View Full Version : Pictures of Max & chis at farm

07-17-2004, 06:56 PM
We just got back from the farm again.

Mowing the lawn took ALL DAY! Max was so good. He stayed right nearby the entire time. We kept the chis on leash near the house though. Wouldn't want a hawk to take off with them.


This is where he hung out most of the day, except when he was protecting the property from chipmunks.



Remember the truck? I got it just so I could take Max for rides in the country (got a super cash deal on it and it runs great). He LOVES it! Here he is with my hubby.




This is Tony. He's the foster chi we were considering keeping. I don't know - the winters are harsh up here. He's a character, though!


And this is Chloe, Tony's sister. She's going back to my mom for sure (if mom gets well enough). My mom misses her a lot.

07-17-2004, 06:59 PM
Oh my gosh... Look at Tony's ears! LOL

Max sure is a handsome boy. :)

07-17-2004, 07:08 PM
Max is one gorgeous dog! Thanks so much for sharing. I'm kind of prejudiced because he reminds me a little of Duke. I would love to get a bunch of the Shepherd mixes together for a pic. That would be so great. Duke likes going for rides, too. Got to get up super early tomorrow to take care of horse before work and I'm going to take him with me.

07-17-2004, 07:11 PM
great pics! i love those little chihuahuas! Max looks like he was having a really good time. thanks for the pics.:D

07-17-2004, 07:19 PM
Originally posted by dukedogsmom
Max is one gorgeous dog! Thanks so much for sharing. I'm kind of prejudiced because he reminds me a little of Duke. I would love to get a bunch of the Shepherd mixes together for a pic. That would be so great. Duke likes going for rides, too. Got to get up super early tomorrow to take care of horse before work and I'm going to take him with me.

I think Max is blushing under all of his fur. He saws "Awwww thanks." I like Duke, too. They seem so similar - not only in their appearance but a lot of their postures.

07-17-2004, 07:23 PM
oh goodness! Meeka's favorite thing to do is go for a ride in the car! As a matter of fact, when I say, "goin for a ride?" she goes crazy and as soon as I open the door, she runs right over to the car and jumps on it! lol it is a sight ot see!:D I love all of the pics BTW!!! too cute!

07-17-2004, 07:27 PM
That's how Max is, too, Swimma! He'd pick a car ride above anything else - even food!

07-17-2004, 07:59 PM
Check this out. Kay showed me how to do it. I was going to pm it to you but you can't do attachemnts. It's not the greatest job but I think it looks pretty neat.

07-17-2004, 08:04 PM
Whoa - psychidelic!

07-17-2004, 08:29 PM
Max is so handsome! And the little chi's are so cute! I can't imagine such little pups!