View Full Version : kitten growth

09-07-2001, 11:19 PM
I am just curious: at what age do kittens/cats stop growing? I have a 8-month old Maine Coon kitten, and weighed him yesterday at almost 12 lbs.! I know M. Coons are large cats, but wow! He has been averaging aprox. 2-3 lbs. a month. Do they stop growing and gaining weight BEFORE they are full year, or do they keep growing for awhile? Just wondering........I have not had a kitten for awhile.

4 feline house
09-08-2001, 12:24 AM
Both my 20 pounder and my 13 pounder continued to grow after one year. Cookie went from 9 pounds to 13 pounds in her second year (although some of that is tubbs - she's now on a diet!) Her vet said she should weigh about 12, which is way above average for a girl. Big was a whopping 8 pounds at 4 months, which is twice average, was 15 pounds at 1 year, and at 2 is now 20 pounds. He's on a diet, too! But, like his sister, even after he loses enough weight to make his doctor happy, he will still be about 17-18 pounds. So they clearly continued to grow past their first birthdays.

Although they are not 100%, they appear to have Manx blood, which is a large breed like Maine Coons.

Back in the 80's a coworker raised Maine Coons and she did once tell my they generally achieve full size at about age two.

Most other breeds are considered full grown at a year.

09-08-2001, 07:10 PM
Well, I guess I will have a large cat. My older cat is a Maine Coon/Himilayen mix and he is about 14lbs. I keep telling him to be nice to the kitten, because he will probably be bigger than him some day.