View Full Version : Cats and Dangerous Insects

Cougie Wechsler
07-07-2001, 01:34 AM
I guess this topic is more fitting under Cat Health so forgive me. Where we live, there are many scorpions, centipedes, milipedes, spiders of all varieties. Our guys (Cougie, Fester, Maximus)are indoor only but any or all of these critters can get into the house and tonight we found a scorpion on the carpet. We have a service that sprays the outside every other month and yearly inside (organic pest control). My question is: how dangerous are these types of insects to cats. Bites from some of these can be very painful. Should we be concerned and is there first aid we should know about should a stinging occur? Have your cats had encounters with insects?

Last summer Cougie tangled with the longest, biggest, ugliest centipede (6 inches) we've seen. He killed it but we found him with it and it would coil up and strike like a snake. I picked him up while we tried to get something to kill it with but he was so fired up that he jumped out of my arms and went after it again. It was trying to run and he would paw at it. He finally killed it somehow. Fester was not having anything to do with it. Cougie was our hero that night as the thought of that thing crawling into bed was chilling but at the same time, we were concerned for his safety!

[ July 07, 2001: Message edited by: Cougie Wechsler ]