View Full Version : My Handsome Siamese Eli...who has cerebellar hypoplasia

07-15-2004, 04:11 PM
This is my very handsome, smart blue-point siamese Eli who was born with a pretty severe case of cerebellar hypoplasia, but gets around very well. He's a very messy eater, and walks like a drunken sailor, but otherwise he's a loving sweet boy!


I like to lounge around...until the next meal!


Eyeballing the dreaded stairs...who's coming upstairs to see me?


My meowmie has to watch herself at night! My claws are like daggers, and when I get on the bed....she gets impaled by me...heeee, heee, hee! :eek: :eek: :D

07-15-2004, 04:16 PM
What exactly is cerebellar hypoplasia? Is it something to do with balance (you mentioned it in your thread)? Eli is very beautiful. I love his coloring! :)

07-15-2004, 04:26 PM
Originally posted by aki
What exactly is cerebellar hypoplasia? Is it something to do with balance (you mentioned it in your thread)? Eli is very beautiful. I love his coloring! :) It is caused by the mother cat contracting panleukopenia while pregnant. If the cat survives the virus, her developing kittens are often affected to varying degrees with brain damage. It affects the portion of the brain (the cerebellum) which is responsible for balance. Eli's littermates were all CH to a degree, but poor Eli was hit the hardest. It can be avoided if people were more responsible about vaccinating their pets ( FVRCP, altering, and not abandoning them) but I don't see it happening too soon. *sigh*

07-15-2004, 04:33 PM
Originally posted by QueenScoopalot

I like to lounge around...until the next meal!

Me too, LOL!!!!

You have given Eli such a good home :). He is extra handsome. I love his black nosey and the shape of his mouth/jaw area.

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
07-15-2004, 04:49 PM
He is sooo beautiful! I love the last pic, he looks exactly like what you typed. :D

Laura's Babies
07-15-2004, 05:36 PM
VERY special hugs and kisses to Eli from me! You know how I feel about special kitties by now, so make it a VERY special hug and kiss!! Maybe someday, him and Amy can get together and swap handicap stories.. One thing he has going for him, he is VERY handsome, his coat looks so sleek and velvety and those dreamy eyes
****SWOON ****

07-15-2004, 06:38 PM
There is a little baby named Isis in Siamese Rescue now.
She has CH.

Is the only way you get CH from Panleuk?

Her two brothers have eye issues, one had his little eye removed today.:(
But I know he'll be fine, and Isis will be too.

Here's her info.

Loc:Â_Â_South Carolina

Not kids under 6

Well my eyes seem to have cleared up but now they have found out that I have a condition with a long name, Cerebellar Hypoplasia. The name is bigger than I am. This means I am special and will need a special home and adopter. I have a congenital condition which affects my motor skills and my contol of motion. Everyone says that I will learn to compensate for my disabilities and live a happy life. I know this is possible because foster mom says so and because I don't know that I am different. I love to play like my brothers. I just can't do all that they do right now. Give me time though. I can already cuddle well. Foster: Cindy, Updated 7/1/04.

07-15-2004, 06:57 PM
You are a good person to adopt a Special needs kitty. He is adorable :D :D

07-15-2004, 07:20 PM
T&P Yup...the caption fits Eli to a T
Laura...I'll give Eli a kiss on his velveteen pussywillow head for you!
Rose..This is the only way a kitten can contract ch is from the mom cat, but there's been a few cases where very young kittens can come down with panleuk. aka distemper, and if they survive the virus, they may be affected. I have rescued quite a few feral born ch kittens, and managed to adopt out a few, but tend to have an extra soft spot for the special needs ones, and hog them for myself! :D Isis sounds gorgeous! I hope a special home comes through for her. I've been a member of the ch kitty club for years now, and it's a great source for support, and info as well. They are at [email protected], but people have to sign up. I've posted the link for the site [email protected] I have quite a few stories of my special kitties there. Click ch kitty club link, then members, then there's 2 columns..one is ch kitties, and at the top it says jump to kitties with other disabilities....yup more there. :rolleyes: :eek: :D

07-15-2004, 08:13 PM
Eli is so fantastically gorgeous!!! I love his coloring and his fur looks like velvet. I am also so much in awe that there are people so willing to open their heart and homes to special kitties with special needs. Makes me feel really good:D I guess that is why I love it here so much!! How about planting a kiss for me right between Eli's eyes and up justa little - right there..yes.*SMOOCH*

07-15-2004, 08:52 PM
Deb...this kiss will be delivered if Eli can stop that bobbing long enough! :D My handsome bobble-head boy!;) He has a mean streak which thankfully doesn't come up often. One cat I rescued years back was torured by Eli. I had to put her food and litterpan away from him (he can't jump, but climbs) as he'd sit and wait for her and then WHAM...tryed to kill her! :eek: Luckily the cat got a home. Eli generally gets along fine with newcomers, but for some reason hated this poor cat! Kissies coming up Eli...my handsome pussywillow bud!:p

leslie flenner
07-15-2004, 08:57 PM
jan- not everyone knows what panlukepenia is! Say distemper instead!!! People are told to get distemper vaccines which cover the panluk- whatever virus- the important thing is to get the distemper vaccine and booster on time (is my understanding).

07-15-2004, 08:58 PM

I already gave that yahoo link over to our yahoo, there the foster mama of Isis has already expressed interest in it.

Curious, the Mom cat is in rescue too. Doesn't seem to have had distemper. And the two brothers are o.k., except eye problems, after they all had URI.

I appreciate any education I can get.

BTW, Eli is so adorable. My Snowy is a big blue boy too. I just love them.

07-15-2004, 09:05 PM
Originally posted by rosethecopycat

I already gave that yahoo link over to our yahoo, there the foster mama of Isis has already expressed interest in it.

Curious, the Mom cat is in rescue too. Doesn't seem to have had distemper. And the two brothers are o.k., except eye problems, after they all had URI.

I appreciate any education I can get.

BTW, Eli is so adorable. My Snowy is a big blue boy too. I just love them. Rose, I'm not too sure that's the right link for Yahoo groups
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This is from the digest that I get daily. It has the address to sign up, and it's a very active group!! There's a lot of info on the ch kitty club website as well. Google search 'cerebellar hypoplasia' and it's one of the first sites to pop up! I have five of these special kitties...almost all were born as ferals. They have a lot of spunk!

leslie flenner
07-15-2004, 09:06 PM
Jan- and others- I had a pregnant stray who had 4 healthy kittens that at age 5 weeks suddenly began to weaken and loose balance, all in various degrees. I believe the exercises prescribed did help some (loose towel ramp to make them climp up and down to strengthen muscles) but their ch was from mother who, I was told, likely had distemper AT SOME POINT in her life (ie not contracted during pregnancy necessarily) and she survived it but it is dormant, so to speak in her system. (perhaps they develop antibodies that aren't transferred to fetuses?) Remember her- she's in Rockport now with her kids in a good home...

07-15-2004, 09:35 PM
Eli is a handsome fellow!

07-15-2004, 09:43 PM
What a gorgeous boy!!!

07-16-2004, 08:50 AM


07-16-2004, 08:55 AM
That is nice,of you to give Eli,such a Great Home,and I bet that seeing him,coping,and being as happy as any other cat,gives you a Good feeling!

07-16-2004, 10:29 AM
Originally posted by IttyBittyKitty

http://www.imagestation.com/picture/sraid109/pa3b9c8b99096ae9c8aae468a0257cbf8/f929892a.jpg Wow Eli says! A long lost cousin...and a gorgeous one at that! Aren't meezers one of the most beautiful breeds of cats? I'm quite partial to them myself! Scritches and headbonks to Pixel from Eli! Well maybe on second thought...he is dangereous! :rolleyes: :eek: :D Purrs!

07-16-2004, 10:33 AM
oh my YES, Pixel and Eli do look like cousins! Look at THAT!!!

smokey the elder
07-17-2004, 06:50 AM
Here's my CH kitty, Diva. She's eight years old. She is VERY intelligent. She has learned to stand in front of the litter box and YOWL at the top of her lungs for someone to hold her while she does her business. Not only that, she knows our wake up and getting home times, but is flexible. As soon as I walk into the kitchen, there she is!! She learned the hard way about stairs, after falling down a couple of times.

07-17-2004, 06:54 AM
Originally posted by QueenScoopalot
Wow Eli says! A long lost cousin...and a gorgeous one at that! Aren't meezers one of the most beautiful breeds of cats?

Agreed!!! Though I am also impartial to Ragdolls!

07-17-2004, 08:59 AM
What a HANDSOME boy!!! He is gorgeous!!!

You guys have been so educational and I think you have finally explained what happend to Lucky as a baby! I talked to our vet about his problems and he said that it sounded like a disease that young kittens can get but he never told me the name. Lucky has really overcome a lot and is ALMOST normal. He has to plan his jumps a little more than the others and he is not graceful at all!! He has really improved over the years and I think it is because he is such a fighter and goes nonstop which helps keep his muscles strong. Thanks for all the info you guys provide!

Big kisses to that handsome boy of yours!!!!:D :D http://petoftheday.com/talk/images/our_smilies/biggrin.gif

07-17-2004, 09:15 AM
Smokey the Elder....your Diva is a very pretty girl! The name suits her well :) How severe is her ch? Eli is all over the place, and especially when he's excited about something! Then he falls non-stop poor boy. He's knocked a few teeth out over the eight years I've had him, and fell down the stairs once, and remembered not to get too close to them! Smart boy!
:eek: :p :) :)
CCL....You've joined the club too unwittingly! Many vets are clueless about cerebellar hypoplasia, as they've never seen it. It's not uncommon around here, though I wish it were. So sad that so many cats are being affected with distemper and not spayed. I've always wondered just how many are never found in time. :( Zeke, one of my feral boys has ch too, and he was such an uncoordinated little baby all it took was a butterfly net to snag him outside! He does the high marching goose step when he walks. It's hysterical seeing him with a treat like shrimp. He holds his head up sooo high and walks so carefully you'd swear he was carrying a dead giraffe! Zeke's favorite words are 'chicky-chicky'! He knows that means treats! :D

carla and mike
07-17-2004, 09:48 AM
Originally posted by carla and mike
Elie is very handsome.
Poor little guy.Looks like his head is bigger than his body.
What beautiful coloring.

Thank goodness you have Elie now..and all the other cats with handicap problems.You really ARE an angel from heaven.;)