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View Full Version : My last day at the shelter till I come back...

Laura's Babies
07-16-2004, 05:19 PM
Today was my last day to help out at the shelter until I come back from work next month.. Have a LOT to do and it was a VERY eventful day for me.....

(CCL, I got cat bit, like what Magoo did to you.)

Mama cat was brought in, with 7 kittens, just born. I took the Mama and babies to the back, took her out of the peoples kennel and put her in one of ours and the kittens.. She was a sweet girl and let me pet her. NO PROBLEM! Took her to the cat hut, put her in the cage, NO problem, Put a towel under her and the kittens with no problems. The last time I stuck my hand in there, she NAILED me!! TEETH and claws went in my right arm. Got deep punctures.. I called the doctor when I got home and told them, they said to come in... I got a shot and meds for a week and they want to see me again Monday or Tuesday to make sure the meds are doing what they are suppose to.. So, how was YOUR DAY?:rolleyes:

(Later when I went back in there to finish up, she was friendly again and wanted petting and noooooooo, I didn't dare try that again!!);)

07-16-2004, 06:02 PM
OUCH!!! Sorry you got bit but glad you went to the doctor. Those cat bites are nothing to mess with.

Guess you'll have something to remind you of your time at the shelter while your gone. Just trying to find a positive side.:)

Laura's Babies
07-16-2004, 06:28 PM
Daughter said the vet was going to the doctor too! Princess really tore him up she said! (Glad all that happened after she had paid the bill!!!)

07-16-2004, 06:56 PM
Oh Laura, I am so sorry to hear you got bit and oh so glad that you saw a doctor right away. I hope the meds kick in fast and you have a quick recovery. Please take care.

07-16-2004, 10:51 PM
LAURA!!! Bless your heart about your poor hand! Gosh, I sure am glad you went right to the doctor! You must be in some pain. Please be sure and get right back to the doctor if you get any signs of infection!!!

On another note... your gift swap package was awesome! Ijust love seeing your babies enjoy everything so much! Made my night!

Take care of that hand!

Love and Hugs,

smokey the elder
07-17-2004, 07:02 AM
Geez, what's in that red thing, anyway? Kitty crack?:p ;) :D

Laura's Babies
07-17-2004, 07:13 AM
I moved that post to it's own thread like I meant to post it to start with...But that red thing?? I don't know what was in it but they all went wild and crazy over it...I am going to look and see if I can find them locally and get MORE! It made them act like complete clowns!!

07-17-2004, 07:53 AM
Great big huge OUCH Laura!! I'm glad you were smarter than me and went straight to the doctor! I was stupid and didn't do anything until the infection was horrible. I know how painful that is and I hope the meds work quick so you don't have pain or swelling when you have to go back to work. Kitties are so moody at times aren't they? Sweet one minute, nasty the next, and then sweet again!! I'm sure the momma was confused and something must have scared her when she bit you. Maybe she is still hormonal!http://petoftheday.com/talk/images/our_smilies/biggrin.gif

Why was Princess at the vet? Did I miss something? I was kind of busy at work yesterday and I didn't keep caught up on everything. How dare them make me work!!!
Has Princess gone to live with your son yet?

Laura's Babies
07-17-2004, 08:24 AM
CCL, she was at the vet getting her shots and a complete exam before I take her to my son.. We will go today, Amy, Giz, Midnight, and Princess.(To my son's ) I wanted a estimate on how old she is and tested before we exposed her to the rest of our babies.

I went to the doctor because my daughter told the vet that Mama cat had attacked me like that and he told her to tell me to GO NOW!! He told her whenever he gets attacked, he goes IMMEDIATELY and for me to get to one NOW!! They gave me a injection of antibotics and a week worth to take by mouth. The pain today has eased up a LOT!! The doctor wants to look at it again Monday or Tuesday to make sure the meds are working because he said sometimes you have to try something else... I was hoping the one shot would cover it...I'll take a shot anyday over 7 to 10 days by mouth!!

With as many scared ones as we get in there, I told my boss that I am really surprised that this has not happened yet.. Once you put them poor babies in that cage, their whole personality change from sweet and loving to scared and horrified.. The only ones that are not like that are the ones that come in so starved that they are actually grateful to have food and water and really apperciate it..

They said we need to give her pumpkin pie filling for her hard stool, do you have any idea how much??

07-17-2004, 08:28 AM
The Found Cats hope that you are not hurt,too badly,and that Poor Mama Cat,must have paniced,she didnt mean it,werte sure!