View Full Version : Rant #999

07-17-2004, 03:03 PM
A realtor just walked into my house with a family today without knocking. I couldn't believe it! It made me feel so violated. I hate selling my house, it is such a hassle.

07-17-2004, 03:15 PM
Wow! Tonya, that was a really low thing for him to do!

Reminds me of something that happened to my daughter. She said she was running around her house with just a shirt on and panties. She said the mailman came to her door with a package, and she was going to run and put on a pair of pants, and told him to wait just a minute. You guessed it, he didn't wait, he just opened the door anyway! She said she felt so weird, standing there trying to pull her shirt down as low as she could. She got her panites covered up, but anyway, he probably knew she was just wearing a shirt!

That is really stepping over the boundaries, and well what did he say to you? Did he know he was suppose to knock? Did he even call and let you know he was coming?


07-17-2004, 03:18 PM
I'm assuming the realtor had a key. Do you also have a deadbolt lock that maybe he doesn't have? Just keep that deadbolt locked while you're home.

07-17-2004, 03:20 PM
Willie, I guess I'll just copy and paste my rant from the dog house. It answers most of your questions.

Today, this family came with their realtor. They didn't call first. They walked in without knocking. They had a 5, 2, and 8 year old. The eight year old immediatly started digging into my son's toys. The five year old screamed bloody murder hysterically because I owned dogs. My dogs were secured away. But that wasn't enough. I couldn't hear myself think with her screeches. So, while I'm running back and forth babysitting the 5 and 8 year old, the 2 year old let herself in my backyard and let Sarah loose.

I caught Sarah a few streets away. They did appologize, but still! And no, he didn't even call! For now on, I'll attach that chain when I'm home.

07-17-2004, 03:23 PM
Originally posted by Freckles
I'm assuming the realtor had a key. Do you also have a deadbolt lock that maybe he doesn't have? Just keep that deadbolt locked while you're home.

We've got one of those lock boxes on the house. It's a box that all realtors have a key to. And then the house key is inside. But our house is listed as appointment only. And I think it's common sense to knock/call before hand! If I am not home, all the other realtors have asked if they can let themselves in first. All we have is one of those chains that makes it where the door only opens partway. I'll have to use that from here on out.

07-17-2004, 11:37 PM
Rant #1000

I think you all are going to start hearing alot of rants about my house. Sorry.

We just discovered today that our house has termite infestation. AND we need a new roof. We've only owned this house for two years. The inspector says it is obvious that the damage has been here longer, so the previous inspector didn't do his job. I called the previous inspector and they're out of business now. We don't have an actual estimate yet, but it looks like we're going to be paying $10,000-$15,000 to get this house certified so we can sell the stupid thing. ARGH!

On the brighter side, Mike has to sell his motorcycles in order for us to come up with the money. You all know how I hate his racing. hehe.

Miss Meow
07-17-2004, 11:58 PM
That's awful about your house and the inspector being out of business (gee, I wonder why :().

We had pest and building inspections done when we bought this house, and the limit of their liability if something went wrong was limited only to the amount we had paid them - about $800 all up. There is something seriously wrong with the whole business.