View Full Version : Cocker with swelling under chin

07-17-2004, 07:09 PM
Bongo, my 2yr old cocker spaniel seams to have some type of swelling underneath his chin. The swelling seams to start on the ball of his chin towards the left and then there is like sagging skin that goes down the left side of his chin to where his neck starts. When I touch the area I can not really feel a specific lump... but the skin seams to feel thickened along the the left side (not quite an inch). Then there is loose skin resembling a turkey neck that goes down from there. I cant really tell if it is red or inflamed and i can't tell if there is some kind of centralized point (ingrown hair folicle) It does bother him a little when I touch the area. And he has recentely just started trying to scratch the area with his hind leg. Also I saw him nod his head in a wierd way... in an up and down motion. Other than that he is totally normal. Eats and drinks normal. He runs and plays normally. His poop is normal. I did also take his temperature and it was also normal.

I plan to take him to my vet on Monday morning... but just wanted to see if anyone has experienced anything simular... or if anyone has any ideas of what it could be. I am a health fanatic with my dogs... and I am gonna have a hard time waiting until my vet is in the office on Monday. We do have an emergency vet here in my town but their costs are like 5x the amount of my vet... so I was going to try to wait til Monday. But if anyone thinks it could be an emergency... please let me know.

Thanks in advance for any info or advise.
~ Bongo's Mom

p.s. do lymph glands in a dog extend up to the ball of their chin?

07-17-2004, 07:31 PM
I don't have any advice - but let us know what the vet says?

Could you get a picture of it?

07-17-2004, 08:20 PM
Welcome to Pet Talk Candee:) Wish it were under happier circumstances:( At first I was thinking perhaps a swollen gland, but it sounds to be farther up the neck, more localized in the chin area. My other thought was too an ingrown hair follice, but without a centralized point, no sign of inflamm. or swelling, it's hard to tell. Perphaps tomorrow the swelling may come to a head and then there's a good chance it's a localized inflammation. Is there any chance he could have gotten bitten by a bee or bug? The head tilt part has be baffled, though the sweeling in his neck may be causing him discomfort. If Bongo's eating, drinking, peeing, pooping, playing, no fever, I think you can wait until Monday. Though I'm like you, a real worrier, so I understand your concern. If Bongo begins to appear unwell, lethargic, not eating, drinking etc., I probably would give the ER vet a call tomorrow. But in the meantime, why not just keep an eye on it and wait until Monday. Hard, I know:( Please keep us updated and definitely let us know what the vet says on Monday. Hugs to you Bongo!!!:) Sandra, Cody and Star

07-17-2004, 09:52 PM
Ok... I tryed to get Bongo to sit still enough to take some pics. I actually was able to view the area a little better while doing so. I think it is definetely an abcess... maybe from bitting his lip while catching his ball. I checked his teeth and gums and everything appeared normal. I pinpointed what could be the epi-center (blue arrow) by how tender the area was to Bongo. The area is also slightly pink when i took a flashlight to it. The red circled area is the part that is the hanginging skin... very soft and flabby unlike the hardened (I think abcessed) part up at the top.

So if this is an abcess, which i am pretty sure it is... what do you think the vet will do? I am sure Bongo will get antibiotics but do you think he will want to lance it, drain it, or just leave it alone? Do you think I should wait til Monday to get him on antibiotics? What if tomorrow it pops and has a big gapping hole in his chin? Ewwwww. My kitty has had an abcess before but never any of my dogs. Bongo is an inside dog and only goes outside with me... so he hasnt been in any fights or anything. As far as bee's... it could be possible but i didnt see him react to anything during any of the times we were outside.

Anyways, here are some pics... let me know whatcha guys think. Thanks again for your replies. I really do appreciate it so much.

07-18-2004, 10:12 AM
Wow - that's pretty big and nasty.

I'm not sure that I would wait long to go to the vet with that. Is it getting bigger? Does it look like it's coming to a head?

I'm sure you normally don't take his temperature so you don't know what his average is, or I'd say take his temp.

I don't know what vets usually do, but when we have people come in with abscesses that size they lance them and put a drain in (just something to keep it open so all the puss will come out) and put a dressing over it. Then they keep checking and changing the dressings until it's time to pull the drain.

That's assuming it's an abscess. It's pretty hard to tell from your photo - without feeling it etc.

07-18-2004, 11:32 AM
I agree with Stacwase, it does look pretty nasty and needs to be looked at asap. If it is an abscess, it most proabably would be lanced and as Stacwas said, perhaps a drain would be put in; definitley antibiotics would be in order, I'd think. I have experience dealing with abscesses in human patients, but not dogs. I know it's costly to be seen on a weekend, but I'd definitely take Bongo in today if at all possible. The sooner you get him treated the better and you'll have peace of mind. How's he doing today?

P.S...Bongo's a cutie:)

07-18-2004, 05:06 PM
How's Bongo??? Getting worried:confused:

07-18-2004, 07:20 PM
Could it be some sort of bee sting????:(

07-19-2004, 12:09 PM
Any word on lil Bongo and his swollen chin??? We are worried.. esp when we dont hear anything!!!!:confused:

07-19-2004, 04:58 PM
Hello everyone. I took Bongo in this morning... and the vet thought it looked to be a "hot spot" or a skin irritation of some sort. She said it wasn't abcessed but just irritated. I left him there all morning and the groomer there shaved him down and the vet looked at the area again and comfirmed it was an infection on the skin. She sent me home with Clavamox and Prednisolone. Follow up appt in 10 days unless it shows to be getting worse.

Whew, I feel so much better now. And since Bongo got all that hair taken off I am sure he feel like a million bucks. Thank you all for all your replies. This is a great site and I definetely have it bookmarked and plan to visit here often.

Thanks again,
~Candee (Bongo's Mom)

07-19-2004, 05:25 PM
Originally posted by Candee
Hello everyone. I took Bongo in this morning... and the vet thought it looked to be a "hot spot" or a skin irritation of some sort. She said it wasn't abcessed but just irritated. I left him there all morning and the groomer there shaved him down and the vet looked at the area again and comfirmed it was an infection on the skin. She sent me home with Clavamox and Prednisolone. Follow up appt in 10 days unless it shows to be getting worse.

Whew, I feel so much better now. And since Bongo got all that hair taken off I am sure he feel like a million bucks. Thank you all for all your replies. This is a great site and I definetely have it bookmarked and plan to visit here often.

Thanks again,
~Candee (Bongo's Mom)

YIPPEEEEEE!!! Its nothing major!!!!! Big hugs to Bongo and mommy.. :cool: :D :cool: :D

07-19-2004, 05:29 PM
Woo hoo Bongo! I'm so happy for you and Bongo:D Be a good boy Bongo, take your medicine and enjoy your summer doo:) Hugs to you Bongo!:) Hope you and your person come visit again and share some Bongo tales and happy pics:)

07-20-2004, 08:56 PM
Glad to hear that Bongo is ok!!

07-21-2004, 07:46 AM
I'm glad Bongo's OK! Keep coming back. I must warn you, though, that this site is addictive.