops - or larger amounts?

I'd say keep a close eye on the litter box - see if it continues. Call the Vet in the morning.

Laura's Babies
07-18-2004, 10:51 AM
Grace, I do plan to call the vet in the morning.. It is bright red and by the time I noticed it on my pants, she had wiped it all off...on my white pants, one good smear and two smaller smears.. Since she had just been vet checked and spayed about a week ago, my first thought was her inscision but that has all but healed now. I left her with my son and told him to watch her real close and see if that happens again.. Since I have 4 cats using 2 litter boxes, I can't tell you how hard her stool is, but there has been no loose watery stool in any of the boxes.. I am going to have him monitor her really close, I have only 2 days before I have to leave to go back to work so I want this "fixed" before I leave.. I will get his vets number that he uses in his area and call them and set up some sort of method of how I can pay for her treatment and care if any is needed from the river..

This baby has begged TO long and TO hard to be MINE (1 1/2 years), for me to let anything happen to her now that she is finally mine!! ( Or am I finally HERS?? Who belongs to who?)

07-18-2004, 11:30 AM
Poor Midnight. I have no idea what it could be but I sure hope she is okay.

Please keep us posted.

07-19-2004, 03:47 AM
Blood on the stool can be coccidia. As she has been living outside she may have got them from some rodents. They can get it from raw meat too. They can be killed by antibiotics.

Anyway I think you should get a stool sample to the vet:)

Good luck, Midnight girl:)

Laura's Babies
07-19-2004, 06:00 AM
Barbara, she had a round of antibotics this month between her shots and her spaying because her neck had a infection due to so much scratching from fleas while she was outside... As for what she ate....????? No telling since she was almost starved to death, poor baby probably ate whatever she could catch, including rats. I plan to call the vet this morning and if they suggest giving her another round, I will get them to my son somehow. After what she has been trough, she should never have another problem for the rest of her life...she deserves a problem free life from now on.. She is such a sweetheart.

07-19-2004, 11:11 AM
Prayers and positive thoughts on the way for precious Midnight.
Poor baby has been through so much.
Get well soon sweetheart.

Laura's Babies
07-19-2004, 05:05 PM
I called the vet the first thing this morning and the one that called me back said to just monitor the situation for now, make sure she is acting normal, eating, playing, sleeping and stuff. She said it could be something from her spay, the stress of the trip or a different treat, a bug....ANYTHING.. She said it is not at all uncommon for cats to have blood in their stool and there are many different things that could cause it. Just watch her close.. I called the vet my son uses in his area and we have a temporary thing worked out until I can get back from the river next time, then I will go in and sign a paper guranteeing I will pay all medical bills on them... (That is something I should have done when I got Amy! Shame on me! )

07-23-2004, 07:36 AM
Hoping Midnight is okay...please update us when you get back! :)