View Full Version : Sweet Little Peanut...????

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
07-15-2004, 10:56 PM
Don't let her fool you. She's a sweetie, but she'll definitely let you know when she's had enough. And if you don't get the hint the first time, she'll just walk away. :D

07-15-2004, 11:09 PM
I've been waiting for this video all day!!!!! And it was WORTH THE WAIT!!!

Tubby ain't the smartest kitty is he? lick lick lick - attack - lick lick lick! :D I'm dying of laughter here, and choking because hubby's sleeping and I don't want to wake him!

And Peanut is um, fluffier than I ever figured. It takes her a while to get that beauitiful tail situated too!

What a riot!!!! :D :D :D

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
07-15-2004, 11:29 PM
Originally posted by catnapper
And Peanut is um, fluffier than I ever figured. It takes her a while to get that beauitiful tail situated too!

Yes, for some reason she's turning into a little pudgster lately. She's got difficulties with her tail, and he just sits there licking his chops. ;) :D He actually sat there for about 5 minutes afterwards licking his chops, guess she tastes good. ;)

I couldn't believe I got this. Normally we yell at Tubby to stop because we know Peanut doesn't like it, but since Terry was gone I let it go on. He had actually been licking on her for awhile when the video started. He had just taken a little break and lifted his head up. I knew the fur would start flying soon because I could see she was getting aggrivated, so I just kept the old video rolling. ;)

I thought it was a hoot too, so I knew you guys would enjoy it. :D

07-15-2004, 11:35 PM
Poor rejected Tubby. Peanut is funny!! She kind of waddles off like Ripley does.

07-15-2004, 11:58 PM
what a hoot!!!

07-16-2004, 02:51 AM
Aaaawwwww sweet Tubby - washing her - then he gets the swat!! I did spot the Peanut 'waddle' - he he he :D


07-16-2004, 03:42 AM

07-16-2004, 05:58 AM
ROFLOL!!!! What a GREAT video! Tubby is in no way offended or put off by her is he? He was enjoying himself so too bad if she didn't like it! I got a real kick out of this video!! We hear about Tubby's ummm.."licking fetish" but it is so funny to see it.
Peanut you are one beautiful girl! No wonder Tubby can't keep his tongue to himself!!!

:D :D :D :D http://petoftheday.com/talk/images/our_smilies/biggrin.gif

07-16-2004, 06:15 AM
Oh, I couldn't help but think ... poor Tubby, he just wanted to give her wash and be friendly, and she hisses. I think he looked rather confused that she walked away.

Kisses to them both. :)

07-16-2004, 08:14 AM
ROFLOL!!!! I have to say that what Peanut did to Tubby is mild compared to what happens in my house when Mystic has had enough. Poor Tubby...just did not get the hint did he?? :rolleyes:

Just last night in my house Abner decided that Mystic needed her face washed. Mark and I were in the kitchen watching Abner do this to her when all of a sudden she almost bit his head off.....well when she lifted her face up she had a bunch of Abner's fur in her mouth...hanging down to her chin....she looked like she had an Abner beard. ;)

07-16-2004, 08:40 AM
Lol, Peanut knows how to express her feelings. Poor Tubby :)

07-16-2004, 08:56 AM
Sweet Tubby you can come over here to Vermont and Samantha will let you lick her all over if you like!;) :p
Cute Video!:)

07-16-2004, 09:06 AM
oh MY!! That Peanut has a feisty temper doesn't she? I had to keep re-watching THAT:D We never see that stuff here. The spats are very mild by comparison. I think that was a full open mouthed hiss, swat, smack!!! And poor Tubby must be used to it, because he did not even react:D Just sat patiently licked his chops:rolleyes: He must have been rubbing her the wrong way, eh???

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
07-16-2004, 09:26 AM
I had to watch this again myself.

See, we normally hear all this more than we see it. Tubby knows he's not supposed to do this, so it's not often he's so blatant about it. He usually waits until they're both downstairs - out of our site. And he makes a ton of noise when Peanut lets him know she's had enough, so we normally hear the spat and by the time we get there she's "waddling" away. ;) :D

He does look confused though, like "I was having such a good time, why'd you leave Peanut?" :D

07-16-2004, 09:46 AM
Poor Tubby,looka a little Crest Fallen,tat his attempts at kindness,were so rejected! He really looks sad,that Peanuts bit,then walked!

07-16-2004, 10:03 AM
Originally posted by Tubby & Peanut's Mom

He does look confused though, like "I was having such a good time, why'd you leave Peanut?" :D

Poor Tubby, just being a freindly kitty and you get rejected! It's ok... Sympathy *tummyrubs* for you :D

07-16-2004, 02:12 PM
Originally posted by Tubby & Peanut's Mom
Yes, for some reason she's turning into a little pudgster lately. She's got difficulties with her tail, and he just sits there licking his chops. ;) :D He actually sat there for about 5 minutes afterwards licking his chops, guess she tastes good. ;)


Well, you know when you lick Peanut Butter it takes a while to get it all off the roof of your mouth..... Hahaha..I hear the collective groan now. :D

07-16-2004, 02:40 PM
So sweet- my heart is on Tubby's side. But they really look strange in the video: Peanut is such a small kittycat and Tubby is bigger- if I remember it right:D

07-16-2004, 02:52 PM
Wow, Peanut is pretty big........how big is she? She reminds me of Fluffy, the way she waddles off and all the fur.

Fluffy is the official groomer in our house. He has "taught" both Lucky & Yoshi to groom each other. Although Lucky (the Prince) doesn't really groom anyone but himself.........but loves to be groomed by the other two :rolleyes:

Is Peanut the one on the Cosequin??

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
07-16-2004, 03:39 PM
Originally posted by nibblets
Well, you know when you lick Peanut Butter it takes a while to get it all off the roof of your mouth..... Hahaha..I hear the collective groan now. :D

Groooaaaan....;) :D

Peanut's Size - the video is deceptive. She is really smaller than Tubby. She's about 8 lbs and he's more than 15, so she's about 1/2 his size. It must just be the perspective of the camera and the fact that sometimes Tubby just looks like a skinny runty kinda kitty! :eek: I don't know how that happens but sometimes he looks so skinny and sometimes he looks quite big.

Catsnclay. Tubby is the one on Cosequin, but I've started to give it to Peanut now too since she's still limping a little. If she's still limping next week I'm going to call the vet back like he told me to if she doesn't get better. She has just recently started seeming stiff like you see in the video so I'll have to ask him about that too.

On a side note, Tubby tried to jump on the couch last night and "missed." :( The couch isn't that high and he's never had a problem with it before. Guess I'll have to get another little step stool for him upstairs. :(

07-16-2004, 09:45 PM
On a side note, Tubby tried to jump on the couch last night and "missed." :( The couch isn't that high and he's never had a problem with it before. Guess I'll have to get another little step stool for him upstairs. :( [/B]

That's what Fluffy started doing too....missing little jumps. Also when missing those jumps, he would stop and sit there for about 20 mins before moving again, like he pulled something. That really got me worried! Then he took the Cosequin and I swear, within 3 days he was back to normal. Every once in a while I will notice that he can't get up into bed. We already have step stools all around for him. He knows too its to help him. They are pretty smart :D

07-16-2004, 10:33 PM
LOL!!! "enough already, Tubs!":rolleyes: :D

smokey the elder
07-17-2004, 07:04 AM
If looks could kill.....!:D

07-17-2004, 11:32 AM
LOL! Poor Tubby looks SO dejected! Peanut waddles like my little Mitzi - I think of it as a purely girly-girl thing, like when our hips sway when we walk. Peanut is ALL woman and I think Tubby knows that and is smitten which is why he always wants to lick her. Poor guy.

07-17-2004, 01:28 PM
LOL awww poor Tubby!;)
Hehe Blueberry does that all the time with us. If we're petting him while he's sleeping and he doesn't like it, he just gets up and sleeps somewhere else:p LOL

07-17-2004, 02:45 PM
Poor Tubby, he looks like such a nice boy. That was a very cute video!

Lisa & Sash