View Full Version : please help ~ shaking cat

11-28-2001, 08:09 PM
everytime i hold her she is shaking all the time! what is wrong with her? is she scared of something?

-cinder rules!-

11-28-2001, 10:01 PM
How old is she? How long have you had her? Does she seem frightened when you hold her? Eyes wide, ears back? When do you hold her and for how long? Have you changed this time recently?

11-29-2001, 07:04 AM
Cinder - how long has this been goin on - Karen's asked all the other questions. Vet time sounds in order to me.

11-29-2001, 05:52 PM
cinder is verrrrry sensitive to sound. she gets scared of saxaphone music and she will wake up if you move around. maybe it is because of the screen door. when we slam the door shut, maybe she gets scared. we've had her for 5 months (from petsmart's luv-a-pet) and when we pick her up she's shaking already. i think maybe it's because we got a kitten last week who was about 7 weeks old from a friend who was giving her away and right away, the two cats didn't like each other. they hissed at eacher and when we weren't looking, cinder and max attacked each other and poor little cinder hid under the bed. isn't that sad? a 4 year old cat hiding from a 7 week old kitten. that very same night, we returned that kitten back to its owner so cinder would be alright :( maybe she's scared of max coming back. don't cats hate kittens because they're spayed?

-love 4 cinder-