View Full Version : The great escape

Heather Wallace
01-03-2002, 02:23 PM
Yes, Tatty Bogles has been up to his tricks again! My partner derek went to the vets today with Tatty the cat. Tatty was in one of those cat carriers and as he lifted him out of the car the carrier brust open and out jumped Tatty in the middle of a busy street. He then decided to head for the rearest garden that had a hugh fence and my partner couldn't get in. I then received a frantic phone call saying that Tatty had escaped and he wouldn't come back. I guess he knew he was to pay a visit to the vets again! Eventually Derek got him back but only by saying the magic words "Dinner Tatty". Poor Derek must have felt like a right fool standing there trying to tempt a cat back into his carrrier. The thing Derek was worried about was that the vets is situated on a busy main road, he thought Tatty may have paniced and ran out.

Has anyone else been embarressed by their pets, come on spill the beans - get a red face! :o

01-03-2002, 04:51 PM
I've already admitted to this one eons ago, so might as well reconfess ... :o :o :o

My sister, niece, and I were just leaving for the community hot tub when Cassy escaped. I don't let him out as we are very close to several heavy traffic roads. His favorite toy at that time was a feather doo-dad on a stick which sounded like a baby rattle so I grabbed it and also snagged some lunch meat, one of his favorite treats. Chased him down to some bushes while rattling the toy and crooning, "Cold cuts, baby, cooooold cuuuuuts." I was half in a bush when I became obsessed with the horrid thought that someone might be training a video camera on the short, fat, be-swimming suited crazy lady doing weird things in the bushes...

Cassy was captured, successfully, but it was a while before I could face my neighbors.

Heather Wallace
01-04-2002, 01:11 PM
Thanks for your story Amberlee, Derek was happy to know he is not the only person to do silly things in bushes!!

01-05-2002, 01:22 PM
I almost lost my Bugsy to a great escape. He had disappeared one day and Bugsy has a handicap. His ears are all wrinkled up and he can't hear very well, at least not 'where' the noise is coming from. Anyway I was scared to death. If he got out before, he always came right back. It got later and later and I went looking for him. No Bugsy!

He was missing for 1 full week. I put out flyers in everyones mailbox, went to the MSPCA, was out all hours of the night calling him. I had everyone in the neighborhood looking for him.

I was just about to give up hope when I decided to take another walk down the street with my friend. We stopped at this vacant house that was for sale and looked in the windows, calling his name just like I did all week. Then my friend yelled out that he had just seen a black and white cat running in the house. I didn't believe it at first. I kept calling his name but nothing.

There was a sign out front saying who the realtor was and called him at home. He told me where the key was and I got in and called for him again, nothing. The first place I looked was the cellar. There was a crawl space and I looked in and called him again. Finally I heard this little mew and I cried!

He was SO thin. I put him under my arm and walked back toward the house. As soon as he saw the house, he struggled to get down. I could hardly contain him. I think it was the happiest moment of his life! Got him inside the house and he went right for the food dish. I thought I'd never see him again.

He is the best cat I've ever had. He loves to snuggle and give kisses. He'd never hurt a flea never mind a human friend. I'm glad I got another chance with him. :D :D :D

01-05-2002, 11:34 PM
I allow my cats to go outside(which I have mixed feelings about) and so I seem to always be looking for them because I like to know where they are all the time.I call them in the house, do a head count, look in all the places I can think of and if I havent seen one of them in say an hour(ok maybe less) I go outside and walk up and down the street calling them. My neighbors are all cat lovers and usually ask "which one are you looking for" So this is where they embarress me. I call and call, come back in, call and call, now I'm frantic. So I really look good this time and Lo and Behold there they are sleeping quite comfortably under the couch, or in the bathroom cabinet, and of course looking at me like "whats your problem, Mom?" :rolleyes:

08-05-2003, 09:53 AM
Juke joint joseph likes to escape to do his gigs and meet the public. CD sales have been a little soft lately. And he likes to visit his number one fan, a certain tuxedette in Chicago!

08-05-2003, 11:19 AM
The very first night I brought Tanner home (separating him from Mom), I thought that he had escaped. He was soooooo tiny and it was pouring rain (like usual). It was already dark outside, but I went out with a flashlight and I was calling his name. One of my neighbors came upon me with my butt sticking out of the bushes and she asked what I was doing. So I explained what was happening and she got a good laugh out of it. It turns out that Tanner had hidden behind a bedside table and he blended in with the carpet so I hadn't seen him when I first looked in the apartment.

feeling frisky
08-05-2003, 11:35 AM
I just recently bought a house. shortly afetr moving in we noticed things missing. First a toothbrush, comb,washcloths, jewelry, and then one day my check book was gone. About 4 months later we started to remodle our basement and believe it or not in a corner way in the back was a box left from moving with all these missing items as well as cat food and clothing. We kept track and noticed my female blue russian was stealing !! i think she was saving for a raining day.Chloe had taken all these items including my check book!!:eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :confused: