View Full Version : Sunday Morning Pics of "The Crew"

07-18-2004, 07:23 AM
Since Sirrahbed wanted Saturday morning pictures but I didn't get around to it, I decided Sunday morning might be ok instead. So here we go!!

Ms. Hussy Butt herself (Stubby)

My Lucky boy

Peanut Butter and Leroy hanging out

Maggie Sue in mid-meow

Scrappy Magoo hanging out in the kitchen waiting for any food to drop. Little Hoover!!!

Pete showing off his "Drumsticks" again.

Pepper Jack...Whatcha doin Ma? Huh? Whatcha doin? Can I help? Huh? Huh?

More in next post

Laura's Babies
07-18-2004, 07:34 AM
Awwww!! What a way to start a Sunday!! You just have the most beautiful bunch of furr kids!.......Waiting for the rest!!

07-18-2004, 07:36 AM
Leroy was minding his own business and an ant crawled under him and it tickled! He's trying to figure out what got him.

Maggie Sue being a very BAD girl! Pulling on the screen!

Pervy having a bite to eat.

Ms. Stubbit stretching out for a morning nap.

Pete Monster on the prowl.

Sammy is playing with his daddy.

Pepper Jack is being ever vigilant

Pretty Pervy checking on things outside.

Magoo waiting in line at the water fountain. Stubby doesn't want to share of course.

A few more coming

07-18-2004, 07:37 AM
Pervy's pretty girlie pink lips. I love her lips! They are soooo pink!

Leroy's turn at the window

Peanut Butter. Doesn't he look different without his mane?

Pervy says...No more pictures!!

Now that 's all!

07-18-2004, 08:22 AM
:D YES, YES much better now, I am happy. I never noticed just how very pretty Pervy is!!! Also, PB without his mane is a real twin for Dylan - don't think I could tell them apart in a picture!:rolleyes: Pete is still the "Elf" kitty! Stubby looks too sweet to have an attitude but never can trust the really sweet looking girls can you?
Thanks for the fix, Lisa. You really do have a gorgeous crew - such variety and personality plus!!

07-18-2004, 08:29 AM
Whata great start to my Sunday morning! Pepper Jack's inquisitive photo is just too funny! Whata great looking crew on an early Sunday morning!

07-18-2004, 08:31 AM
AH, what a great bunch of furries~ (I call my long haired ones.......the furries)

Kisses to Pepper Jack's nose on the camera.

Laura's Babies
07-18-2004, 08:36 AM
***THUMP***** That was Beauty Overload! YES! YES! YES!! Those pink lips are adorable...to bad they can't pucker or I would have to make a trip to your house to kiss her!!! Maggie Sue pulling on the screen shows her real beauty, that is awesome!! But, sweet Leroy!!..
***SWOON***** They are all TO beautiful for words!! Thanks for my Sunday morning fix!!!

07-18-2004, 10:45 AM
Oh they are all just GORGEOUS!!!:D I love them all! I can't pick a favorite. But I love Pervy, she has beautiful coloring. Thanks for sharing the pictures!:D

07-18-2004, 10:48 AM
We love seeing your Cat Clowder Photos,and The Cat Angels are coming,ond\e day,this week,to see All Your Cats,and The Scrappys,will meet,for th First Time!

07-18-2004, 10:49 AM
OOH! Where do I start? They're ALL gorgeous! I love Pete's fluffy drumsticks, Stubby's golden girl good looks, Peanut Butter is handsome with or without his mane, pretty Pervy lives up to her name (love the pink lips - we're going to have to start a "kitty lips" thread), Leroy, Magoo, Maggie Sue, Pepper Jack. The one of Magoo waiting for some food to drop cracked me up. Is he really that compact? and I always love seeing pics of your cats in that window. My Sunday is complete! :D

07-18-2004, 10:56 AM
It must be so nice to have all these kitties around: wherever you look there is beauty:)

07-18-2004, 11:25 AM
OH LUCKY!! He's so handsome, you need to feature him in a post all his own!

That picture of Magoo waiting in line is funny.

Thanks for the pictures. It just doesn't seem right without pictures from "The Crew" for the weekend.

07-18-2004, 11:33 AM
Oh Lisa, I could NEVER, EVER get enough of your beautiful kitties!!! I vote for every morning pics of the crew!!!:eek: :D
Ok, maybe that's asking a bit too much! :rolleyes: I love them all, but as always Pepper Jack steals my heart ... and oh boy, Pervy's PINK lips are sooooooo precious! *must send kissies to them*:D

Magoo is so adorable waiting in line for the water fountain! I love his nickname of Mr. Hoover too!!!


07-18-2004, 11:41 AM
Awww, what a bunch of beautiful kitties you have there! My favourites are Magoo, Leroy and Sammy, but they're all wonderful. :) Pervy reminds me of Fister's next door neighbor girlfriend. ;)

It's great to see Magoo getting along so well with them. :) .... But uhh, the look Stubby gives him there in the queue. :eek:

07-18-2004, 12:15 PM
My favorites are Maggie Sue and Leroy and Pervie and Peanut Butter and Magoo and Pete and Sammy and Pepper Jack and Lucky.

What adorable kitties you have!!! Makes me want to have about 10 more to go with my three!! Thanks for sharing pictures, Lisa!


07-18-2004, 07:49 PM
Aww, I love all your beautiful fur balls!

Pepper Jack’s close up and Pervey’s adorable Hoot-Owl picture are my favorites out of this set of Photos.

07-18-2004, 07:57 PM
All of the pictures are great, and I always love seeing your gang.:)

Thanks it really helped make my day better.:D

07-18-2004, 09:09 PM
Gorgeous babies!:D

07-18-2004, 09:27 PM
All of your babies are beautiful as always. Magoo is always my number one.:) Lucky and Pepper Jack play a close second though with me! Beautiful.

Sammy reminds me so much of my parents cat Tabby.

Lisa & Sash

07-19-2004, 08:08 AM
Seeing that I'm not usually on the computer over the weekends...I got my Monday morning fix....thank you.

07-19-2004, 08:15 AM
Awwwwww. . . !!! :D :D :D

I always look forward to my picture fix from your gang. Every time you post a bunch of pics, I end up with a new “favorite” kitty! This week, it’s Pepper Jack.. He looks just like my Rizzo man, and is therefore one of the most handsome of all handsome kitties! :D *scritchies for all!*

07-19-2004, 10:40 AM
Gosh - what a gorgeous bunch! I don't think I would be able to leave my house if I had so many beauties living there.