View Full Version : Up All Night...

07-15-2004, 03:10 PM
Ok, another night of this and I'm gonna go nuts... :rolleyes:

Anna and Arthur will NOT sleep thru the night. We took them to the park yesterday and ran them ragged. they came home and crashed but got up around 1am and started barreling through the house. I couldn't get them to settle back down. And this isn't the first time this has happened. My gf works 2 jobs and needs to get whatever sleep she can. Last night was horrible! I finally had to barricade them in the kitchen with chewies and stuff.

Now, I know everyone is gonna jump on with crate training. We can't do it. chloe and Charlie can't be crate trained and the other pups just spend the whole time trying to get out of the crate to be with the other 2. Believe me, we've tried.

Wearing them out during the day is tough too. Considering it gets over 100 just about every day during the summer, I can't take them outside and run them around. Heck, I can't even handle being outside when it's that hot! We either take them to the park or run them around in the back yard later in the evening but it doesn't seem to work. They'll crash out for a couple hours then BOOM, they're back up. ugh...

Any suggestions anyone? :)

07-15-2004, 03:18 PM
I don't see why you couldn't crate train them and put their crates in a room where Chloe and Charlie can't get to them?

If you can't do activities outdoors, I'd go buy a lot of interactive toys like Buster cubes, etc.

07-15-2004, 10:49 PM
If you can possibly find a way, crate train them. Trust me, if they ever have to have surgery and be kept in a crate for recovery, you want them already crate trained. I've done it both ways and the dog that was already crate trained was a breeze.