View Full Version : David Letterman 'jokes' about killing 15,000 dogs in Greece

07-16-2004, 08:25 AM
Gary Kaskel <[email protected]> wrote:
Last night, David Letterman's monologue contained a "joke" about the poisoning of 15,000 dogs in Greece prior to the opening of the summer Olympics.

In my opinion, this was more than an act of insensitivity. It was downright sick.

If you want to let Mr. Letterman to know how you feel about it, here are the contacts:

David Letterman
The Ed Sullivan Theater
1697 Broadway
New York NY, 10019
Fax: 212-975-7352
webmail: http://www.cbs.com/latenight/lateshow/#

Les Moonves, president
CBS Television
524 West 57th Street
New York NY 10019
Tel 212-975-4321

Gary Kaskel
United Action for Animals


07-16-2004, 06:10 PM
I never could stand David Letterman to begin with. He's ugly and not funny at all!!!

Aspen and Misty
07-16-2004, 06:18 PM
He isn't funny!


07-21-2004, 01:21 PM
Here's an email I just sent to Gary Kaskel, author of your forwarded email re David Letterman. It is self-explanatory. Gary was grossly mistaken in his interpretation. Please advise your lists to ignore Gary's email.


My computer's been down for 6 days or I would've responded immediately.

Boy, did you misread this! Did you actually see the show? or are you
going on someone else's (mis)interpretation?

Dave Letterman is a HUGE dog lover. (But if you're not a fan, of course
there's no way for you to know that.) I was watching the show and took
notes (to give to Marijo Gillis, who, by the way, was thrilled to hear
about it).

Dave was making a serious point, particularly with his concluding
comment. Here's how it went:

(Addressing his studio audience):
"How many of you are looking forward to the summer Olympics in Greece?"
(audience applauds)

"You know, they're poisoning 15,000 stray dogs there, getting ready for
the Olympics."
(audience laughs,either because they think it's leading up to a joke, or
they're brain-dead and running on auto-pilot)

(In a voice dripping with sarcasm)
"Yeah, because nothing says 'Olympic Spirit' like 15,000 dead dogs."

Please send a "never mind" follow-up email to your list.
