View Full Version : Grr... stupid people.

07-16-2004, 11:05 PM
This isn't much of a rant, but here goes.

One weekend, we were up north. Tons of people were up north with their dogs because it was the 4th of July. No problem, I love meeting new dogs.

Anyway, this lady goes by on her MOTORCYCLE with her son on the back, and the dog is lesuirely following along behind.

#1, you aren't allowed to have/ride motorcycles in our campground, at least not as fast as she was going. :mad:

Then, her dog, I forgot his name, stops to go to the bathroom in our yard. Not a problem, she should be carrying a baggie. But is she? No.

Okay, I'm a little mad. She laughs and says her son will be back with a bag. Alright lady, stick to your promise, you'll be okay.

About 4 hours go by and she hasn't returned. We had given up on her coming back anyway, she seemed like that kind of person, a liar. She rides by again on the stupid bike and my grandma yells, "Did you bring your bag?" She lets out this high pitched hyena laugh and keeps going. Never even stops.

Now you've got me INFURIATED. :mad:

About ten of the neighbor kids are playing baseball in the road [dirt roads] and the dog went to the bathroom about 3 feet away. I get pissed off and go and pick it up myself so no one steps in it and gets hurt.


I might be being a baby... but god, it made me REALLY mad. That's the responsibility of having a dog. You clean up after it if it makes a mess in someone elses yard. That's uncalled for. If I see her over vacation, I'll remember to take an Abby present and leave it for her. :) :p

07-16-2004, 11:13 PM
Ahhh I hate how stupid some people can be!! It's sad, really. These people have 2 dogs (I think...haven'ts seen one for a while...) they let them roam the town. One's shelter is a dog house with no roof...the other has a sheet of metal. I think the one might have gotten killed by a vehicle off the highway (they live right next to it...we live in a SMALL town 380 people or so) And it is REALLY sad because you always see their one dog walking around the town. He prefers to be at my neighbours then his own home...we were there tonight for about 3 hours and he was there for about 2, with their dog Hucky.