View Full Version : Eliot is TOP CAT!!

07-16-2004, 12:37 PM
Eliot here. Meowmie got the message and gave me my own thread. Some of you people gave her a talking to and finally put her in her place! She had forgotten who was *top cat* around here! ME NOT that orange brother of mine! It feels great to be understood. I just don't have time to lay around like a lug and make eyes at the flashie box. I have bugs to chase. I have birds to ack-ack at. And - there is a black cat that keeps waltzing into MY backyard!!! He acts like he owns the place. I know I tore the screen a little bit, well I tore it ALLOT, but I had to let him know this was MY house!!! My sister was sitting there looking all purty and my brother barely picked up his head. So YES, I AM the top cat and I am glad you all told off my Meowmie because I am finally getting more respect! She even blubbered all over me and told me I was number ONE:D She used to leave me IN CHARGE everytime she left the house and she is finally doing that again. THANKS EVERYONE!
~Eliot (with ONE L) cuz I am named after a famous poet - TS Eliot;)
Here is my catdaddy handfeeding ME! I only accept Whiskas Temptations and they HAVE to be salmon..
These are almost the same - but Meowmie wanted to skow them both anyway - me on the dresser...

07-16-2004, 12:48 PM
:D :D :D :D

07-16-2004, 01:18 PM
Oh Eliot, I'm so glad your meowmie is sharing more pictures of you...because you are just so handsome. I bet that black cat in your backyard went running when he saw you tearing at the screen to get out and show him who is BOSS!!!!

07-16-2004, 01:56 PM
Eliot, you are too good looking. I bet all the ladies turn to mush around you. I know I do.

07-16-2004, 01:58 PM
How dare that black cat cross your path...He certainly did NOT know who he was a messin' with.

You are a good house foreman Eliot...Kudos to you!

07-16-2004, 02:01 PM
Eliot, you are a cutie pie and I am happy to hear you are in control- of the birds, of your family, of the Temptataions:D

07-16-2004, 02:25 PM
Eliot, I'm so glad meowmie finally woke up from her orangie induced haze acknowledged the truth about you!

What I am wondering is whether or not that new black cat will become the 4th member of the family?

Allen says:
Temptations RULE!

07-16-2004, 02:43 PM
Yeah more Eliot pictures!! Boy meowmie must be feeling bad if we've managed to guilt two Eliot threads in one week from her, LOL!! Just kidding Debbie.

I'm a charter member of the Eliot Fan Club. I say a minimum of two picture posts a week of the gorgeous boy is expected!

07-16-2004, 04:19 PM
Originally posted by catnapper
What I am wondering is whether or not that new black cat will become the 4th member of the family?

Not a chance! I know where he lives! He's fat and mean and wears a collar. He just better stay outta MY yard! He poops in my Meowmie's flowers and eats my fresh catnip:mad: That's why I had to make that hole in the screen! He waddled away real quick!! Besides, no new cats in this family unless *I* say so! (and Meowmie ;))

07-16-2004, 04:28 PM
Eliot, I had no idea that this black cat was an intruder of the worst sort! I am sorry that he is eating all of your catnip. That is a sin unlike any other in the cat world. You truly deserve extra Temptations for the heartache suffered over the loss.

Now, I wonder if you'd entertain a nice brohter - to be a partner in crime? Maybe one more like yourself... one that would have been at the screendoor with you alerting the house to the terror outside. You've already mentioned that nobody cares about it! With two of you on the lookout... welll, things might be different!

07-16-2004, 08:39 PM
Originally posted by catnapper
Now, I wonder if you'd entertain a nice brohter - to be a partner in crime?
well I will tell you a secret. My Meowmie is wanting to get me a new brother but my dad said that we already have a nice even number in the family. Well, Meowmie laughed and said five was NOT an even number and that made daddy mad:mad: So now Meowmie is being real nice but she looks at kitties on the computer all the time and talks about a kitty that needs her so maybe I will get that brother one of these days. I will let ya know!! Love, Eliot

07-16-2004, 10:40 PM
Oh Eliot, you are a most deserving "top cat" ... and so very handsome too! I am so sorry that I sent you the wrong flavor of Temptations! I think I sent Chicken! :rolleyes: I'll have to make that up to you later, sweet boy!!!;)


07-16-2004, 11:56 PM

Josie took this picture just for you!!! She thinks you're very handsome!!! She sends you kitty kisses!!! :)


07-17-2004, 08:48 AM
Dont Woorry ,Elliot,there is a parcel,coming your way,from all of us here,and we hope that you like the Big Mice,and the suprises,that are coming ,your way,as we love you,and your sisters!

07-17-2004, 09:29 AM
Oh Eliot! We love you and I'm so glad to see that you have your daddy trained too! You keep things straight around there you handsome boy! What a sweety and so handsome too!
Maybe we will have to work on daddy a little bit about getting you a new brother!http://petoftheday.com/talk/images/our_smilies/biggrin.gif

07-17-2004, 09:51 AM
Eliot I am so happy to hear that you have gotten the recognition that you so rightly deserve.:) You are such a handsome guy and deserve to be top cat for protecting the house from the black kitty.

Thanks for standing still for the flashy box.